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14. ноември 2003, 02:58:09
and 40% mudd. A most horid place. But, because it is the closest place, it is our only hope. The eyes of the more timid volunteers grew wide with fright. Some of them slowly sunk back into their seats. Torg Shouted! "No dont sit down, we will need you all! This will be a grand adventure. better than slowly dying here." One small hand raised from the back of the room......

13. ноември 2003, 02:41:41
Mrs Wartsog! He couldnt believe she was still alive! much less volunteering to go help start a new colony!

12. ноември 2003, 20:13:45
All of his wards! they wanted to go too! Looking around the room, he noticed that many of the ordinary people of the colony were standing. carpenters, plumbers, electricians, teachers. all the kinds of people that would be needed to start a new colony. One person stood up that made his heart jump.......

12. ноември 2003, 02:31:47
a journey. They gathered in the great meeting hall of the people and began to tell of their ideas. They asked for volunteers to go on the journey because more than likely no one would return....

12. ноември 2003, 01:42:32
Once upon a time on a planet deep in space, in a galaxy not of our own, there lived a life form.......

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