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 Missing people

This board can be used as a missing folks board for people who are away from the site for a period of time. This rpobably would mean a month or longer.

If anyone has info on some one who hasn't been at the site for some time please let others know. The original intent of this board was to get and give info on missing people after Katrina and Rita hit the US..

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    10. декември 2005, 06:25:42
    Относно: Looking for a player
    Does anyone know anything about Big H??? He was from Ohio... I was playing games with him but he hasn't played in quite a while so was just wondering... thanks

    7. декември 2005, 05:56:14
    Anyone know what has happened to Rozi.. he has several tourney games ready to time!

    21. ноември 2005, 21:23:33

    21. ноември 2005, 21:11:08
    Radiant2008 :-) 
    Относно: Re: Great Board!! :-)
    ScarletRose: Thank you (((Cathy))) Yes, back by the Grace of God..

    21. ноември 2005, 21:08:16
    Относно: Re: Great Board!! :-)
    Radiant Aunt: oh honey I had no idea.. I am sorry to hear of your terrible ordeal.. Glad however to know you weren't hurt in the end.. and happy to see you back online.

    21. ноември 2005, 21:00:53
    Radiant2008 :-) 
    Относно: Great Board!! :-)
    Променен от Radiant2008 :-) (21. ноември 2005, 21:03:11)
    I have been away for quite some time, because of burglars that broke in my house and took my computer... I missed you all and praise the Good Lord who really worked overtime for me to get me back online swiftly!! Halleluyah! AMEN

    I lost a lot of stuff and because my computer was stolen i couldn't do my work from home anymore either.. So, 3 days after it happened, I asked the members in my small group to pray and to ask if the insurance company could pay me within two weeks.. As you all might know: getting money back from an insurance company can take ages.... but I believed in this prayer and most of all in the Powerful Provision of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Then 2 days later, the expert came. One week later I gave them a ring and informed about the status.. You what they said?

    "The expert and his colleague have checked and calculated everything and its OK. You can expect the money to be on your bank account by the end of the week!"

    And indeed! By the end of the week I received the total amount of all the stuff that was stolen!

    Psalm 107:1
    Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good;
    His Love endures forever.

    Never underestimate the power of prayer!

    Congratulations with this board! I like the concept :-)

    Love, Radiant

    21. ноември 2005, 20:47:41
    Radiant2008 :-) 
    Относно: Re: From general chat board
    Linda J: Just read your message and your call on us to help and donate. So pleased to read that you are fine and that you have little damage!! Praise God!
    I was very moved by what you wrote in that message. How is your family doing right now?

    Do you know "Blood n Fire"? They have a relief healing center in Atlanta and are making preparations to come to New Orleans, Louisiana in the first 2 weeks of December. For more information check: http://www.bloodnfire.com

    God bless you, Linda and may your loved ones soon feel the warmth of Home Sweet Home again!

    20. ноември 2005, 08:28:51
    Относно: macsangel28
    Anyone know her? Has not played here since June and been missing on another game site since the hurricane? I think it is the same person but there she plays as only angel28

    16. ноември 2005, 15:51:59
    Относно: Kammy
    anyone know how she is doing since leaving?

    2. ноември 2005, 13:55:38
    Относно: Has any one heard from.. mainmang
    A friend has asked me to post and ask if anyone has heard anything about mainmang. She knows he was sick and had a few surgeries but hasn't beeon here in some time. Any word at all would be helpful


    23. октомври 2005, 13:44:06
    Относно: Re:
    Rose: You, a cartoon character? The very thought!
    Although that baddessi always makes me think of Peggy from King of the Hill...

    22. октомври 2005, 18:59:36
    Относно: Re:
    Eriisa: that's the first place we went for Gumbo! We checked into our hotel and then I looked at him and said Eriisa says we have to go to Seaport first thing..It was about a block down the road : ) And Yep! It was good...suprisingly, some of the best gumbo we had there was at the House of Blues..imo...
    Cariad- I've heard about that old guy too...small world!

    22. октомври 2005, 17:57:49
    REALLY old???? smirk

    22. октомври 2005, 17:14:04
    Относно: Re:
    Променен от cariad (22. октомври 2005, 17:14:17)
    Eriisa: I seem to remember some really old guy singing about Bourbon Street. A really old guy.

    22. октомври 2005, 17:08:44
    Относно: Re:
    baddessi: Seaport has a really great oyster bar, and Gumbo that is to die for!!!! Its on Bourbon Street.

