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Bernice: Thanks for your opinion, Bernice. All I suggest is that those who are willing to examine evidence, do so. After all, in the end it is not your opinion or my opinion that is significant. Only facts are significant. I certainly agree that the implications are disturbing. However, there are many rational scientists, architects, engineers, military personnel, professors, theologians and the like who profoundly question the official story about 9/11...and for good reason. It is because they have examined the evidence. Considering it IS my country, that would seem to me to be the patriotic thing to do.
The Usurper: what a strange thing to say about your own country.....I will admit that America isn't (wasn't)all that well liked, but I feel you are going overboard and I always read the links that are posted in here but your links would be a waste of time for someone on this side of the world
Czuch: I don't deny 9/11, Czuch. It certainly happened. I simply argue that we did it. As you correctly surmise, so do the sponsors of the websites mentioned. I think you are right on one point. It would be a waste of time for you to look. :o)
The Usurper: I have not looked at any of the web sites you posted... but if I get the gist of this post, these are all web sites dedicated to debunking 9/11?????? If that is the case, i am glad I never wasted my time looking... and (well I have looked into this in the past) its too bad for you, but anyone that denies 9/11 like holocaust deniers, doesnt get much of a look when arguing other political topics Sorry for that bud, but you are a whack job without a credible leg to stand on right now, IMHO!
I don't care how you judge his stimulus package, at this point it hasn't had time to fly or flop in its intended forum
I am not judging the stimulus package... I am judging his "handling" of it.....Using fear tactics, no bipartisanship, saying things like no lobbyists, except for a couple in my cabinet ETC... I am willing to let his ideas blossom and thrive before condemning them, but it is the process, which was part of his platform, that he has blundered in so far!
My main criticism of Obama is that he will not investigate and prosecute the multiple crimes of the American Empire in the 21st Century, which include the orchestration and carrying out of the 9/11 so-called terrorist attacks. And the reason he won't do so is because he is a part of that American Empire, the very nominal leader of it now, in fact. He will, admittedly, give it a more pleasing face to the rest of the world, but cannot and has no intention, I'm afraid, of changing the nature of the beast.
I'd recommend to those who are not afraid to break the molds of their minds, the following sites:
Religious Leaders for 9/11 Truth
Veterans for 9/11 Truth
Scholars for 9/11 Truth and Justice
Pilots for 9/11 Truth
Etc., Etc. I didn't believe any of this at first either. But I was willing to investigate. And also willing to call a spade a spade.
If the myth of American moral supremacy & benignity is too vital for your mental-emotional stability, I'd recommend you avoid these sites and remain in the dark. Ignorance won't pay off in the end but it certainly 'seems' the less precarious road to travel in the short-term.
Jim Dandy:given the choice, I wont let someone stick their hand in my pocket...just to see if their taking or putting. Blind followers is what democrats are hoping for! why else would they scream "our country needs this" yet they cant provide us with the information on how putting our country another 8 billion in debt, is actually going to help curb the giant snowball thats forming. and whos going to pay this additional debt???
Jim Dandy: It's not garbage to criticize it. Obama and his crew are trying to ram this bill down out throats when clearly it's a huge mess. It's not just Republicans that are calling attention to the problem, economists are too. Why spend all that money without careful analysis of the ramifications of each measure?
Jim Dandy:Not judging his "record" but judging his most recent actions and decisions. Not a good start. He's shown great skill at campaigning, not so much as a leader, so far.
His recent comments aimed at Republicans who had criticized the "stimulus" package as nothing more than a "spending" package displayed a side of Obama people haven't seen much of. He showed a lack of leadership and demonstrated he is not above using mockery and sarcasm to blast his opponents. Yeah, that will win them over.
