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 Health and Home Remedies

A place where people can share their favourite home remedies and support for those with serious health concerns.

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29. юни 2005, 23:01:36
Wonder Woman 
Относно: BJ
It might be a good idea to try and focus your energy and use it in some other way. Maybe a sport or other discipline.

9. юни 2005, 23:48:05
Относно: To All Blood Donors Everywhere
I wish 2 say Thank You and Bless You 4 the gift I was given recently 2 help sustain my life - without pepl like you in the world, I would not be here - may your life be nothing but wonderfully extraordinary :)

3. май 2005, 12:16:13
Foxy Lady 
Относно: Re:
Bruno Jesus: I would have to ask. Maybe Dr.Purp can answer that for you."blush"

2. май 2005, 15:04:10
Bruno Jesus 
It´s embarasing...I dont´want to be banned!
It´s my sexual apettite...I can't turn it off...I chew those menta gums and drink menta tea...but it makes matters worse,what can I do?

2. май 2005, 05:32:24
Foxy Lady 
Относно: Re:
Bruno Jesus: Whats your problem?

1. май 2005, 18:01:08
Относно: Re:

1. май 2005, 17:40:22
Bruno Jesus 
I have a problem can anyone help me?

30. април 2005, 22:43:46
Относно: Lose One Pound

28. април 2005, 18:52:58
Относно: Can herbs fight cancer?
As many as 60 percent of all cancer patients seek help from herbs and other alternative therapies. It's easy to see why. Certain herbal remedies appear to work -- after all, the potent anticancer drug taxol comes from the bark of the yew tree -- and compared with nauseating, painful, expensive, and sometimes ineffective conventional treatments, taking herbs or drinking medicinal teas may seem like an attractive option.

But remember that the Food and Drug Administration doesn't require testing for herbs and supplements as it does for conventional drugs, so it always pays to be cautious in the largely unregulated world of herbal medicines. Although some are clearly of value, other so-called cancer remedies are worthless, dangerous, or both. Always check with your doctor before trying a new herb, and consult people who have used it, if possible, to get some idea of what you're getting into.

Here's a look at what's known about the potential strengths, weaknesses, and side effects of some of the most popular herbal treatments for cancer.

• Astragalus
This herb, also known as Huang ch'i, may help fight cancer by stimulating the immune system. When researchers at the University of Texas Medical Center mixed astragalus with the blood of cancer patients in a test tube, the function of cancer-killing cells called T lymphocytes improved by 260 percent.

The downside is that the herb can cause low blood pressure, dizziness, and fatigue, and overdoses can damage the immune system. When used orally in appropriate dosages, usually 9 to 30 grams a day, astragalus seems to be safe, according to the Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database.

Touted as a safe, effective herbal treatment for prostate cancer, PC-SPES is actually serious medicine with equally serious side effects. Researchers from Robert Wood Johnson Medical School found that the herbal cocktail -- a combination of eight traditional Chinese herbs including saw palmetto, skullcap, licorice, and Panax pseudo-ginseng -- dramatically increased estrogen levels and decreased testosterone in eight cancer patients. This hormonal shift has the potential to slow the growth of prostate cancer (which is why many prostate cancer patients take estrogen), but it comes with a price. All eight patients reported breast tenderness and a loss of sex drive, and one patient developed a blood clot in his leg.

And while PC-SPES has been proven to shrink prostate tumors, it was taken off the market in February 2002 after it was found to contain traces of the prescription drug warfarin (a blood thinner). Subsequent tests have found additional traces of strong drugs in PC-SPES, including an artificial form of estrogen and a pain reliever called indomethacin that may act against tumor cells.

• Cat's Claw
Known by the scientific name of Uncaria tomentosa, this South American vine is an ancient treatment for arthritis, cancer, and other diseases. Cat's Claw remains popular among cancer patients despite the fact that the National Cancer Institute recently decided that the active ingredients in the herb weren't powerful enough to justify further studies. The herb is generally safe -- as long as you get the right kind. There are more than 30 plants that go by the name Cat's Claw, and some that are not Uncaria tomentosa end up in herbal remedies. They can cause gastric bleeding and other side effects, and won't deliver the mild benefits patients are seeking.

• Essiac
This herbal tea (a blend of Indian rhubarb, sheepshead sorrel, slippery elm, and burdock root) has been promoted as a cure for all cancers, but there's little evidence that it has any curative powers. Studies at both Memorial Sloan-Kettering and the National Cancer Institute found that the tea failed to slow the growth of tumors in lab animals. Furthermore, a Canadian study of 77 cancer patients taking the herbal treatment found that only eight improved or remained stable. The tea, when pure, causes few side effects except for occasional nausea, but it has been known to be contaminated with the poisonous belladonna root (which closely resembles burdock root). If you do buy Essiac, stick with a well-known supplier.

