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监管者: Jason 
 Five in Line

Discuss about five in line game or find new opponents. (Also Pro and Swap five in line discussion.)

状态: 所有人能发表

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7. 七月 2004, 20:04:21
soul reaper 
题目: re: swap
The easiest way is do force 1st player to do all 3 moves, then 2nd player to choose the color, this has been done on polish site www.kurnik.pl and work fine there. And swap really makes the game much more balanced.

11. 五月 2004, 15:15:55
题目: Re: swap
Yes, I think the swap version would make it more fair, and yes, the restriction on the second player's first move MUST be included if this version is to be implemented.

17. 四月 2004, 13:37:13
题目: "Swap" 5-in-line
I would like to see the "swap" version of 5-in-line at BK. The swap completely takes away 1st player`s advantage and would require only VERY little modifications to the current version.
The swap-version is simply regular 5-in-line with 2. player having an option of choosing whether he wants to play as black or white after total of 3 moves have been made. I personally think that 2nd player`s 1st move should be restricted so that it cannot be made OUTSIDE the same 5x5 center square inside which 1st player`s 2nd move cannot be made in Pente or pro-gomoku. Without this restriction player 2 could make his first move into 1 of the corners and get the advantage to himself.
Even in pro-gomoku the 1. players advantage is very big, but not so with the swap.
Let`s hear some comments...especially about the restriction for 2. player which I proposed here.

13. 四月 2004, 20:14:42
题目: Section 1
sorry but i forgot about the 2nd move restriction . so i resigned my games ... totally slipped my mind ..

1. 四月 2004, 17:00:01
题目: Section 1
At my request, Fencer has just fixed the standings in section one. Jason and nicegirll both are now declared winners.
A great final coming up after Duke and I have finished our games in section2.

19. 一月 2004, 21:21:22
题目: Tournament announcement
Player Sowa has not used the 2. move restriction in at least 3 of his tournament games as white in section 2 of the tournament.

This is against the rules of the tournament and therefore, all games played by him and against him will not be a part of this tournament. I will manually count the points in section 2 and if this produces a different section winner than the automatic system, I will arrange a real final for the real section winners.

Those who are playing against Sowa in the tournament can continue their games or resign them early, when it should not affect the ratings. In any case, those games are no longer a part of the tournament and will not affect who will be announced as the winner.

17. 一月 2004, 08:59:04
题目: Invitational Top25 five-in-line tournament.....
...is about to start!
I want to remind all players that the 2. move restriction for white must be used in all games.
If some player doesn`t use the restriction I will manually count the points leaving out all games played against that player, and if necessary, arrange a new final round into which the "real" finalists will be invited.

Good luck to everybody.

23. 十二月 2003, 17:01:51
题目: Invitational Top25 five-in-line tournament
It is time to find out who is the best five-in-line player at Brainking. To avoid "surewin" -moves the 2. move restriction (like in Pro Gomoku) will be used for player1 (white). If you are not familiar with this restriction you can find it explained in rules description for Pente. All five-in-line players in Top25 have been invited (including provisional ratings). If anybody outside the top25 feels like he/she deserves to be playing in the tournament, feel free to ask me for an invite. Games start 16.1. so that pawns will have time to finish their on-going games.

29. 八月 2003, 06:44:05
Princess Kammy 
workin on it for ya

29. 八月 2003, 06:38:56
Is there any prize tourney in the whole ?

24. 八月 2003, 13:19:22
Princess Kammy 
no problem any time :)

24. 八月 2003, 13:11:14
thx Lonestar
ummmm... Princess Kam???

24. 八月 2003, 13:06:26
Princess Kammy 
howdy all.....i have a tourney that has five in a line but not a prize tourney sorry...since i see you would like a prize tourney i will see what i can do :)

24. 八月 2003, 08:49:04
If someone starts one. It's up to the creator to provide the prize, so if you can find someone who'll create one, then yes...there will be :-) lol

24. 八月 2003, 07:59:44
is there ever a five in line prize tourney?

23. 八月 2003, 22:02:00
Princess Kammy 
题目: Tourney
hello all :) FOr all interested in a five in a line tourney there is one waiting for you. Name is We're Off and Running.

Have a great day!!

20. 八月 2003, 19:36:51
Yes, it happened to everyone.

20. 八月 2003, 13:34:38
What happened yesterday? some my game moves were back, and they knew what I wanna do... did it happen to someone else ?

