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 Opinion polls

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  • Suggestions for future polls

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    25. 四月 2010, 00:52:24
    题目: Re: Pizza Toppings
    Pedro Martínez: Yeah, you are right as usual :) I've lived in US a bit and the pizza experience there is completely different from the european one.

    25. 四月 2010, 00:47:00
    题目: Re: Pizza Toppings
    I also like blue cheese in my pizza a lot.. Salami, pineapple, japeños and blue cheese pizza and i'm in heaven :)

    25. 四月 2010, 00:46:31
    Pedro Martínez 
    题目: Re: Pizza Toppings
    puupia: I think that when you look at the selection of toppings, it is clear that it is the American pizza what should be considered here. You can hardly get any other salami than pepperoni in the U.S., while here in Europe it is quite common to use quite a variety of salamis. Also the cheeses listed in the poll are rarely used in continental Europe (except for mozzarella, of course). We don't use provolone, cheddar, or Colby (which is actually a cheddar too). Instead, edam is very popular, as well as a number of blue-veined chesses. Then the bacon – the European bacon is not the same as the American one. And so on and so forth. You're right about the chicken, turkey, and I would also add beef. To sum it up, American pizza is simply different from European pizza. And I have different favorite toppings for each of them. :)

    25. 四月 2010, 00:32:31
    题目: Re: Pizza Toppings
    Pedro Martínez: Yeah pepperoni is there. But its only a kind of salami, and not really my favorite kind..

    And then in the meat section chicken is not listed. In most pizza places in Finland you can get chicken in your pizza easily, but turkey is more uncommon. I guess this might be the case elsewhere also.

    Also sausage in the list is something that most europeans don't really know what it is. I'm quite sure coan.net means the american kind of sausage with that one. And that stuff its not really sausage at all :P

    25. 四月 2010, 00:31:29
    题目: Re: Pizza Toppings
    Pedro Martínez: I thought carrot's sounded better then corn... but corn has more votes then carrots..

    25. 四月 2010, 00:26:23
    Pedro Martínez 
    题目: Re: Pizza Toppings
    coan.net: Nuts on pizza – that sounds to me almost as awkward as carrot on pizza…

    25. 四月 2010, 00:16:26
    题目: Re: Pizza Toppings
    puupia: Jalapenoes was *almost* on the list. I actually spent about an hour doing internet searches on what the most "popular" toppings of pizza were - and like I mentioned, I probable had over 100 toppings at first... but tried to take off those that seemed a little less popular (leaving Almonds and Pecans on the list because I've never seen nuts on a pizza and thought it might be interesting if either of those got votes.)

    But since I have to type in each answer - submit - then as more answers are added scroll down to add another answer, I tried to keep the list as short as possible while still trying to get the most popular.

    So speaking on nuts on pizza - anyone ever see that and or try that? I'm not too big of a nut eater but for some reason it sounds like it might be kind of good on a pizza

    24. 四月 2010, 22:56:42
    Pedro Martínez 
    题目: Re: Pizza Toppings
    Pedro Martínez修改(24. 四月 2010, 22:58:50)
    puupia: Oh yes, jalapeños, I knew I was missing something essential there…

    But salami is there, isn't it? As pepperoni. :)

    24. 四月 2010, 22:39:01
    题目: Re: Pizza Toppings
    coan.net: Some quite obvious choices are missing. Salami, tuna, fresh garlic and my favourite jalapenos.. And of course i understand that listing all possibilities is quite impossible :)

    24. 四月 2010, 19:18:03
    Pedro Martínez 
    题目: Re: Pizza Toppings
    Ownercase: But they have finpits!

    24. 四月 2010, 18:19:02
    题目: Re: Pizza Toppings
    fish dont have armpits....

    24. 四月 2010, 17:39:44
    题目: Re: Pizza Toppings
    rod03801: Mine still shows 24 of 25 (which is what it said before this poll was created) so apparently the new poll has not been added to my stat yet.

    Also maybe wait another day or so, but I would like to know if people like having the polls be "public" where others can see their answers (and that it does still look OK on the poll page... and not make it hard to read and/or not hard to vote.) [again, will be interesting to see after 100 or 200 people vote and are all listed there.]

    24. 四月 2010, 17:29:41
    题目: Re: Pizza Toppings
    Snoopy: Funny.. mine says the same thing.

    24. 四月 2010, 17:17:27
    题目: Re: Pizza Toppings
    coan.net: 25 really it only takes me to 23
    guess i missed some when i had showing polls on my main page turned off and you didnt post them here

    24. 四月 2010, 17:10:29
    题目: Re: Pizza Toppings
    coan.net: hold the anchovies!!! they taste like fish armpits!!

