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Профил: Fencer

Fencer (Filip Rachůnek) - Бял Мозъчен Цар, 57 Мозъци, 1005 точки от постижения
Общ резултат: 8052 победи, 575 равенства, 4847 загуби, 162 спечелени турнири

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29. март 2023, 03:05:34
Fencer can yoy give me the brain rook I already paided for it like 2 or 3 times with brains.
29. март 2023, 03:03:58
I have a battke boats suggestion!Choice Battlebaots Plus (Choice Dark Battleboats) – You can choose what boats you will place on your own board. The choice of 10 configurations & your opponent will not know which configuration you picked. The choices:1 5-ship, 1 4-ship, 2 3-ships, 1 2-ship (classic) (17)2 4-ships, 2 3-ships, 1 2-ship (16)1 5-ship, 1 4-ship, 1 3-ship, 2 2-ships (16)2 5-ships, 2 4-ships (18)1 4-ship, 2 3-ships, 2 2-ships (14)2 5-ships, 2 3-ships, 1 2-ship (18)5 3-ships (15)1 6-ship, 1 4-ship, 1 3-ship, 2 2-ships (17)1 6-ship, 1 5-ship, 1 4-ship, 1 2-ship (18)3 4-ships, 1 3-ship, 1 2-ship (17)Each choice has between 14-18 hittable spots. Some of the lower 14/15 will mean it will take less shots for your opponent to beat you, but you also mostly have more smaller harder to find boats.
18. юли 2021, 11:58:31
hi, Ria02 was here. :-)
17. януари 2021, 00:25:07
Hi Fencer, could you please activate brain rook on my account? I paid by brains like 3 weeks ago but still missing this update, it is holding me to sign up to other great tournaments & games
8. септември 2020, 21:33:23
Ahoj veduci , akosi mi nefunguje hra trojití kockoví poker, pozri sa mi na to, stefanmallo,
9. септември 2019, 05:44:37
16. юли 2019, 05:36:11
Thank you Fencer for acting on my request.
14. юли 2019, 16:21:58
Fencer my last request to you is can you please transfer the reminder of my membership to Universal Eyes account. And also please give him 35 vacation days?
At the beginning of the year they paid for 6 months membership. His wife became ill and he was obviously by his wife’s bedside until she died. So his vacation days got used up for that reason alone.
Show some compassion and do the decent thing and honour my request. He is now a widower with a young child to bring up on his own.
9. март 2019, 06:49:49
Peach Wine 
28. януари 2019, 05:01:23
11. декември 2018, 00:48:34
12. юли 2018, 17:01:58
Hello, Fencer, please tell me what to do when I sat down at the poker table
22. юни 2018, 19:36:30
22. юни 2018, 19:36:30
10. май 2018, 17:35:54
hi guys. what s app
9. май 2018, 07:15:21
hi fencer..please delete a random tournie i messed up in spells and magic potions fellowship..it is froze and didnt start as i messed it up when setting it up thank you
27. декември 2017, 06:52:43
11. юни 2017, 07:44:31
9. юни 2017, 08:41:39
1. януари 2017, 18:29:04
klobouk dolů za tuto dlouhou práci ! peklo
19. август 2015, 20:22:08
1. януари 2014, 10:38:46
Happy New Year 2014
1. януари 2014, 04:07:11
Papa Zoom 
Happy New Year
25. декември 2013, 17:37:34
Papa Zoom 
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
12. октомври 2013, 02:04:36
never mind I'm everywhere anyway hehehe
12. октомври 2013, 01:40:33
New message(back to the list of messages)
[England, 611 players]
From: [Mousetrap, England, Brain Rook (forever), Male] Mousetrap (show this user's messages)
Date and time: 26. September 2013, 01:12:08
Subject: Hiya

Are you both well?


Hey Fencer why can't you let things go and "forgive" me and let me reply? You always do for the Men on here.

Why is that?
14. юни 2013, 15:17:26
Is this a "Room"? There's me thinking it was a Wall LOL

byzie byeeee :)
12. юни 2013, 21:38:36
Talking to yourself again Emma? *Looks strangely around room and walks off* Toodles..

11. юни 2013, 19:27:53
You should sell bk to someone that gives a shit and can make this site bigger and better and how costumers want it.

