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24. февруари 2023, 14:06:02
Относно: Re: Open Fast Espionage
Avun Jahei: Good idea. I remember having suggested something similar at itsyourturn.com many years ago, but alas, it has been ignored. Very probably yours will be ignored too, since this site is not maintained or developed any more.

20. юли 2011, 13:22:24
Относно: bug (?) discovered
I don't know if the following is already known:

moving a spy next to an unknown opponent's piece which you capture afterwards (but still in the same turn) makes the opponent's piece visible. This means that you know what you have captured; it is displayed plain among the captured pieces.

10. ноември 2009, 18:21:48
Относно: Re: S-B
dAGGER: points: for every won game a player gets 1 point, for every drawn game (s)he gets 1/2 point.

S-B-points: for every won game a player gets as many S-B-points as the opponent has (normal) points, for every drawn game (s)he gets 1/2 times the number of points the opponent has.

9. ноември 2009, 13:55:41
Относно: revealing "bug" = italian disguise
I'd vote for having the implementation changed, so that pieces are revealed only by spies not captured in that turn.

My main reason is that it is almost always possible to enter the piece-moves in a "safe" order, so that the captured spies cannot take effect in that turn any more. The rule variant has almost no effect on the game, except that players who don't know about the "bug" may have their pieces revealed unnoticed by themselves. It is just a trap for the uninformed.

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