16. 八月 2003, 11:38:30
If I had 1 million USD I'll bye 1 Brain Rook and do other things :P

16. 八月 2003, 11:36:31
SonAnh: It can be yours for one million USD :-)

16. 八月 2003, 11:34:01
plz borrow me your White Brain King Mr. Fencer, I would join more than 1 tournament then :P

15. 八月 2003, 03:45:34
Princess Kammy 
题目: Re:
wow that game is going strong :) good luck to both of you :)

14. 八月 2003, 08:53:31

14. 八月 2003, 08:50:30
This game.
Full board ;-)

14. 八月 2003, 06:31:55
what's the most moves made in a game. I have one that's at turn 46 right now...

10. 八月 2003, 05:34:20
Princess Kammy 
good evening....hope all is great for everyone :)

9. 八月 2003, 00:21:52
Lonestar73: I'm just interesting.
Re: Does white...:Yes,your impression is so rite, that call surewin,something like we've discused but nothing funny starting play using that open.
Kacper, look at the way you piece 5in line is so perfect, but never seen you been here,opine something babie :-)

8. 八月 2003, 23:02:35
题目: Re: Does white...
this was a problem in checkers, i recall, and in high level games, the first move or something is chosen by lot.
someone mentioned white having to play his second move three rows from the first. does this resolve the difficulty?

8. 八月 2003, 22:13:46
题目: Re: Does white...
Yes. As I believe have allready been pointed out earlier in this forum, there is proof of a sure win for the starting party of the game. This without any restrictions; sad but true. Therefor if equal conditions are valued one should preferably play a game like pro gomoku or, if one gets the chance to, renju.

8. 八月 2003, 20:22:00
题目: Does white always win?
I get the impression from the disussions here that, given best play, white will always win? Is this so? Thanks.

8. 八月 2003, 05:24:23
Princess Kammy 
题目: Re:
what are you referring to in regards to 23xx nicks? are you looking for someone in particular?

8. 八月 2003, 05:12:32
Where are 5-in-line 23xx nicks ? why I dont see any1 in here.

8. 八月 2003, 03:09:15
Princess Kammy 
good evening all..how is everyone? :) hope everyone is staying cool or at least cooler than i am...109 here today...want fried eggs just crack em on the sidewalk lol

6. 八月 2003, 16:51:08
题目: Renju
Yep, double 3's wouldnt win and you cant make 3x3 but 3x4.

5. 八月 2003, 10:35:08
Anyone who would like to play 5 wins match with pro gomoku rules? Invite me..

4. 八月 2003, 18:27:09
题目: Re: Pro Gomoku
Renju has restrictions about types of wins doesn't it like double 3's etc?

4. 八月 2003, 18:25:45
题目: Pro Gomoku
No, Pro moku is different, Pro moku rules are the same as normal moku but the second white piece must be placed at least 3 rows from the first one

3. 八月 2003, 21:53:54
题目: Re: Pro Gomoku Renju?
Is Pro GoMoku have the same rules as Renju?

1. 八月 2003, 13:03:19
I asked Fencer for new game - Pro gomoku (just 5 in line, pro rules).

30. 七月 2003, 21:51:38
:-) just discussions coz we cant change anything. But I think 6 not win is more better coz a game will be more complicated and...

30. 七月 2003, 17:48:32
题目: 5+ in line
I think it should be changed, you're really only supposed to place 5 pieces. In fact, as many players know who play at other sites, one of a players DEFENSES is to force a sixth piece placement, since it is not a win.On the other hand, i believe i have only won a handful of games w/ 6 pieces, it doesn't really happen all that often.

30. 七月 2003, 08:23:50
five in line is different from six in line, and different from five or more in line too, so dont look at the name of game, I'm just sayin' about the rules

29. 七月 2003, 21:02:32
If you notice, it isn't go-moku...it's Five in Line...

29. 七月 2003, 20:17:36
the moku rules so strange, more than 5 stones can win too, never seen it before! that was so lucky that I took a look at these rules, lolz...

29. 七月 2003, 08:06:28
after initial 4 games you get provisional BKR rating then after 25 games you have an established BKR rating... .. and thanks... :)

29. 七月 2003, 07:46:31
oh thanks lovelysharon, you are lovely :-), but what they consider then ?that am I a provisional player to rate me or what?

27. 七月 2003, 22:19:21
you need to finish at least 4 games for a rating.. and then it is still considered provisional until you finish 25 ....

27. 七月 2003, 10:15:38
hi all, anyone know this: I finished and won 2 games, why my rating doesn't appear ? ( as you see, SonAnh still unrated )

26. 七月 2003, 07:43:49
题目: WJW, I figured it out
About the colors (I agree with you, I prefer black & white myself, for the same reasons)
Go to Settings. Click on Five In Line. There, you'll see two rows, first small, the one under is bigger. Each row has two choices, it's hard to see but possible. First circle is a click box, then the two 'stones' (x & o), then another circle, white dot and black dot. So, you click in the FOURTH thingy.. LOL Does that make sense? ;)

4. 七月 2003, 04:59:42

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