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I think this represents more the norm of Islam and the opposite view is the exception. Yet one never (or rarely) hears about the realities of Islamic terror as a basic tenet of their "faith." Which is why it's rather laughable when Iranian Secretary of Iran's Human Rights Headquarters Mohammad-Javad Larijani claims that the US is the root cause of terrorism world wide.
When a 14 year old Muslim girl is abducted and raped, and upon being rescued and returned home she is killed by her family because SHE has shamed the family. This happened in a Western country. I can't help but wonder why that family would choose to live in a country that doesn't embrace their cultural beliefs. What was wrong with their Muslum country that they chose to live in the West?
Or the father who murdered his two daughters because they were becoming "Westernized." But he brought them to the US as young girls. He sent them to public schools. But when the culture began to show its influence on them, he murdered them. All in the name of his religion.
Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad who resides in the UK is being investigated for his support of a "global Jihad."
We in the West are oftn told that Islam has been "hijacked" by extreme radicals and that Islam in its purest form is a religion of peace. Hmmmmm. But those extreme radicals seem to be following the words of the Quaran. Perhaps they (the radicals) put more emphasis on those passages that incite violence against non-muslums, but even so, where else in the world do we see such large numbers of radical haters of all other beliefs? We don't worry about Anglican terrorists or Quaker terrorists. There's always an isolated nut here and there but in Islam, the nuts seem to be the rule.
Obama will have to face the realities of the enemy if he truly wants to help protect the west. Bush failed to see the realities of the evil of Islam as a religious philosophy. The claims that Islam is a religion of peace simply doesn't comport to the realities we see everyday.
题目: I am still waiting for some anti trickle down, big bad oil company liberal to explain to me how giving the Banks and other big companies butt loads of my cash in a bail out isnt exactly what they complained about for years under Bush?
Czuch:Don't hold your breath. It is a bit two-faced about them isn't it. But even if a lefty sees the contradiction, they are too committed to their ideology and too arrogant to admit to it.
题目: Re:we have a blog with one crazy Aussie lady as our only subscriber!
Artful Dodger: yeah... but the fun ones, like the bleeding heart girls, and the fence sitter moderates who always support the liberal agenda, the ones who cant support their beliefs in any logical discussion, those are the ones I miss!
But, their absence and silence says volumes about their opinions.....
On another note, it is amazing that all this history talk and most everything about this election was based on race and voting in a black man for the first time...... just another example how liberals are all about "feelings" over substance and policy... as long as everyone feels good about themselves, who cares about anything else!
题目: Re:You want to see a country truly in bad shape, truly in need of reform and change, just give us a few more years to see what social liberals will do to us!!!
Artful Dodger:
unless Obama has turned things around
I just dont think its going to matter.... the economy will turn around with or without Obama... but I think he will end up making it take longer than it would just leaving things alone, not to mention all the debt we will incur getting there.
I am still waiting for some anti trickle down, big bad oil company liberal to explain to me how giving the Banks and other big companies butt loads of my cash in a bail out isnt exactly what they complained about for years under Bush?
题目: Re:You want to see a country truly in bad shape, truly in need of reform and change, just give us a few more years to see what social liberals will do to us!!!
Czuch:It will be their own undoing. The republican party will go back to its roots and get it together and in two years, the elections will put more republicans on the hill. Then in 4 years, unless Obama has turned things around, he's out. 8 years of Obama may just be too much for the stability of the USA. The first 100 days will tell us alot but so far many things he's done tell me that it's still business as usual in Washington. Where else can you cheat and lie on your taxes and then be put in charge of them? Maybe Obama can't find a qualified democrat who is also ethical. That's why he has to appoint a few sleeze balls to his cabinet.
题目: Re:When the economy worsens, and when Obama's popularity falls, they will see we were right.
Bwild:Not in a million years. They'll blame Bush or the Republicans. I suspect some of the nuts on the left will find ways to continue to blame Bush even into the next decade!
Its the same ol.... biased to the left, main stream media... and sheeple (no, not she people, but sheep people) who blindly listen to the left wing media... and liberalism, that subscribes to the "government will take care of you" philosophy.... and again, sheeple, who again fall for the left wing garbage that the government will take care of them, and that it is the governments(federal) responsibility to take care of them... and again, biased media, that tells the sheeple that conservatives dont care about them, and will take away their social security and their welfare checks, and their affirmative action... blah blah blah...
