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监管者: Vikings 

this is a board that talks about issues concerning animals...your own pets as well as animal rights,alerts,bills before congress that need our attention.This is a family board but as abuse cases may be posted it may not always be for the sensitive readers.Please be kind to each other,thanks!

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9. 十月 2011, 05:31:39
题目: Re: bathing a cat
Artful Dodger:  Too Funny

16. 九月 2010, 16:42:45
题目: Re:
Tuesday:  Ewwww.. Shiver bibbles..

17. 八月 2010, 17:51:06
题目: Re:
ScarletRose修改(17. 八月 2010, 17:54:32)
Tuesday:  That is one plus!! LOL

wolf wolf..

25. 七月 2010, 20:08:06
They are.. and that goat sure did look as though he understood everything that man was saying to him.. 

25. 七月 2010, 20:05:47
题目: Re:
Tuesday:  That is funny stuff..

23. 六月 2010, 02:29:24
My pom doesn't know the word Down.. she knows Off.. I think she hears more of a bark with the "Off Command" It is so silly cause she will start jumping up on my legs to scold me for leaving her.. and I just say.. "Off" and she stops jumping up..

So if Down doesn't work.. try Off..

10. 六月 2010, 07:04:10
题目: Re:
Tuesday: Actually, I have seen a male calico.. although, he didn't live for too long.. my brothers cat gave birth to a little male calico.. I am not sure exactly how long it lived for.. but, it wasn't too long..

9. 六月 2010, 16:07:26
题目: Re:
Tuesday: We have three cats: Quazi, Zoey, Scarlet. And we have two dogs: Idget, Cheech

Quazi is a beige stripe or even tabby.. Zoey and Scarlet are both long hair calicoes. Idget is my pomeranian and Cheech is a chihuahua .. all the cats are rescue cats..

9. 六月 2010, 07:38:55
题目: Re:
Tuesday: Fostering an animal would be hard for me.. I tend to fall in love with them.. heck.. at bedtime all animals jump up on the bed and want cuddled.. lol

5. 六月 2010, 15:04:17
题目: Re: doggy treats
Jim Dandy: Gross.. I have 3 cats and 2 dogs.. now what do I do? LOL

10. 四月 2010, 02:55:59
题目: Re:
Tuesday: Awwww.. well good thing then he was just hit and not killed.

10. 四月 2010, 02:45:47
题目: Re:
Tuesday:  It might be the meds they have him on.. I hope he gets back to being his self soon.. hopefully he isn't hurting too badly..

9. 四月 2010, 01:19:15
题目: Re:
Tuesday: lol

7. 四月 2010, 07:15:33
题目: Re:
Tuesday:  That is kewt!

30. 四月 2009, 05:53:25
题目: Re: Molly is now a confirmed diabetic
Jim Dandy:  Jim.. is there a way you can control it by making your own cat food? I know my one friend would feed her dog with a good diet other than prepared dog foods.. is there anything on that support site that talks about making your own.. the you can control the sugars going into the foods.. Since she has diabetes.. that would suggest they use sugar in the prepared foods..

10. 一月 2009, 04:30:32
题目: Re:
Tuesday: the Owies!! LOL

10. 一月 2009, 04:10:34
题目: Re:
Tuesday: hahaha that dude weighs 2 times the weight of my dog.. LOL

19. 十二月 2008, 00:27:13
题目: Re:
Tuesday: After having to give up puppies for years due to renting.. I decided years ago I wouldn't get another dog till I bought my own house.. and I always said it would be a golden retriever .. I was given Iggy on New Years Day in 2006.. I have had her in my life for 3 years.. and I am so glad someone opened my eyes up to the smaller breed dog.. (Not as messy, and doesn't tear up the back yard) She also misses me when I am gone and greets me when I first get home.. it's awesome..

19. 十二月 2008, 00:13:43
题目: Re:
Tuesday: My pom I named Idget.. but, I nicked named her Iggy Threadgood.. she looks up at me as though I am crazy when I say.. To Wanda!! LOL

I also tell her she is a wittle dog.. not a leader dog.. but, a wittle dog.. haha.. it's something that you have to be here I think to get the full undetstanding of it.. she gets all happy and starts to do spins.. and waggy her tail..


Fa la la la ala!!!

