If you play chess (or just know the basics) and haven’t tried Crazy Screen Chess, try it!! I gladly accept a challenge if you want to try. (The game is a sort of cross between normal Chess and Espionage.)
I hope that we can put a team together in near future, if your interested join!!
I play Crazy Screen Chess (CSC) because it’s gives chess an extra dimension. It allows you, in the start position to be aggressive or defensive -if you like that.
My/our goal is:
To gather a number of players so the team frequently can challenge other fellowships and (of cause) enjoy playing.
Frequently start fellowship tournaments and have popular CSC stairs.
… NOT to get the biggest fellowship but the most “Crazy” fellowship.
Не можете да се присъедините към това дружество, защото това е разрешено само за Мозъчен Кон или по-високо ниво на членство.
Можете да разрешите тази неприятна ситуация като повишите Вашето ниво на членство.
Сив фон - членът е бил неактивен повече от 30 дни.