Easter Bunny Pond...for those with a sweet tooth : A small easter hamper (I said small)will be a gift for the winner of this "Pond" It will comprise sweets, small eggs (not chocolate because of the heat here)biscuits, jams etc...only small but something of a novelty...
Be prepared to give me your mailing address and the utmost privacy is guaranteed:) If you do not wish to give your mailing address, there will be no prize for the winner and it will be given to the runner up, if they give me their address and so on and on :).
Назад към списъка с езера
Тип езеро: Тичане около езерото Идентификатор на езерото: 152 Минимален брой играчи: 16 Максимален брой играчи: 16 Време за ход: 1 ден Старт: 30. януари 2005, 00:00:00 Край: 13. февруари 2005, 06:05:10