    24. 四月 2010, 16:57:38
    题目: Pizza Toppings
    Well we finally got our 25th Public Poll (which can give many of us our achievement for answering all 25 polls)

    I know I do not have all the option for toppings listed on this poll. I tried to list what I think are many of the top options, along with a few other options... BUT I KNOW I DID NOT LIST THEM ALL. (the poll would have hundreds of options if I did.)

    So PLEASE feel free to list & discuss your favorite toppings here.

    Also to have some fun (and to see how it will look), the poll is "public" which means everyone can see what others voted for.

    12. 四月 2010, 17:16:03
    题目: Re:
    Nothingness: If you are the Big Boss of a fellowship, you can create a poll inside your fellowship. (I believe Little Bosses might be able to, as well) Only Fencer, Tanein and Coan.net can create site-wide polls.

    12. 四月 2010, 17:11:29
    how can you create a poll? Is everyone eligible to create a poll?

    29. 三月 2010, 01:10:12
    题目: Re: World Cup
    coan.net修改(29. 三月 2010, 01:10:35)
    Pedro Martínez: Having them on fellowship polls with 20-30 people some-what works, but I was afraid that once we got 300+ names listed on the poll, it might distort the page a lot and make it hard to read and/or vote for those who hadn't voted yet.

    I'm tempted to try it to see what will happen..... maybe I will try it with the next poll and if it does start to mess things up, I'm sure I can get Fencer to switch the option off on it.

    29. 三月 2010, 00:57:06
    Pedro Martínez 
    题目: Re: World Cup
    coan.net: Why is it anonymous?

    28. 三月 2010, 22:36:34
    题目: World Cup
    There is a new opinion poll to see if our BrainKing users can predict who will win the 2010 World Cup!


    22. 三月 2010, 03:24:10

    22. 三月 2010, 02:53:53
    题目: Re:
    Bwild: Site Polls? or fellowship polls? Fellowship polls are pretty easy, if you are big/little boss. Otherwise, I believe Site polls are only created by Fencer, Tanein, or Coan.net

    22. 三月 2010, 02:32:55
    how are polls started?

    10. 二月 2010, 21:37:46
    题目: Re: Coan
    Snoopy: Actually I did mean to come here and post about it - along with the (always) suggestion for other poll ideas to post them in here..... but I must have forgotten to.

    Hopefully I will remember the World Cup which starts in June more in advance to give the poll a little longer time-frame out on this site.

    ... but of course I would like to have some more non-sport ideas if possible.

    The current poll I put up for only about 2 weeks... and the poll actions ended after some of the games will be complete (would make more sense to end the poll before any games are complete.... but I did want to give a little extra time for the poll to be up.)

    10. 二月 2010, 16:16:31
    题目: Re: Coan
    Snoopy修改(10. 二月 2010, 16:27:12)
    rod03801: cheers didnt know i had to click a box..lol

    ha right now i know why i turned it off in the first place has you get fellowship polls to that dont interest you

    10. 二月 2010, 16:06:16
    题目: Re: Coan
    Snoopy: Perhaps you have "ignored" his polls? All new polls (unless you have them shut off) appear at the top of your "Main Page", when they are created.

    10. 二月 2010, 14:25:00
    题目: Coan
    why wasnt this poll advertised on this board


    if i had missed it i would of been really p---d off

    its taken nearly 5 months since i last made a comment about how slow these polls are

    i expect then to get this achievement in the year 2020 if im lucky

    in fact i will consider i already have this achievement along with the interviews one has they ground to a halt to and the mod on that board wont say why

    28. 十月 2009, 14:30:53
    题目: Re:
    MadMonkey: i second that

    28. 十月 2009, 12:51:51
    How about a browser Poll ?

    Just interested to see who uses what on BrainKing

    19. 十月 2009, 18:30:10
    题目: Coan
    am i thinking that you dont like my idea then

    this is turning into a really hard achievement to get..lol

    18. 十月 2009, 19:57:17

    18. 十月 2009, 17:32:36
    题目: Re: Olympics 2016
    Snoopy: I go with Doodlez

    18. 十月 2009, 14:51:16
    题目: Re: Olympics 2016
    coan.net: how about a poll to name our dragon
    we could nominate some names first before you set the poll

    i go with Spyro

    2. 十月 2009, 20:23:40
    题目: Re: Olympics 2016
    Snoopy: Yea - That is who I thought would get it.

