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Създател: goodfoods
GoodFoods' Catered Pond Party VI
Назад към списъка с езера

Тип езеро:  Тичане около езерото
Идентификатор на езерото: 1031
Минимален брой играчи: 16
Максимален брой играчи: неограничено
Време за ход: 2 дни
Старт: 30. юли 2005, 23:00:00
Край: 28. август 2005, 03:05:01

Игра | Дискусия

Ход: 14
basplund:(26. август 2005, 10:20:29) Well, I'm rather 2nd then 3rd.
But if Whisperz hadn't said anything about it, I might have considered betting lower in the case he had the same tactic.
alexlee:(26. август 2005, 03:29:20) Had to go over Bas...if he bid 801 one would wonder if there was something fishy in this pond lol
GG bas
Ход: 13
WhisperzQ:(25. август 2005, 12:55:29) Now for your dilemma ... did I bid low letting bas also bid low and use less to so that he jumps ahead of alex, and if so, just how low? ... or did I bid high and leave this message hoping someone else would bid low and I would last at least one more round ... the choice is yours :)
Ход: 1
goodfoods:(31. юли 2005, 15:57:20) good luck, don't fall in

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