I'll give you 50p for it LMAO
28. април 2013, 01:14:49
Ooooops the women are not impressed with your posts LOL Now Women Fencer are not easy to control lol it's more easy for you to have the men to back you up hehe

28. April 2013, 00:31:07
[speachless, Switzerland, Brain Rook, Female] speachless
show this user posts | link
well, i always get in without www, just using brainking.com - today the site works well, but yesterday it was a crap. and people who were affected were from different locations... it doesn't hurt anybody and doesn't give to much to do by restarting the brainking webserver, when many users are affected.... but my only right here is to pay and play, so i don't give a shit anymore about

27. април 2013, 22:32:20
This is so funny Fencer you've pissed her right off on the brainking board, I've never laughed so much. :))))

You have the old ladies after your arse LMFAO

Funny. ;)
22. април 2013, 14:34:22
The white screen problems one certain person in particular on the bk board, that keeps moaning about your site is bullshitting you.

She is bored and when she's bored she loves to moan and complain about anything.
There are NO problems with your site here in the UK.

None whatsoever.

Just thought I''d let you know.
7. април 2013, 10:27:51
Please Fencer as I can't PM him to stop! can you tell Rod to stop hounding my friends to drop me, it's getting really very childish and creepy knowing some strange guy I don't really know and is on your staff is doing this.


I haven't spoken to Rod in a long time so I don't get this crap


I have been informed that apparently this ID I'm using right now is under threat by Rod.... WTF??? This is not fair or right, it's dead Wrong. Anyone out there could try and imitate me now on the public boards and it will be "heavelyemma" that gets the chop for it.

Very classy, Not!!!

(news)From: rod03801 (show this user's messages)
Date and time: 27. March 2013, 23:18:37
Subject: <no subject>

I know who you are, and that post on General Chat is most likely the last straw before you get the bans on your "main" account. Emma.


28. февруари 2013, 14:00:39
The white screen problems one certain person in particular on the bk board, that keeps moaning about your site is bullshitting you.

She is bored and when she's bored she loves to moan and complain about anything.
There are NO problems with your site here in the UK.

None whatsoever.

Just thought I''d let you know.
7. ноември 2012, 14:26:16
I don't usually give up when I want something bad enough But now is time to give up, No amount of sorry's will ever get you to change your mind :(

I get that now.

I f****d up and I'm sorry.
If I could go back in Time (like Doctor Who) and change that day I would, but I can't.
31. октомври 2012, 21:24:38
Been here since 2002
31. октомври 2012, 21:21:11
.... Just 1 chance?

23. октомври 2012, 18:50:39
"Write new message
You are not allowed to send private message"


I swear to God I'll behave myself. Please may I have a second chance? when it comes down to PM'ing.

I'm really sorry Filip.
18. октомври 2012, 15:36:42
Pretty please with a cherry on top ;)
17. октомври 2012, 16:00:50
I don't give up.

Please can I have my PM'ing back :'(
26. септември 2012, 06:18:07
"Warning! Your Brain Rook membership level will expire on 9. October 2012. You have 13 days left to renew your membership."

Dear Fencer,

If I'm going to renew my membership can you please lift the ban so I can pm again please?

I'm sorry about those 2 PM's I sent you, I really am I shouldn't of got involved I know that now Fencer, I was a stupid idiot and it wont happen again, I promise.

23. април 2012, 22:13:41
14. април 2012, 20:14:39
Yes,Yes,Yes redfrog is BACK on bk!!! He's one of the best globs you ever had do you know that.
10. март 2012, 21:35:46
I guess you need all your time to keep an eye on the Aussies hehehehehe LOL well you did say in the past they were "Assholes" I say arseholes myself "giggle"

oh well LMFAO
10. март 2012, 21:30:36
Hey Fencer I guess "Sorry" doesn't work for you :((

I tried that's all that matters.

Cheers thanks alot.
31. януари 2012, 21:11:48
Fencer you might not think I'm real but I am very sorry for the way I treated you, I really am. I'm sorry for messing you about and being an arsehole I'm sorry.

I hope you forgive me as I really am sorry.
10. ноември 2011, 09:17:43
29. март 2011, 22:48:48
merci d'avoir crée brainking =)
22. март 2011, 19:03:00
5. април 2010, 05:07:14
Good Attitude 
I am glad to see that you and Pay Pal have worked out the problems you two had and that it is again a way to pay for memberships on here
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