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9. юли 2005, 00:22:08
Относно: okay that's it
*plop* any answers you know where to comply. ~*~ .

6. юли 2005, 02:30:25
Относно: faked security bulletin on mail stampede
the imitation is well crafted and identifies itself as "MS05-039".
don't use the link in it. microsoft updates are never sent via email. ~*~

5. юли 2005, 23:34:13
Относно: 7/1 an email was penned under the name of Google engineer Fritz Schneider.
Променен от danoschek (5. юли 2005, 23:35:34)
"I thought I'd drop you a note to give a heads up on something Google will be releasing
next week: a version of our Internet Explorer toolbar for Firefox", the e-mail reads. - while
microsoft spoofs icann entries to spam against opensource, quality speaks for itself. ~*~

29. юни 2005, 18:00:19
Относно: CreditCard Exploit - Update ...
Променен от danoschek (29. юни 2005, 18:01:00)
Apparently information on approximately 200,000 accounts was verifiably transferred
out the payment processor's computer system, but the credit card companies said they
do not intend to notify people of the problem unless the accounts are used fraudulently. ~*~

29. юни 2005, 17:49:36
Относно: says who ?
Променен от danoschek (29. юни 2005, 18:06:00)
it would be nice if you could finally refrain from
committing accompliceship with that spammer ... ... ~*~

29. юни 2005, 17:40:07
Относно: Summertop:
it seems you haven't read. I took you out of the humbug in which you were put by that
selfdefined public annoyance (weekend: tue/wed) ... since I even had to ban him from
books it should be very clear that I would need his addy only to block it ... . ~*~

28. юни 2005, 17:53:43
Относно: Re: Thanx
Променен от danoschek (28. юни 2005, 18:01:11)
Arctic Warrior / Rose
Welcome - who needs an invitation yet feel free to pm me ... and again
the tip: gmail drive users please avoid the setting "auto-login" - it is not safe. ~*~

28. юни 2005, 08:11:14
Относно: gmail
watch out for sternenweber ... ... ~*~

28. юни 2005, 02:43:37
Относно: sure, endless
should I send an invite ? ~*~

27. юни 2005, 05:25:39
Относно: lil update
Променен от danoschek (27. юни 2005, 05:27:05)
about the socalled antispyware by the microsoft archspy-corporation ...
An Article by Anick Jesdanun ( The Associated Press ) - as expectable
- not only for prophets - . a neat debate started over what spyware is ... ... ~*~

25. юни 2005, 18:01:52
Относно: Webcam as little bonus ?
Променен от danoschek (25. юни 2005, 18:05:09)
still computer and a fancy example of an interactive webcam (2 mins p.v. queued)
today you will see as many fullships, barcs and fregates as rarely together anywhere,
traditional saturday on each kiel week - the world greatest annual sailors meeting ... ~*~

24. юни 2005, 21:49:11
Относно: Re: canola fields
fra: metaphorically and even literally the essential part ...
and go figure it smells even worse later as diesel without particle filter ... ... ~*~

24. юни 2005, 20:57:32
Относно: headlines
of cheaper newspapers only I see ... times new roman surely NOT ... ... ~*~

24. юни 2005, 20:23:39
Относно: Critical Vulnerability in Veritas Products
Променен от danoschek (24. юни 2005, 20:24:45)

24. юни 2005, 17:45:51
Относно: Re: fra -- Rose
Променен от danoschek (24. юни 2005, 17:50:13)
fancy, fra ... :) ... and Rose - if you zoom out from Kiel,
you'll see huge yellow areas - warless german oil resources
- canola fields to feed mercedes benz diesel ... for instance ... ... ~*~

23. юни 2005, 21:36:37
Относно: google maps
Променен от danoschek (23. юни 2005, 21:48:20)
is just a great possibility to combine satellite views and street maps ...
maprequest can't compete with these options - only some local providers do afaik
on this picture you cAn indeed see even my house almost clearly ... kiel week live ... ... ~*~

20. юни 2005, 22:55:44
Относно: Master Card News Update
MasterCard: 40M Credit Card Accounts Exposed
June 20, 2005
An Article for Earthweb-Datamation By Clint Boulton ... ~*~

18. юни 2005, 19:31:38
Относно: ahhhh
oh well google ...
attitude and performance divert yet a lot ... ...
reminds me that yahoo won a search engine contest by length lately ... ~*~

18. юни 2005, 19:21:51
Относно: nope - no google - no breaking news
Променен от danoschek (18. юни 2005, 19:29:02)
came noonish, over my security ticker and took me
hours to verify ... but ARD confirmed - it will be part of
the evening news ... sorry. - again, only us-residents are inflicted ... ~*~

18. юни 2005, 18:06:00
Относно: MasterCard Alert
Due to a major exploit of a security leak
14 million mastercard users in the states
are possibly vulnerable. contact your service. ~*~

17. юни 2005, 09:33:56
Относно: Re: Re: portable GPS
Hrqls: there will be an open and a business service ...

