Jules: Yup! That's why I don't remove them - makes the fellowship look even bigger then what it is!
(Still the largest Gammon fellowship on BrainKing! And in the top 5 of all fellowships which says a lot when you consider we only have the 5 Gammon Games)
We have a lot of gammon tournaments, and get into all the site team tournaments. Membership is open to all Knights & Rooks - Skill DOES NOT MATTER (as long as you can have fun)
Of course some of the fellowships that have been around awhile (like my Gammon Cube) has old pawn accounts still as members, which can make the number a little different if you take those out.
Ignore baits and flaming
resolve differences if possible
turn the other cheek
build and promote harmony
positive peer pressure by example
earn respect by paying respect
We realize there is NOTHING wrong with BK. It is #1... We the people are it's own worse enemies.
If we the people have messed it up, then we the people can straighten it up.
The good people that play their games and mind there own business far out weigh those of us "on the public boards" that either don't or won't.
We want to help resolve that by changing our own actions through positive peer pressure.
This board is to talk and discuss Fellowship issues. If for some reason you do not want to join or think negativly about a fellowship, a simple solution is just don't go there.
A few "negative" post have been deleted. Lets keep things nice please.
ClayNashvilleTn: Congrats on the rapid growth of your new F/S. Already 18 of the brightest and the best on BK have joined and I hope and believe many more will come and explore this new and better idea.
OK, I had several complaints about the Name and rightly so. It will no longer be referred to as Flame Pit II but rather,Animosity & Anger
This fellowship is open to anyone and the discussions will be concerning anything that one may be upset about. The only rule is that we not use sexual connotations or innuendos and the language be of a discussion nature and not the belittling of each other just for sport.
You are encouraged to be factual in your comments.
Backoff:The REAL purpose is exactly as I have previously stated.
When the *conversation was* permitted in order to offend me, because every thing else anyone offered failed, I left. It was disgusting obsene and beneath BrainKing or anyone of decency.
Members need an alternative where there are some basic standards for reasonable people to conduct themselves.
BIG BAD WOLF: NOTHING in the flame pit STAYS in the flame pit and the BB there needs to resign himself to that. Even the cave has its leaks. People like to "talk." ;)
Backoff: Oh, I understand. You think it is OK for people to trash and tell lies and such about people who can not even read the messages and defend themselves in your private fellowship, but don't like it when people talk bad about your fellowship itself. I understand.
BIG BAD WOLF: I don't restrict was is said in The Real Flame Pit However I do say something when I see people trashing my F/S like clay is doing right now with this FP2. Well all I can say is good luck. I know what the real purpose of it is, but this is all you are going to get out of me.
I think perhaps Back Off got him self into a pickle by stating he had no rules and set no standards even to the point "IF someone opposed obsene language the person opposing said language would be removed from the Flame Pit."
Mankind has proven over and over that when no standard exist, man kind will fail to exist.
It sounded OK in Principal but failed, when put into practice.
rod03801: No, hypocritical is when Backoff will allow people to talk about others that are not in his flame pit fellowship, but at the same time he does not like Clay or others talking about the Flame Pit on other boards.
rod03801:I joke entirely way to much Rod. We have no intention of doing that. We will try to maintain a high degree of maturity and try to heal and mend even of those that can't seem to do so. Sorry for your misunderstanding.
Give us a chance, i think all participants will be given a fair shake with out past rivals and old mistakes constantly dwelled on.
You say, "belittling of people not present to defend themselves" is not allowed, then you say exceptions may be made? Sounds a bit hypocritical to me..
The purpose of the Flame pit is not to resolve differences but to vent and flame others while keeping the flamming off the main boards. It also serves as a form of entertainment.
You're idea is good Clay but the name needs changing to reflect the purpose of your FS. Remember, the Flame Pit is not about resolving differences as anyone who has "visited" can readily see. It's really more like the Jerry Springer show. lol
bwildman:Since you asked I will respond to your question.
There is just to much hate and belittling going on in Flame Pit l. I could handle that part but when the *adult subject* stuff started and no attempt was made to restrict it, I felt it was time to withdraw from that F/S and try to come up with one that gave people a choice.
There are legitimate times for disagreement. People should feel they have a place to do that. But the constant bickering and belittling of people not present to defend themselves, especially when the criticizers were as bad, if not worse of their past, got to be more than I could handle.
Thanks Fencer, it is now operative. I would like to publickly invite you to be among the first charter memebers. I dare you to turn this invite down.
Mine will be different. I will have Moderators hopefully around the clock.
1) Our goal will be to resolve differences and Unite for the betterment of BK.
2)We will encourage Adult language, meaning mature, appropriate from those that are capable of expressing themselves, speaking and using the Kings English w/o profane and vile remarks.
3)We will discourage vulgar, innuendoes or lewd or descriptive sexual acts.
4)We will try to respect EVERYONE and will belittle no one especially behind ones back.
5)At times the fur may fly, but our goal is to resolve differences. Not create them.
These guidelines will be subject to change from time to time and are only now presented to help everyone understand the differences in Flame Pit #1 & Flame pit # ll
If you are intrusted in joining such a F/S please request by clicking on the following link:
I tried to create a Flame Pit II. It would have had rules that limited what could be said, but would be of the same nature with the Goal being resolution and not confrontation.
I was able to impliment it,then it dropped from my screen, with a Message that said, a fellowship with this name already exist. It is now listed on the Fellowships page , but I can not get into it to change the name nor can I rename another because it is charged against me as one of the only two that any memeber can have.
Czuch Chuckers: You can not remove a discussion board from a fellowship at this point.
You can rename it and use it for "something else"
You can rename it as "do not use" or something - then also edit the board and make it so only King and above can read/post - then no one will be able to use it.
Or if for some reason you REALLY REALLY REALLY want it removed, you can ask Fencer and he may remove it for you.
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