20. 九月 2008, 15:30:13
题目: Re: Should Polar Bears be taken off the endangered list?
Tuesday: not sure about the baby seals.. my heart is out to them.. I saw a video a few years back that was gruesome.. I never knew that went on till then.. it was horrifying to see how cruel mankind can be.

20. 九月 2008, 05:55:20
Tuesday: I'll go with ya.. I had to stop when the man had the piglets.. OMG.. those poor babies..

12. 七月 2008, 06:12:04
题目: Re: Dog meat off Chinese menus during upcoming Beijing Olympics
Artful Dodger:  I think I would be veggietarian if I ever went over seas..

11. 七月 2008, 18:08:46
Yeah.. I have heard dalmations aren't the family dog they are portrayed to be on 101 Dalmations..

here is one link.. http://www.dogbitelaw.com/breeds-causing-DBRFs.pdf
I know it is outdated.. I am looking for the one site I found interesting.. I realize Pit Bulls aren't the only dog who attacks and kills.. but, they are the breeds most often found in fatal attacks between human and dog.. my husband found a study more current. here is the link

http://www.dogbitelaw.com/PAGES/statistics.html#Thedogsmostlikelytobite - another link that offered the above link. Excellent resources.. and lots of infor.

http://www.dogbitevictim.com/ - A list of victims and their stories. Not all are from Pitbulls, but most of them are.

as for dogs who bite.. those stats aren't as accurate mostly cause people don't often report dog bites. examples.. friends and family don't often report dog bites. My son was biten by a puppy when he was walking down the street. a chunk out of his arm which eventually healed .. we did go to ER room to make sure it would be okay. We didn't give specifics since we didn't want to see the puppy killed.. his owner was harsh enough.. several months before that.. we had an employee who had a Pit Bull. It supposedly was her husbands dog and he had passed on a year earlier.. well, her dog bite my thigh when I went to her front door, and 2 months later bit my son in his leg.  We didn't report either bite since the pit meant something to her.. when she moved.. we learned  of 2 others who were bit before us.. so peeps don't often report dog bites..

11. 七月 2008, 05:27:39
题目: Re: wow! who would have thought THIS..oh,wait,ME!
anastasia: in responce to the Pomeranian killing a six week old.. I suppose it is possible.. I do find the line a bit hard to swallow when they claim the babies head was inside its mouth. I have a Pomeranian and her mouth is tiny.. maybe a barbie dolls head could get inside it.. haha..

I learned last year after watching a pitbull snatch up a pom.. that it is mostly how the dog is treated.. my pom attached herself to me. She gets upset if I don't take her with me. The car gets too hot anymore so most times she is left at home. I babysat my grandson with Iggy there.. she was always so gentle around the baby.. her breed is very showy.. she likes to be the center of attention. She was a Christmas gift a few years back. I never thought I would take to a small breed dog. We had a Chihaua when I was younger. And that dog was mean. We treated it nice. but, if he got excited he would come out and nip ya.. I have seen one or two Chihaua which were actually nice.. but, generally those peeps who own them usually have to keep them in their bedrooms when guests drop over.

We did some research last year when we witnessed the dog fight between my neighbors dogs. I didn't want to go outside and was very concerned for my grandson after that. Unfortunately Pit Bulls always ranked up number one as vicious and the 2nd one was an off breed of them. I can't remember the name. It wouldn't have surprised me if I saw Chihaua up there as well.. but, #3 was a Rotweiller.. personally I wouldn't own any of those breeds. If I were to have gone out and intentionally picked out a dog.. I would have gotten a golden retriever.. they are the gentlest and the smartest of dogs. We raised them when I was growing up and my ginger had so many tumors in her when I started having my children. Heck the babies would climb all over Ginger and you could tell she hurt.. but, she never snapped or growled at those babies.. and every retriever I have met since has been a sweetheart.. Oh well.. I will get off my band wagon..

all in all some breeds have a tendency to be vicious.. mix that with nasty owners and you have vicious.. I still find it hard to think the dog had the babies head inside its mouth..

26. 七月 2007, 07:35:20
题目: Re: Doggy choccy

wetware: My brothers and I would sneak the tube of vitamins which looked alot like a dollup of chocolate.. (hershey kiss).. and eat them, it tasted like chocolate.. LOL


21. 七月 2007, 09:02:18
题目: Watermelon
my little black pom loves watermelon.. She also loves ice cream and cheese sticks.. but, like the watermelon.. it is given sparingly...

