Okay, I've got a game of pente where I placed five in a row, but it's now in my oppenent's turn to move column... why didn't I win? Anyone? Anyone? Beuller?
If you notice problems with DSG, please post at the DSG forums or email me directly. I don't check these discussion boards very frequently so the only reason I knew about the problem was because Mark told me.
You are right dano- the database is screwed up after we made some changes to accomodate the new variants, it seems to make errors in recognizing the boards after captures are made. Dweebo is working on it, Thanks.
Now available: test version of my program for Poof Pente!
at http://users.erols.com/msmammel/marksfiv.html
It will count a poof into a 10-10 capture count as a draw.
Just put the file into the same directory as the regular pente program (WPente.exe) and run PoofPente.exe
No help is available, see the posts for rules.
3 days ago I checked a game KingCrimon vs Krasnososov (wedge main line)
when I wanted to share it with my opponent today, it was gone - and the stats
are telling me unlikies, like only 4 games played on that ... :O ... ~*~
I've read all the discussion about Poof-Pente here at the discussion boards and have implemented (one of the possible implementations) of Poof-Pente at DSG (http://pente.org/).
See the full annoucement here http://pente.org/gameServer/forums/thread.jspa?forumID=4&threadID=1130&tstart=0
I think I heard that WebTV can't load regular Pente or Keryo-Pente, which is why Fencer created Small Pente and Small Keryo-Pente (13x13 instead of 19x19). I'm not sure what you can do if neither of you can open it! Probably message Fencer and he'll help you :-)
I would say a combination of move 6.G6 surrendering the initiative and move 13.K9 allowing L10 to be played were the most costly mistakes for white. But I'm no expert...
although it's an open-pente game
(again could not resist a tourney-group vegetating with 3 players only)
I'd lightly apply for a brilliancy-prize
( for that game-type after all ... ) :D
a hammer-formation won by black,
and my opponent asked me where he missed his chance ...
I had a surgery around noonish and would doubt the accuracy
of my analysis today ... maybe one of our sharks cAn spare a moment.
I'm particularly interested in the method of capture in pente. In Japan this method is also used in (at least) hasami shogi while in the west it is used in tafl type games. I'm wondering if this similarity was the result of cultural interaction among sub-arctic tribes, so I would be very interested if you have any information about traditional/ancient Siberian boardgames especially games of the Nenets.
Really it were old Japanese games Pente name was Ninuki-Renju. Go-moku have sport variant Renju.
You can see my page at http://nosovsky.narod.ru
USA only simplified rules of Ninuki and so we have this variant of Pente.
Has anybody authoritive information on the origins and antiquity of Pente? I believe it's Greek but would like to confirm that and know for how long it's been around. I apologise if this question has been asked before, this is my first visit to this board and there are 162 posts to search through for a possibly non-existent answer.
No one sent in a correct solution to arrive at the 10-10 score in six moves in my puzzle(if someone did and I accidentally missed it, please let me know the approximate date and I'll check again), so here is the solution: 1.K12 K13 2.O10 K7 3.K6 N7 4.O7 N9 5.R11 Q12 or K16 6.O8. I think the solution(s) to win in 7 moves if black has one less stone captured should be obvious from here, so I'll leave them as an exercise for the reader.
Mark has modified his program to play poof pente and it plays VERY well, so soon anyone who wants to try it will be able to play against the computer. I am thinking about trying to get a poof pente discussion board set up somewhere, so that people can post strategy tips, puzzles, etc. I am also looking forward to the time when Mark has his AI modified so that we can try out different variants on the theme of poof pente (and others also) to see what seems to be the fairest game (Gary's suggestion of playing into poofs being forbidden, only P2 can make poofs,etc.) Tom
I too am on webtv, and every so often I get that message when clicking on things here. It isn't very often, and I don't know the reason why, but I just move to something else, and the next day it is fine. (Could be sooner, I don't know)
For a long time this would happen to me when clicking on the "Who is online" link. Now it never happens there and it now seems to happen in specific backgammon games when I'm trying to move. I have no idea if it is a webtv problem or a brainking problem.
Just wanted to let you know you arent alone. And again, it is fixed when you go back at a later time.
This morning I can bring it up. But last night when I tried I would get message from MSN (web-tv) that it contained information that could not be used and then the screen would go white. It was the only game I could not play last night.
That would be Game number 108316. Even if you can't access the page, you can find the game number: if you look at the address that appears at the bottom of the window when you hold your mouse over the link, it will say "http://www.brainking.com/showgame?g=#####" Where the numbers represent the game number. If you are on webTV and do not have anything like that, i'm sorry :-)
I can access it fine - what does it do when you click on it...anything?
HELP!! Game 108274 will not allow me to make my move in M-11. Is there something wrong with this game board? Also this game does not have the option "play later" on the screen.
I asked Mark to check how frequently draws occur in renju for me and he said "Scanning results of renju (live) championships, I see about 1 in 10
ending in a draw." Just a little trivia for all of the opponents of draws out there. :~)
Congrats to winners Gary Barnes and Dimitri King and special thanks to Gary Gabrel for inventing Pente and allowing the tournament to be held at Hideaway Pizza, birthplace of pente.
Yes, congrats to Gary and Dmitri for playing so strongly against a tough field. And a huge thanks to pyloric valve (and others) for putting it together. It was great to meet all of you who were able to make it.
thanks : ) it certainly fits most of the argruments and discussions i've been reading by everyone; if I may I'll use it in the future. Life would be so much easier if everyone had my opinion.
hmm.. Good eye Jim.. my exact quote was "Of course, we are all entirled to my opinion. I will continue to state my opinion and support it with examples, as I have done."
Of course this makes me look like a real jackass. I definitely did not mean to say that. I don;t remember if I was trying to say "of course I am entitled to my opinion" or "of course we are all entitled to our opinions," but I definitely did NOT mean to write "of course we are all entitled to my opinion."
Относно: Mark's solution to the Mark inspired puzzle
Mark's solution is actually better than mine, so I'll post it here as the best one I've seen (yet) to the puzzle. It enables the puzzle to have up to 3 stones captured by black, which mine does not. So here it is. 1. G10 forces ...1.L10 or else white plays 2.L10 and 3.L10 winning in three moves. 2.L10 ...2.L10. Here is where Mark's solution comes in: 3. N6! forces 3.K9. 4. J11 and black can't capture without losing, so ...4.M14 5. G9. My solution was the more direct, but costly 3. J11. Again, well done Mark!
Did anyone check out my example of the potential difference in the outcome of a game played with poofs as forbidden to play into vs. not? Any comments?
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