The problem is, thinking people understand that what the Republicans were pointing out by calling it a "spending" package, is that the so-called "stimulus" package will not do the very thing it is supposed to do. As Bwild has pointed out, it's a pig with lipstick. All the "spending" attached to the stimulus bill is just a repeat of old failed economic policies the democrats are famous for. Pet projects and paybacks to political supporters are NOT going to create the kind of jobs that benefit the man on the street. Most Americans view Obama's plan with doubt and most also agree that the democrats crafted it with unnecessary "spending." The republicans are just trying to draw attention to the fact that spending money for the sake of spending isn't the answer the American people are hoping for. Anyone can "spend" but it takes real leadership to spend it in the right way. Obama has failed in a big way here. This stupid idea (crafted by the dems) will not only fail, but it will put the US economy in a worse state. But hey, Obama can always blame Bush once again.
"at this point it hasn't had time to fly or flop in its intended forum" will this package stimulate our economy?? increase welfare and food stamps?? make sure people who cant afford cable or sattalite tv can watch the propaganda channels?? buy new vehicles for government officials??... our country needs jobs... build roads...provide new business incintives..improve mass transit...water,sewar,..its not rocket science.
anastasia: The thing is, how little time it has taken him to show so many signs of ineptitude! One would have thought that he could have held it together for at least a month without any major gaffs?
Problem for him is he is trying to do too much way too fast, and he keeps tripping all over himself....
Bernice: I personally am not judging him based on the fact he has been in office,what,a lil over a MONTH....just like I didn't judge Bushy-poo from the get go too
Artful Dodger: OMG YOU'RE RIGHT! he is the FIRST President to have done ANYTHING like this...SHAME ON HIM! it's all polotics no matter WHO is in there,nature of the beast
Bernice:It is very scary times. The far left democrats are very dangerous people. They will change America if they can and destroy the Constitution. And the people will be like lemmings and follow follow follow. Obama's popularity will take a nose dive before his term is into it's 2nd year.
Artful Dodger: that is terrible and the last paragraph isnt very good is it, considering his 14 day tenure.......
And how did the 44th President react to the growing public dismay over the mess he was making? He threw his toys out of the pram -- or perhaps that should read, he got into the pram. For he fled the scene of the disaster and sought the company of seven year-olds instead. As the Telegraph reported:
‘We were just tired of being in the White House,’ he told a group of excited seven-year-olds before discussing Batman and reading them a book.
Tired of being President – after two weeks!
Tax cheats, pork-barrel politics, ancillary child abuse, incompetence, chaos, treachery and infantilism. America – what have you done?!
Czuch: Yep, she's using those kids to get rich. She probably knew that she'd make a ton of money doing this. But she put 8 lives at risk. It could have been a far different outcome. They could all be dead or retarded or handicapped in another way. She already had 6 kids. What did she need with 8 more? She's irresponsible to the max.
Gotta wonder what she is doing with two different PR firms representing her too????
These slime balls are just waiting to get a piece of the huge payday she is going to get because of them... This woman is going to rich selling her so called "story" and so are the PR firms representing her.
Artful Dodger: hey that is a good idea.....ROFL.........they are advertising a "hair replacing" thingy on the TV over here....I just looked thru the TV programmes to find it but cant...when I do I will tell you what it is called :)
I did read somewhere that scientists have found a way to fertilize an egg using a woman's DNA (something like that) but it's not a perfected process. They are able to make a "sperm" with another woman's DNA.
Ok, fine. So two lesbians could theoretically have kids this way. Then it would be true that a woman doesn't need a man (except it's men who discovered this process).
And we've already had a pregnant man (sort of) so I guess men don't need women either.
It's a scary world out there! Science is changing everything. And the potential for abuse is staggering.
she is obviously a woman who wants to prove to the world that she doesn't need a man ROFLMBO........the tax-payer will pay for those kids, and she will be living in absolute luxury, just you mark my words LOL
Artful Dodger: I have the nightly news on in the background and I THINK he said they medical bills alone for the babies will top one million dollars??!! OMG you have got to be kidding me...I don't understand HOW she was able to be implanted with ONE let alone more.