• Green tea
Purported to prevent certain cancers, green tea may also help slow the spread of the disease. Test-tube studies at Rutgers University found that compounds from green tea slowed the division of cancer cells from the lung and colon. Other studies have found that green tea stunts the growth of tumors in mice. But the results in human studies are contradictory. The National Cancer Institute notes that some studies suggest that green tea may be an effective cancer-fighter, while other studies found no benefit. The NCI is continuing to study what effect, if any, green tea has on cancer. In the meantime, drinking a few cups of the antioxidant-rich brew each day certainly won't do any harm, but don't overdo it -- some study subjects on high doses of green tea suffered nausea and diarrhea.

• Iscador
This extract from European mistletoe contains compounds called lectins which, at least in theory, can kill cancer cells. A recent review in the journal Phytomedicine reported that Iscador improved the survival of cancer patients in 10 out of 11 trials (although the best-designed study was the one that found no effect). In addition, a Swiss study showed that Iscador more than doubled the rate of DNA repair in 12 out of 14 breast cancer patients. But according to the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, there is a serious risk of poisoning associated with Iscador, and it shouldn't be taken without a doctor's supervision.


28. април 2005, 14:45:16
Относно: Re: allergies
Foxy Lady: thanks foxy

28. април 2005, 09:07:03
Foxy Lady 
Относно: Re: allergies
spicieangel: I have that same problem,all stuffed up,post nasal drip,etc.Haven't had any luck yet but a salt water flush does unplug my nose.

27. април 2005, 18:20:21
Относно: allergies
anyone have a tip that may help my seasonal allergies and allergies to my hubbys cockateils???

27. април 2005, 15:32:49
Относно: reel in inflammation
Променен от MindyzTaken (27. април 2005, 15:45:02)
Help control tissue-damaging inflammatory processes with a
bit of fish oil.

Chronic inflammation of body tissues may play a role in
the pathology of many diseases, including diabetes and heart
disease. However, a new study reveals omega-3 fatty acids in
fish oil may help reduce inflammation. Seek out a serving of
oily fish such as salmon or tuna each week.

More about this Tip: Inflammation is the body's immune response to injury and infection. However, evidence suggests chronic inflammation can damage tissues, contributing to heart and blood vessel disease, cancer, arthritis, diabetes, and many other conditions. In a recent study, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), the essential omega-3 fatty acid found in fish oil, helped reduce skin and abdominal inflammation. EPA also limited several processes associated with inflammation, such as the movement of immune cells known as dendritic cells and the production of interleukin 12, a chemical messenger that enhances the immune response. Steer clear of large, long-lived fish, such as sea bass, swordfish, and king mackerel, because they have the greatest likelihood of being contaminated with unacceptably high levels of mercury from the environment. Safer fish choices include salmon, pollock, sole, and chunk light tuna.

**This is a RealAge Tip**

21. април 2005, 00:15:04
niCe'n' hEaLTHy

19. април 2005, 01:19:51
Foxy Lady 
Относно: Re:
nobleheart: Well i guess but it does have to do with health.I like to know whats being put in my families food.

18. април 2005, 04:14:12
I guess this should go under recipes...but there are several sites that reveal the ingredients of many products.

18. април 2005, 03:59:44
Foxy Lady 
Относно: Re:
nobleheart: Hey thanks for the site on the juice.My brother-in-law has our juice book and i'm a duhhhhh without it.

17. април 2005, 22:56:47

17. април 2005, 04:22:43
Foxy Lady 
Относно: Re: You can also juice the apples
nobleheart: Oh ya bet i do,thats one juice i drink alot of.I tried making it but it's just not the same.

16. април 2005, 20:58:20
Относно: Re: You can also juice the apples
Foxy Lady: do u like V8 juice?

16. април 2005, 07:47:30
Foxy Lady 
Относно: Re: You can also juice the apples
nobleheart: I'm not crazy about carrot juice but i do add them to vegetable juices.

15. април 2005, 23:47:17
Относно: Re: You can also juice the apples
Foxy Lady: foxy,have you ever made carrot juice from organically grown carrots...delicious,sweet.

13. април 2005, 02:58:42
Относно: Re: Re:your reply to sLaMdAnCe
wayney: Done

13. април 2005, 02:41:11
Относно: Re: Re:your reply to sLaMdAnCe
JamesHird: I was asking questions about some posts that were running down others or some such thing.
Can someone please delete my posts now. They look kind of silly without the other posts thank you

12. април 2005, 18:41:56
Oh Purple Passion.. well.. that is a fellowship I am not in.. guess we will just have to take your word for it that those are your words..