    22. октомври 2005, 16:48:19
    Относно: Re:
    baddessi: Now everyone will know about my ACME products! Shhh youguys!! (my ACME radar detector is how I win my boat games doncha know!!! Don't give all my secrets away)
    Ok I can take being called Wile E Rosie.. For now!!

    Flloz OWES me a new beignet!! No fair, I never even got a bite and she swiped it outta my hand! Hrrmph!!

    22. октомври 2005, 16:28:40
    Относно: Re:
    bumble: ROFL!! Oh I think that will be her new name!!!
    I hate oysters too, but I love the other stuff...

    22. октомври 2005, 16:26:12
    Относно: Re:
    baddessi: Wiley E Rosie, huh? I'm not surprised.

    And I HATE oysters.

    22. октомври 2005, 16:20:25
    Относно: Re:
    bumble: yeah...the Acme Oyster House in New Olreans IS a must- no matter what time of the day, there's a line to get in stretching down the street and sround the corner...it's just off Bourbon Street...on Iberville I think. Famous for it's oysters, also great for gumbo, friend shrimp, jambalaya, beans & rice..all that good stuff.
    The other Acme, well Rose can tell you more about that. I hear she gets alot of supplies from there, like battleboats radar shields and that kinda thing

    22. октомври 2005, 16:10:22
    Относно: Re:
    baddessi: Do you mean that a company with the name 'Acme' actually exists outside of Bugs Bunny cartoons?

    22. октомври 2005, 16:03:03
    Относно: Re:
    Rose: you went to New Orleans and didn't go to Cafe Du Monde??? I was sure I told you oysters at Acme, hurricanes at Pat O'Reily's and beignets at Cafe DuMonde! I failed you!

    22. октомври 2005, 15:59:16
    NOT a floosie 
    That's ok with me. *grabs the rest out of Rose's hand.

    22. октомври 2005, 15:39:17
    Относно: Re:
    bumble: Ok just one bite!!

    22. октомври 2005, 15:36:08
    Относно: Re:
    Rose: You'll be a fatty Patty if you don't be careful.

    22. октомври 2005, 15:29:55
    Относно: Re:
    bumble: yummmmmm!!

    22. октомври 2005, 15:01:09
    Относно: Re:

    22. октомври 2005, 14:57:42
    NOT a floosie 
    Относно: Re:
    Rose: I don't either. *wonders if care packages of those things can be microwaved.

    22. октомври 2005, 14:42:59
    Относно: Re:
    Rose: It's a sort of French doughnut I think.

    22. октомври 2005, 14:40:28
    Относно: Re:
    Linda J: not me.. I dunno what they are!!!

    22. октомври 2005, 07:37:03
    Linda J 
    Get out a here Sally. Anybody can make beignets.

    21. октомври 2005, 11:01:47
    Относно: Re:
    NOT a floosie:

    21. октомври 2005, 04:34:59
    NOT a floosie 
    Относно: Re:
    Nirvana: Yeah, I thought the little pink boa, shirt, wings, tutu and matching wand was a bit much too. He take after his Papa, so what can I say.

    20. октомври 2005, 17:14:03
    you make them??? oh boy! Make sure you pick her up Flooz! Jim will love Linda for life!

    We were saying that if Wilma looked like it was heading any where near Nawlins, we were running down to get some beignets, and cafe au lait, before Wilma did!!!!

    20. октомври 2005, 16:07:31
    Linda J 
    LOL @ you sillys. Cafe Dumonde is open for business and serving Beignets. It was very nice to see a Nawlins tradition come back. The French Quarter is alive and well.
    Bourbon street is booming.
    Come here Flooz and I'll make Beignets.
    Please pay Louisiana speeding tickets promtly our state could use the revenue and our politicians need something to squander..LOL
    baddessi your Dan sounds like Justin Wilson. He ran a red light and got pulled over by a cop. The cop asked didn't he see the red light to which he replied hell yeah but I sure didn't see you.

    20. октомври 2005, 15:39:10
    Относно: Re:
    bumble: oh well, Dan doesn't do smarm! And I was told in no uncertain terms to keep my mouth shut!

    20. октомври 2005, 15:35:54
    Относно: Re:
    baddessi: I said something completely different to the cop that stopped me on I-10. It's umrepeatable here, but he let me off a ticket.

    20. октомври 2005, 15:25:17
    Относно: Re:
    ... umm...not sure it's open for business as yet, Eriisa, but we have a place close by my house we can pick some up, great kolaches as well!!

