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Профил: rod03801

rod03801 (Rodney) - Мозъчен Топ, 3806 Мозъци, 1265 точки от постижения
Общ резултат: 6455 победи, 319 равенства, 5126 загуби, 222 спечелени турнири

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26. август 2020, 18:03:07
you can ban all names remeber i can still sign up for new ones lol
15. септември 2019, 20:21:25
you are mean rod.. you tell me leave site and you remove my post from message boards when i just say hi
20. април 2019, 04:34:58
Charity, there are people who feel I don't "do my job" about you. YOU are ONE person who should be happy that I am a FAIR person.
20. април 2019, 02:36:40
OMG that is so funny.

"well do your job stop point fingers at wrong"

She told you Rodney. lmao She must know somebody you dont. You better do you job or be demoted
20. април 2019, 01:19:19
well do your job stop point fingers at wrong
19. април 2019, 19:26:17
You have NO idea what you are talking about, and you are NO innocent victim.
19. април 2019, 18:40:00
ok well your choice not do nothing been going on long time you just leave it go so does fencer
19. април 2019, 18:01:34
I'm not debating it with you. Please feel free to "leave forever"
19. април 2019, 06:23:34
well no reason to ban me i was stand for myself and i see you let mary talk in messages boards which mistake u know she will start her shit
19. април 2019, 02:00:32
Yes Charity. Creating new accounts does NOT get you out of any bans you have earned.
18. април 2019, 19:34:00
shut up marshmud you just bully like rest on site. i have right to be here like others do
18. април 2019, 19:29:56
i wish he could block you from the planet
18. април 2019, 19:11:09
i see you block me from type in chatroom good for you lol
18. април 2019, 19:10:41

only said i was leaving cause i was piss off at mary and doris is why i said was going to leave site lol
15. март 2019, 04:32:45
14. февруари 2019, 20:25:21
3. февруари 2019, 18:54:46
no since waste my brains if he never gonna let me use it
29. януари 2019, 03:38:49
rod fencer needs unblock me so i can use brains for membership or he just ingore it cause others are using brains. not right for him to block me or ingore my request. and mary shut up no one cares of your drama and shit
23. декември 2018, 00:45:36
Rod cannot stop me writing what I like in my wall. Besides it is ALL true and Charity you cannot accept the truth that you are the problem. You are the one that is not right in the head not me.
23. декември 2018, 00:30:03
She will keep checking my wall and yours Rod as she loves to argue and tell lies and tries to convince people that she is bullied by me and others. The fact is she is the bully telling us all what we should be doing.
There are many that are sick of her and her stupid behaviour she has caused in this site. She has spoilt this site.
If anyone believes her lies then they are just as stupid as her.
13. декември 2018, 04:54:31
13. декември 2018, 04:21:15
yes i am done with try to talk to you and rest low lifes and bullies on site, i did leave for months mr rob no one will get me leave this time from insult and bullying.

people can run their mouths all they want about me but never true and if people wanna believe lies and everything then their lost in matter.

i hope you have great xmas and new year ok rob. and bye alright i m no longer check this wall or marys so u both can talk about me but wont be true and goes with rest of you on this site
13. декември 2018, 01:47:50
I thought you said you were done talking to us? I knew it wouldn't be true. Just like all the times you said you were leaving Brainking for good from your many old names.
13. декември 2018, 00:27:18
your idot so shut up
12. декември 2018, 20:14:30
sorry rod I had the chance to say something to a member who has created havoc here for a decade...open clubs, start thousands of games, screw up the tourny board and treat brainking like a kindergarten social network.
12. декември 2018, 19:52:12
ok really i dont care anyone what anyone says of me its your judgement so fuck off. i am done with talk to u both and mary so bye happy holidays to everyone.
12. декември 2018, 19:51:13
ok marshmud this not your problem so stay out of it. i am only using one id name
12. декември 2018, 19:25:48
I just want to add that Marshmud's post is about Heavenrose, not me.
12. декември 2018, 18:58:19
We have many that have complained about you. When you were redrose we complained, 10 years ago then angelstar then B&G now heavensrose so tell us all here at brainking, how long you going to keep bothering the hundreds who pay here to play games not listen to your crybaby attacks. You have 7 nics here so when is it going to end?
12. декември 2018, 04:20:31
anyhow you only moderator here? who else i can i get hold of this matter? you need tell fencer about this so he can take care of matter this went on long time
12. декември 2018, 04:18:19
she insult me and bully me you need not let happen. this went on for years you dont take care of it so why you a moderator?
12. декември 2018, 04:17:37
i mean on her profile
12. декември 2018, 04:17:07
why let her her put things on her wall of me? you prove of it so and let it happen
12. декември 2018, 04:16:09
i am grown women thank you. go take care problems and insults if your a moderator here
12. декември 2018, 04:15:20
well you dont wanna take care of problems so that why matters get worse over time and u let it happen.
12. декември 2018, 03:12:01
Grow up. You kept sending idiotic messages to me, but you had ME blocked. I couldn't respond, so why should I allow you to keep sending me messages. You are like a 12 year old.
12. декември 2018, 02:17:00
lol i see you block me send a message well only true statements
12. декември 2018, 02:07:29
11. декември 2018, 21:54:42
11. декември 2018, 19:14:03
you know mary is not right in head and you let her get away with bullshit and insults its wrong rob
11. декември 2018, 19:13:03
your asshole go to hell. you grow up? why u even a mod u cant even do anything to solve problems. u let mary post stuff on her wall and profile and do nothing about it
11. юли 2018, 19:36:29
sorry i said that on your wall put you got me angry
14. юни 2018, 18:35:45
you bad moderator . go take care of people that doesnt need to be here and cause trouble and drama besides tell me what i am doing wrong all time.
18. май 2018, 23:50:43
16. май 2018, 01:17:06
have fun with fake people here
16. май 2018, 01:16:53
ok if you say so, bye
14. юли 2017, 12:36:31
1. януари 2014, 04:06:50
Papa Zoom 
Happy New Year
25. декември 2013, 17:33:49
Papa Zoom 
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
7. декември 2013, 21:54:48
Papa Zoom 
Hey, busy and write stuff on yer wall. It's almost been 3 years! Where's the spray paint?
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