    ... in the back of my mind, I would have loved for Chicago to get it... since it would be about 3-4 hours away from me, and my son would be about 14/15 at that time and might be a fun thing to go see.... but on the flip side, Illinois is so screwed up financially that they don't need to be spending money on this anyway.

    Glad it will be in South America for the first time.

    2. 十月 2009, 19:53:01
    题目: Re: Olympics 2016
    coan.net: Rio gets it

    30. 九月 2009, 05:28:43
    题目: Olympics 2016
    OK, I did quickly throw one out there - BUT VOTE QUICKLY - it will only be open for a few days!!!!!!!!

    http://brainking.com/en/OpinionPoll?poid=632 - Which city do you think will be picked on October 2nd to host the 2016 Olympics?

    30. 九月 2009, 05:12:33
    题目: Re: i really like to
    Snoopy: Any ideas for good public polls - PLEASE POST THEM.

    Best if it has something to do with BrainKing, but does not necessarily need to be about that.

    I have an idea for one.... I will try to get one posted in the next few days (of course if anyone has some good ideas - PLEASE feel free to post them here... or send me a private message if you want.)

    30. 九月 2009, 00:38:09
    题目: i really like to
    get this achievement but need another 6 polls

    9. 八月 2009, 10:17:34
    题目: Re:
    DeaD man WalkiN: You have to be the Big Boss.

    9. 八月 2009, 10:03:17
    DeaD man WalkiN 
    So U mean a fellowship that I'm in or do U have to be the BIG BOSS?

    9. 八月 2009, 09:59:22
    题目: Re: Just a little question please
    DeaD man WalkiN: You can set up a poll in your fellowship.

    9. 八月 2009, 09:55:04
    DeaD man WalkiN 
    题目: Just a little question please
    Can any1 set up a poll? The poll I would like to ask, if people like my 4 player games or would U like more player?

    21. 七月 2009, 23:26:51
    题目: Re: shame there wernt
    coan.net: can i say first im really happy to see that only 2 were created for the month of August which is holiday season for most on BK
    and i also think if Fencer includes the ability to move to next round in BK 3 and hopefully also include subs to will shut me up on the subject

    i understand what your saying to
    and of course ive got to abide by the creators and Fencer on this
    but saying that i also feel that im also has a paying member of the site entitled to have a say on the subject to

    21. 七月 2009, 18:39:08
    题目: Re: shame there wernt
    coan.net: Personally, I say keep creating them at the pace it has always been at. If there are teams that don't want to join another one until the one they are already is finished, then they can do that. Just like anything else, there is nothing saying anyone has to sign up for every single one.

    Being a turn based site, of course things are going to drag on longer than many people would like. I've just accepted it by now. lol. BUT, being able to have next rounds start when there is a clear winner would be a GREAT compromise, and would help immensely. Hopefully that's part of 3.0!!!

    21. 七月 2009, 18:25:18
    题目: Re: shame there wernt
    Imsoaddicted: I know we discussed a little of this on the tournament board, but would love to discuss it a little more. (The subject of too many team tournament) (Plus since I'm one of the people who create site team tournaments, I REALLY do like to know what others want & think when creating them.)

    Yes, team tournaments like regular tournament can take a long time to complete when there are some slower players, or games that can last a long time in certain cases (like Cloning gammon when more and more pieces are introduced to a game.)

    On the face, the idea of "no more team tournaments until the others are finished" sounds good, but in my opinion, not really good for most players.

    For example, Lets say I love Backgammon & love playing in backgammon site team tournaments. I join one, I play all my games within 1 month - I did not do too well & my team did not do to well, so we will not move on.

    So what you are saying since other players (usually just a couple) will hold up a tournament for many many more months, that you think there should be no more backgammon team tournaments until it is complete - even if it will take 2 more years? Think that would be kind of unfair to me to not be able to play a site team tournament for that long just because the last one had not been completed yet.

    Of course a helpful solution would be if Fencer does implement the ability of tournaments to start next rounds once the winners are determined - that way even though a slow game might still hold up a tournament, it might also be one of those games that don't even matter to the final results of the round.

    20. 七月 2009, 18:10:05
    题目: shame there wernt
    more options to vote on in this poll


    has the one im running in my fellowship is gaving us a very different answer

    13. 五月 2009, 08:34:30
    题目: .. social networks .. ??
    .. none .. retired senior here, and the game sites are enough for me

    12. 五月 2009, 01:50:18
    题目: Re:
    Bwild: When a new poll is put up, a message is put up on the main page. Once you vote, you get a message when the poll is over to see the result.

    12. 五月 2009, 01:18:56
    题目: Re:
    coan.net: be nice to get a message before its over????

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