    Floose- if you head this way, you may need to pick up linda..you won't have to travel alone and we could use a good cook!! And the party will be better with 4 instead of 3..I'm sure Eriisa has enough pool chairs and cabana boys to go around!

    and don't make the same mistake we made when we got pulled over either. We were going down to Sabine Pass to the docks on hwy 87 and got pulled over for going 85 in a 60 mph zone. Dan looked at the officer and pointed to the highway sign and said "Well that sign there says 87", to which the cop replied "you're a regular comedian, aren't you? I suppose when you get back to I-10 you'll go 10 mph too!" Dan just grinned and said "Oh! That's an I?"
    We got the ticket

    20. октомври 2005, 13:43:51
    Относно: Re:
    NOT a floosie: Hey Flooz, if you take I-10, can you stop at Cafe DuMonde and get some beignets?

    20. октомври 2005, 11:15:54
    Hurricane Wilma

    This doesn't look too good ~ do what Bumble says and GO!

    (er Shocking pink with sequins and tassles? ~ no boy should go through that ~ much better in blue! )

    20. октомври 2005, 11:02:58
    Относно: Re:
    Променен от bumble (20. октомври 2005, 12:21:57)
    NOT a floosie: I don't care what you think is the safest - just get your backside out of there. You know as well as I do that these things have a nasty habit of being predictably unpredictable. They can change course at any time.
    GET TO BADDY'S. I know, I know.... a giant swirling mass of hot air and noise, but that's baddy for you.
    Every threat I made on the phone concerning your godson still stands. Shocking pink with sequins and tassles is just the start.

    So you see, you don't really have a choice. GET OUT NOW!

    *I've just worked out an intricate and detailed route for you to follow from your place in Florida to baddy's place in Texas:

    Go to Jacksonville and turn left.

    I also discovered you have to go on Interstate 10!
    Remember, if you're stopped for speeding on I10 don't make the same mistake I did.

    20. октомври 2005, 07:39:28
    NOT a floosie 
    Thanks for all the concerns, I really do appreciate them. No one knows where this one is going to land and until it gets into the Gulf of Mexico a little more it could be any place on the west coast, or not.

    I'm between Tampa and Ft. Myers and do take these storms very seriously. I caught the edge of the eye when Hurricane Charley came though last year and know the damage and destruction they can cause.

    I'm watching the reports. Tomorrow morning will be making final preparations, closing up the house, and making a decision as to leave or stay. Either way, the decision will be based what I think will be the safest.

    20. октомври 2005, 07:01:02
    Linda J 
    Относно: Re:
    NOT a floosie: Ok hard head park in front but come on.
    All jokes aside Flooz, this thing is already setting records. I don't know exactly how close you are to where it will hit. But if it's closer then 300 hundred miles I'd get OUT.
    I'm a good cook. Come on over!!!!!

    20. октомври 2005, 06:32:08
    Относно: Re:
    NOT a floosie: hmmm..I couldn't drive all the way to Florida in time to get Floose, BUT I sure as heck can get in my car when she gets here and make the 3-4 hour drive up to Eriisa's pool! All 3 of us aren't working- sure sounds like a party to me!! What do ya say Floose!????!

    20. октомври 2005, 06:25:10
    NOT a floosie 
    Hmmmm......runs and packs a large glass and a bikini. *or was that a large bikini and a glass?

    20. октомври 2005, 06:10:16
    Forget her, Flooz,

    You just come park right in my back yard, by the pool and we can lounge around the pool and have.... something to drink! lol

    20. октомври 2005, 05:54:29
    NOT a floosie 
    If I can't park my trailer in the front, complete with queen size mattress in the back, and fancy colored lights and pink flamingos, and astro-turf lawn I'll have to think twice about stopping there.

    Don't bet on that one baddy. Bum tells me he's calling your house tomorrow and says I better be there....or else! I don't think he realizes it's more than a one day drive. :o)

    19. октомври 2005, 20:28:45
    Относно: Re: Flooz
    Linda J: oh not fair! you get the flooz AND bumble? : (

    19. октомври 2005, 20:24:48
    Linda J 
    Относно: Re: Flooz
    baddessi: LOL I promise not to let her count to many flamingos. If the weather gets to bad we'll visit Bumble and pick olives. Bumble send airfare. One blue haired lady and Patty & Selma. You know Patty would get lonely without me.

    19. октомври 2005, 20:13:52
    Относно: Re: Flooz
    Linda J: LOL Well, I argue with you on that...she IS fit for the nut house...ok, but you better take good care of her!

    19. октомври 2005, 20:08:38
    Linda J 
    Относно: Re: Flooz
    baddessi:LOL I hate to be ugly but you can't have my Flooz. She'd fit so well in this household. You know nut house.

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