"this is not the time we are suppose to be at, Doctor'Explained Sarah. " I know that, The tartis is having a malfunction. Tickwater wondered who these things were and hid behind a large tree.
He came out of his slumber looking up at a starlite night. "How long had he been out?" He wondered and there between the rocks the object still sat. Tickwater didlodged the object and studied it. Some kind of Christal.
The object started glowing in a pulsating mood. Tickwater waided near it and became hypnotozed by it. He ended up droping down into the water with his head back looking at the sky. Head started spinning before he ended up fainting.
Walking along a brook a dwarf, named Tickwater, just kept watching an white object floating down it. He picked up a good sized branch to try retrieving the object with no success...
Looking back at the restuarant the building collapsed and was ablaze. Something had told him to get outta there. He ran along the gulley of the road to a collapsed barn and beyond that a cripled bridge..
Tom went back and told the group there was no hope with the radio. Anyone have a CB in a truck outside. "I do" yelled a woman "In my car.It's unlocked, A 1993 Black Jimmy" He ran to it. The car was covered in blood and the vehicle had a smashed hood. He forced the passenger door open because the drivers side was crushed. No use there for he had no power for the CB. What was plan C?.....
Tom closed the lid and thge 5 people were packed like sardines. They all heard screaming and a dog barking outside till the noises subsided. "Anyone have a radio" hollared Tom looking at each person. There's one in the office upstairs answered the Cook "No way I'm going up there" "Stay here" Tom said as He forced the lid open and crawled on the restuarant floor. He saw a dark red sky out the window. He found the office with furniture thrown everywhere. The radio was demolished and Tom had to figure what to do next...
As the lightning moved away, Tom sprinted to a cafe a half mile away. He entered to find people laying on the floor. The windows were blown out. One women was cradling her 7 year old daughter who was crying. The cook came out and led them to the cellar. Tom followed,not knowing what to do. Suddenly the gas stove in the Kitchen exploded and Tom and another guy were the last to go down into the cellar. The guy was fried by the explotion while Tom fell into the cellar and was hurt alittle
He almost jumped out of the drivers seat when a chunk of carcass landed beside him on the passenger seat. He swerved off the road and proceeded to a ditch. Lightning was striking the ground around him. It was a storm he had never seen before...
Looking through his rear view mirrors he saw the storm forming a tornado funnel. He guned the gas and raced. He could see the scaryest sight ever. All the cattle were sucked up into it. Blood rained down on his jeep and Tom thought the tornado had riped the cattle to shreads.
Tom held his breath as the stampede thundered below. He had sliped on some dirt and rocks on a cliff looking down on the site. He had lost his favorite camera trying to do birdwatching, under the hooves of cattle frightened by a storm to Tom's right. He got off his honches and down the cliff to his jeep and sped away...
One day a young lad named Tom opened the door to the Kingdom to get what he wanted...A 10 speed bike to replace the one he ran into a ditch a while ago. What he got was broken roller skates instead...
"I"d like a white wine" exclaimed Christine "What about this elephant?". Ward did not answer and abruptly ran outside. The Elephant was laying on the ground now. June was pined under the elephants leg
The driver sped off as the couple climbed stairs leading up to th house. Ward Normal greeted them with a grin from ear to ear. "Welcome Mr. Brad and Miss Christine" Hi, We are the Trumbells.
She was unconscoius with a big gash on her head. When she awoke, the old lady was taking care of her head and had Lurch lay her on the bed in her room.
Jason followd her dragging his cancer eaten leg behind. Sara ran screaming and bumping into things. She almost fell down the stairs but was grabed by Jason. "Why you running from me , Sara.? Moaned Jason
"Madam ordered me. Something about it being the safest room in the house". He left while Sarah thought about all this. After contemplting running away from the house or She would sneek back to the clippings room for more clues. She accepted the later.
"You must not come into this room again" spoke the old woman. The young lady catches a glimpse of another clipping this time, what looked like this old lady.
The weirdest thing that happened just then was it got quiet. No bullets or gunfire, no night sounds of crickets, no nothin' so after finding lester eating a small patch of grass I threw the corpse on my saddle and brought him to water Hole.
The first thing the sherriff did was accuse me of killing the man on my horse.
A body ended up falling off a cliff right into my lap. The man had been shot, but never by me. I heard more bullets rekisheying all over the valley and lester was a mile away at a safe watering hole I asumed. I found out the man was dead. I crawled up the side of the clift with a rifle and was nearly hit. I kept listenin' for where the shots came from.
All the bullets from the unknown slashed my ear . I lowered myself off the saddle and searched the cliffs all around me that were not there before. I saw flares from the top of a cliff and fell off lester who ran off somewhere away from the bullets. I hoped he wouldn't leave me to far from him. Another bullet knocked my hat of. Dag burn if I hadn't bought that thing a week ago. I figure I'd give the gunman a what for for that..
A storm was pulling in from the south so Lester and I slept in a ditch. All of a sudden we heard gunshots faintly and Lester was spooked but couldn't go no wear because I had tied him to a bush. I jumped up and pulled my rifle from lesters saddle and combed the area
The stranger pulled into a town called Water hole, on a horse named Lester. Carrying on his saddle was straped a dead man. Sherriff ran up to him to find out what happened..This is his story.....
I soon found out our watchdog was leading the pack and was spreading viruses to other Cyberdogs. I was heartbroken when our watchdog attacked jimmy down the road because he owed me money
Soon, the local news station reported all it's watchdogs were malfunctioning from a virus in their system. Before the company could refund it's customers, the cyberdogs were rampaging the city...
Another room had prairie dogs lining up for a battle. Cecil and George made their exit as soon as Carmen left them alone and Sabasion had the baloon close by. After lifting off the saw the creature trying to snap at the Baloon. "Seems wrong to leave those prairie dogs to fend against the monster" Spoke Cecil. "We are to small" said George. after a little ways, low and behold Carman, the Prairie Dog pulled himself into the basket "I am not foolish enough to help fight that monster" panted Carmen"Anyone got any tea and crumpets?" So the 3 accepted their new friend and passenger
Carman showed them a small room with a map on the wall. 2 prairie dogs were looking at a spot on it. "They are pinpointing where the monster has been" Explained Carmen. "Seems the monster is headed west to a dry lake?"
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