17. юни 2005, 08:46:55
Относно: actually also the netherlands are informed

and nothing might be received anymore, if an arab gets noisy indigestion.
gps gives a flying stuff on what civilians thing to be fun ... ~*~

17. юни 2005, 00:22:30
Относно: good moment now indeed
Променен от danoschek (17. юни 2005, 05:11:02)
loser systems will try price dumping a while yet - well, good luck that they
won't get intelligence of WMDs in mid-america ... then civilians can't rely
anymore on gps functions - as italians had to experience during bosnia war ... ~*~

16. юни 2005, 21:30:27
Относно: hm gps
for me it would be important not to use it
and wait for the european galileo system ...
which is better and won't charge before help ... ~*~

13. юни 2005, 04:07:24
Относно: Re: Fencer: Bengali fonts
Fencer: I hoped too the bug would hide in character coding somehow ...
can't reproduce it and still wait for answer from bulgary using korean ... :P
this link to a similar problem is the last breeze of my brainstorm then ~*~

12. юни 2005, 08:52:12
Относно: Re: Fencer: Bengali fonts

9. юни 2005, 02:29:00
Относно: to jason
you may google up 'hijackthis' - the program was already mentioned
earlier and was coded to repair browsers taken over by twilight sites.
at the moment main threats are rootkit virii and team-trojans coming up ... ~*~

9. юни 2005, 02:24:43
Относно: norton is a waste of money
resources and not worth the instructions paperback.
microsoft haha antispyware from the world's most professional spies,
you must be kidding ... use freeware programs that do the job as well. ~*~

19. май 2005, 02:33:53
Относно: Faulty Microsoft Patch Raises Questions About Automated Patching
Променен от danoschek (19. май 2005, 02:35:36)
Problems included inability of Exchange servers to connect to domain controllers
and domain controller replication failure as well as difficulty connecting to terminal servers and file shares. link to the full eweek article about MS05-019 here ... ~*~

19. май 2005, 01:23:24
Относно: Re: Universal Eyes:
Променен от danoschek (19. май 2005, 01:36:51)
the part with your lacking understanding of whom to reply to ... ~*~ _

18. май 2005, 20:09:09
Относно: Re: The Empire of Evil and its Lordprotector
Summertop: I don't see a message or talk altogether,
perhaps the visibility switch 'please' was not implemented ... ~*~

17. май 2005, 07:53:44
Относно: The Empire of Evil and its Lordprotector
Променен от danoschek (17. май 2005, 07:58:48)
In 2000, the classically-minded among us may have noted a TV ad
for Microsoft's IE e-mail program, which uses the musical theme of the
"Confutatis Maledictis" from Mozart's "Requiem."
"Where do you want to go today ?" is the cheery line on the screen.
Later, the chorus sings "Confutatis maledictis, flammis acribus addictis,"
which translates: "The damned and accursed are convicted to flames of hell." ...
Seems even Gates of chAos and his MS con-sorts are having a clue sometimes ... . ~*~

16. май 2005, 19:53:25
Относно: Re: can anyone help - graphics card problems
Hrqls: lol don't let me get into the long horn honking ... ... ~*~

16. май 2005, 19:19:20
Относно: Re: system restore
volant: there is one main reason only for switching of system restore ... i.e.
if defective system files have to be repaired after a virus scan or, for replacing them
with better ones - since wingoofs would restaure the rotten files immediately else ~*~

15. май 2005, 23:11:38
Относно: Re: can anyone help - graphics card problems
Fiona: good to hear - well as they say SE=some errors - ME=more errors ... ... ~*~

15. май 2005, 00:53:49
Относно: Re: can anyone help - graphics card problems
Fiona: I read the forum posts and it covers almost everything I would have tried, too
- the only thing yet coming up my mind, the fresh installation might not have resolved
all resources conflicts, which would be indicated by a triangled excl in device manager ~*~

6. май 2005, 01:06:30
Относно: don't use antispyware from ms spies
Променен от danoschek (6. май 2005, 01:11:00)
You probably know that a program called Microsoft AntiSpyware is
currently being given away by the Redmond company in a public beta program.