15. 七月 2006, 01:32:20
题目: Re:
Dolittle: Yeah.. I remember Ginger and Cindy,... they like never learned.. they always chased after them.. with the same results! LOL

14. 七月 2006, 16:58:07
题目: Re: They call me "Big Poppa"
srnity:  Sorry to hear of your loss..

14. 七月 2006, 16:56:47
题目: Re:

Dolittle: oh goodness.. yes.. I remember our goldens often playing with them in Colorado would end up with frothy mouths..

Is your little one okay??

20. 六月 2006, 15:44:28
题目: Re:
WatfordFC: let us know if everything is okay with your animals.. I hope so..

14. 六月 2006, 18:56:52
题目: Re: Training part 4
anastasia: a few years back, my neighbors dog would do the same with their cherry toms.. LOL I remember how Bridgett would get on little cuz.. so funny..

27. 五月 2006, 06:41:17
题目: Re: Bees Kill Great Dane
SwirlyShirley: awwwwwwwwww

26. 五月 2006, 21:13:40
题目: Re: Damien's training...part 1
anastasia: just curious..
What is then.. the normal reaction to getting a dog to stop biting one's ankles?? LOL

Sorry.. but, if a dog is trying to use any part of me as a chew toy.. that dogs nose is getting smacked.. and a big NO! with a GENTLE.. NO BITE!! command will be stated.. if my skin is breaking through his bite.. I may even whack him where I can reach at him.. That would be my reaction.. (I am not suggesting beating a dog mind you)

19. 五月 2006, 07:48:33
题目: Re: busy,busy!!
anastasia: AWwwww.. that melts my heart! :)

6. 五月 2006, 05:50:48
题目: Re:
nobleheart: awwww how sweet! :)

5. 五月 2006, 19:50:33
题目: Re: Report on Punkin!
Dolittle: Good Deal!!

4. 五月 2006, 20:37:28
题目: Re: My precious Punkin!
Dolittle: aaawwwwww.. hope she gets better all quick.. sorry to hear of this..

2. 五月 2006, 09:04:33
题目: Re: quite in here,shhhh!!!!
anastasia: oh.. ?? I wonder if they have classes around here for my little pom.. I take her everywhere.. and try to expose her to people any chance I can.. just so she stops barking so much..

1. 五月 2006, 06:31:32
题目: Re: quite in here,shhhh!!!!
anastasia: sounds like you are a great instructor.. why not just continue on and save that money you will spend in classes for him??

15. 四月 2006, 07:47:24
题目: Re: Spring time is here
nobleheart: awwwwww how sweet

5. 四月 2006, 23:12:48
题目: Re: A dog named Faith..
missymarie: that is so nice of you Mindy.. how kind of you to offer..

5. 四月 2006, 23:02:26
题目: Re: A dog named Faith..
missymarie: it's been hitting the emails .. since it was just on Montel recently.. but, thanks

28. 三月 2006, 03:18:37
题目: Re:
Tuesday: notice how they are men?? Guess that proves they don't have any feelings or remorse.. I think it is outright sick.. it is wastefull and I would like to be able to be on a boat hunting them down..

27. 三月 2006, 17:20:20
题目: Re:
anastasia: Okay.. this is getting too much.. these poor animals. Man.. just too sad..

26. 三月 2006, 21:00:51
题目: Re: seal hunt begins Graphic contents...readers beware!!!!
anastasia: OMG!! I have never heard such a thing.. how awful!!

24. 三月 2006, 06:51:17
题目: Re:
BerniceC: Hello Mac and Cheese! LOL

19. 三月 2006, 00:47:10
题目: Re: How about this?
Groucho: hahaha

18. 三月 2006, 06:59:29
题目: Re: ok,try this link for some pics
anastasia: it is all in the addy dear.. you were in ed mode.. when we clicked on your link.. it took us to our own photo albums.. providing we had one.. so.. just a few deletes to the addy and whaa laa.. :)

16. 三月 2006, 17:38:51
题目: Re: ok,try this link for some pics
anastasia: this one should work

14. 三月 2006, 15:02:55
题目: Re: sick bird
The Hunter: I hope you don't mind.. but, I went ahead and emailed a couple who I am friends with reqarding your sick bird.. they raised cockatiels and sold them as well.. she also has a kewl Parrot. I will let you know when I get a responce.. good luck with your lil one!

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