I did look at page three from here though.. interesting stuff! and wow.. just about a year ago..

12. април 2005, 18:32:37
Относно: Re: Anger Linked to Coronary Heart Disease
Променен от Purple (12. април 2005, 18:34:39)
ScarletRose: I had to delete some posts but you are not hidden. Please stay on topic. Thanks.

12. април 2005, 18:22:17
Относно: Re: Anger Linked to Coronary Heart Disease
MindyzTaken: Gosh you are smart Mindy. Or are you getting this from the Net.. cause you should be citing your sources..

12. април 2005, 16:59:10
Относно: Re: Re:your reply to sLaMdAnCe
JamesHird: There were many off topic posts that appeared during the night when I wasn't here to moderate so a Global Moderator stepped in and hid them. Sorry for the confusion but I do support what the GM did. This is for health and home remedies and all related posts will be welcome..but not any others. Thanks.

12. април 2005, 16:14:19
Any suggestions for what may be good for the kidneys?....

12. април 2005, 15:55:30
Относно: Re: Re:your reply to sLaMdAnCe
wayney: looks like a bunch of posts were deleted or else that makes no sense?????????

8. април 2005, 07:20:19
Foxy Lady 
Относно: Re: A fruit for Lung health
MindyzTaken: You can also juice the apples.I love to make fresh juice and i know the gurls are not getting all the icckkyyss.

27. март 2005, 05:18:49
Относно: Re: question
MindyzTaken: My pleasure.

27. март 2005, 05:17:54
Относно: Re: question
Usurper: Wow! Thats cool..Thanks Usurper!

27. март 2005, 05:14:26
Относно: Re: question
MindyzTaken: Ask Dr. Purple. He knows everything. LOL

27. март 2005, 05:13:28
Относно: Re: question
MindyzTaken: I've heard they're good for dealing with stress in general, and also to prevent colds & other conditions which are caused by a vitamin C deficiency. They contain a LOT of vitamin C. They also contain a lot of other vitamins too, like E & K and I think beta carotene.

27. март 2005, 05:10:06
Относно: question
I have vitamin C with rose hips..I take them all the time,,but I never knew what the rose hips are actually good for..I know they are good for you,,but what exactly? Im just curious..

26. март 2005, 23:29:52
Относно: Re: Re:
MindyzTaken: gOOd jOb!

26. март 2005, 19:19:56
Foxy Lady 
Относно: Re: Re:
MindyzTaken: Thanks

26. март 2005, 19:18:05
Well done. You beat me to it.

26. март 2005, 19:17:55
Bruno Jesus 
Относно: Re: Re:
MindyzTaken:hey I'm sorry but it is a true story...

26. март 2005, 19:16:54
Относно: Re: Re:
MindyzTaken: Thanks!

26. март 2005, 00:04:01
Radiant2008 :-) 
Относно: Re: Re:
sLaMdAnCe: I am very sorry to read that you have cancer, Slam.. :-( I will certainly keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Green tea is very healthy and btw.. lots of the Japanese cuisine is healthy indeed..

and talking about healing.. Psalm 34 is the psalm of hope.. May the Lord fill you with hope each day new!! God bless you,


25. март 2005, 22:09:16
Slam - on the cancer issue I think it would do you some good to read this book 'The Magus of Strovolos: The Extraordinary World of a Spiritual Healer'. I know it did me a world of good. Here is an article about it if you are so inclined Article

25. март 2005, 20:03:00
Относно: Re: Re:
Purple: Good move.

25. март 2005, 19:57:09
Foxy Lady 
Относно: Re: Re:
Purple: Amen Thank You Purp

25. март 2005, 17:51:36
Относно: Re:
ANTICHRIST: You are banned for obvious reasons.

25. март 2005, 13:45:33
Относно: Peace, Love and Light
..and Green Tea. A prescription for hope. Plus the fact that you are not alone.

25. март 2005, 08:46:06
Относно: traditional chinese medicine
I've just started attending a course to learn about TCM and wow what an interesting course it is. One of the ladies in my class was diagnosed with leukemia last year and she is using TCM to heal her body. She has been able to keep her fulltime job and says has more energy now that before!!! Imagine if she was using radiotherapy and chemo to treat the leukemia!

25. март 2005, 04:35:47
Относно: Re: Re:
sLaMdAnCe: That is cool, you take care of yourself! KICK ITS A**!

25. март 2005, 04:34:28
Относно: Re: Re:
Partica: i'm cool.
i'm too much a knucklehead to give in to it.
Screw the meds and radiation.
I just treat myself right and stay active.

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