What you may not know is that the program started out being co-developed
by another software company — which happens to own the rights to
Microsoft's spyware database for the better part of the next three years.

That's an interesting tale, and the telling of it may
give your company a look into the future of all such software.

Good Fences Make Good Developers

Stu Sjouwerman is the founder and COO of Sunbelt Software, the maker of
IHateSpam, Directory Inspector, and many other programs for PCs. Sunbelt
is also the publisher of CounterSpy, an anti-adware program based on much
of the same code as Microsoft AntiSpyware.

You might wish to read how Sjouwerman explains it:
AntisSpyware - Separated at birth
An article by Brian Livingston ... ~*~

28. април 2005, 03:44:54
Относно: to get a free licences for opera
you got to convince 250 people.
As you may check your objection does not really belong to
the standards-compliant ones, let go mainstream ... ... ~*~

24. април 2005, 01:20:22
Относно: okie dokie I'll cancel request ... :)
Променен от danoschek (24. април 2005, 01:20:52)
seems you got service pack 3 already ... hehehe !
oh yeah - wonderful worlds behind the gates of chAos ... ... ~*~

23. април 2005, 23:28:44
Относно: Re:
Eriisa: I have no wlan, but posted your question on the mr. tech forum ... ~*~

18. април 2005, 22:30:33
Относно: apropos update
Променен от danoschek (18. април 2005, 22:35:45)
hope everybody has the newest versions of mozilla and firefox meanwhile -
for mozilla partly critical ... the scene faces an increased crafting of spyware for
the winner browsers ... btw google search will support their prefetching now. ~*~

17. април 2005, 23:59:11
Относно: depends
Променен от danoschek (17. април 2005, 23:59:46)
some people don't realize that what is simple
is influenced by personal preferred approaches.
ie: I for my part simply would look into a tutorial. ~*~

17. април 2005, 23:52:23
Относно: I know what you mean
the search function maneuvers through every quicksand ... ~*~

17. април 2005, 22:58:40
Относно: Re: I Keep forgetting, please can someone just remind me....
Променен от danoschek (17. април 2005, 22:59:07)
BerniceC: once I didn't close a triangle bracket in one of my msgs _
after that I had to delete the post, since clicking on edit led into the land
of html source (complete ! ) and all proper ways back were barred. ~*~

17. април 2005, 20:51:25
Относно: Re: I Keep forgetting, please can someone just remind me....
JamesHird: lol you must be kidding ... is not such a db page
a bit huge to look up ? good opportunity to remind of correctly
closing html tags, or you will land in the source while editing. ~*~

16. април 2005, 14:29:35
Относно: update days for virus scanners also
Променен от danoschek (16. април 2005, 14:31:05)
all major antivirus vendors have fresh virus definition files available now.
another interesting program is "bho scanner" - browser helper objects like google's
toolbar are useful, but there are malicious ones too, installing to harm your computer ... ~*~

16. април 2005, 00:56:03
Относно: XP SP 2
Променен от danoschek (16. април 2005, 00:58:37)
As of April 12, Windows XP users who have not downloaded Service Pack 2
will no longer be able to block the update from downloading onto their machines
without blocking other updates at the same time; users can prevent SP2 from
downloading by disabling Automatic Update.
One survey shows that only about 25% of corporate PCs running XP have downloaded XP2.
----- see also Ref 1 (cio-today) -- Ref 2 (pc-world) ... ~*~

10. април 2005, 12:34:18
Относно: Re: the old problem - removal AND protection
Spirou: well sounds promising thusfar and perhaps my worst fear
(that was: re-installing the whole windows system might be necessary)
will not be invoked ... and instead de/re-installing java might do. I'm not
familiar with that shogi system and can't give specific help, but their webmaster maybe ? ~*~

10. април 2005, 10:15:33
Относно: Re: the old problem - removal AND protection
Spirou: best free removal tool is the AVERT stinger by McAfee
for some deep sheet though re-installing a new system will be necessary.
http://vil.nai.com/vil/stinger/ ... ~*~ good luck

5. април 2005, 10:54:06
Относно: Firefox, ach ja - Thunderbird oh yes
but wait a minute . but but - k netscape minus aol ... minus what ?
. . right - the composer is missing. . .but no longer now ...
The fourth pr version of Nvu 1.0 Beta (version 0.90) is now available for download. . ~*~

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