You think this country is in bad shape right now???? This is nothing but a long over due correction, it is a good part of an economy that is basically doing what it is supposed to do, and there are no fundamental problems that can be, or should be fixed by throwing good money after bad....
You want to see a country truly in bad shape, truly in need of reform and change, just give us a few more years to see what social liberals will do to us!!!
Czuch: I totally agree. People need to stop looking for the government to be their "day care" provider and look out for themselves. My point was that you won't hear the left complain about Obama's failure in the current crisis because they only play the blame game towards the other party.
We had a state of emergency here in December. We were snowed in for about two weeks. Unless you had 4 wheel drive, you were stranded. Fine for someone like me as I was prepared (and had 4 wheel drive) but there are some neighbors (older than me types) that needed to be cared for.
I think you and I would agree that the federal government shouldn't be helping the little old lady next door. The neighbors should! And the local government should. We should first help ourselves, be prepared, and then seek to help others. That's the American way.
Had New Orleans made the right decisions, had they been prepared, had they looked out for each other and worked together, had their LOCAL government officals got off their butts and done their jobs, people would have been far better off. But they sat on their hands too long, either made no decisions or stupid ones, and then when things went south, they blamed Bush. Now that a similar crisis (41 people have died so far) is facing the mid-west, it's Obama's turn to take some blame. But where are the voices? Proof that the left is dishonest and cares about ideology more than country.
We had ice storms up here recently too, and a really big one about 10 years ago, people without power for 5 weeks!!
Thing is, we are a self reliant lot up here, we have generators and plenty of deer meat in the freezer (hahaha) and we look out for each other.....we are not a bunch of cry baby whiners (except for those liberal elitists down in the big city)
But we got nothing in the way of Federal help, and media sympathy.... 1 because it was under a media democrat, 2 because we werent out there pissing and moaning about how screwed we got for living below sea level and still refusing to evacuate when a hurricane is on the way!?!??!?
Hey wait???? I have an edit button??? Means only one thing... someone bought be a membership????
Czuch: Lol, and she's on too. Guess I shoulda gone easy on the girls. Those with BDS probably need to be handled with kid gloves.
When the economy worsens, and when Obama's popularity falls, they will see we were right.
BTW, you remember how Bush was criticized for his lack of response in light of Katrina? Well, where has Obama been with respect to the ice storms the east has had? People have died and FEMA has done nothing! But we won't hear the left cry out over that.
Czuch: Today I heard a commentator say that our constitution hangs by a thread and a congressman agreed. People like Pelosi and Reed are anti-americans.
Vikings: Harry Reed is such an idiot! Another example of a dumber than a rock democrat running our country. My head is spinning! And to think all those taxes I paid (at threat of fines and even jail should I fail to pay them) was voluntary! It's like being required to volunteer to join the armed forces! Coerced freedom! Now I get why "government intelligence" is an oxymoron.
Czuch: I can't believe that in one week Obama has clearly made decisions that are business as usual in Washington. So much for change we can believe in. His ideas will fail. And that will be then end of him. The republicans will retake the house and the Oval Office too.
The bailout hasn't worked. Small business isn't getting helped like they should. Big business isn't either. The money will basically go to the fat cats and the stock holders. NO INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS!
There little to no accountability. Greed and poor judgment are at the root of the current problems we face. And Washington continues to feed the madness. And we the people are having our money stolen from us by our government! I thought the democratic party was the party of the little guy. But they are the worst when it comes to exploiting the little guy!
题目: Re: Has the extreme heat gotten to this Aussie???
new era of "social capitalism" in which government intervention and regulation feature heavily.
That is where we are heading here too with Obama and the socialist liberals....
How anyone can bitch and complain so much about our crappy government, year in and year out, and then support a system that features more government is beyond my understanding?????
题目: Re: Has the extreme heat gotten to this Aussie???
Bernice: The USA has problems because we have an incompetent government. They can't run even a small operation without cost overruns and very bad decisions. The current "stimulus" package is a case in point. Obama had better strip it of all the pork or it's another example of useless government spending. It won't create jobs but it will make some people rich. I won't see a dime but I'll pay for it. So far, the only voice of sanity has been the republicans (who share the blame for the mess we are in.) I can't stand the democrats though. They are a bunch of liars and thiefs. Nancy Pelosi is as dumb as a rock. I can't believe she actually suggested that millions of "stimulus" money go for contraceptives and sex ed. Really. That would make our economy grow. She's just confused. She knows enough to connect sex with "stimulus" and "growth." But as for the economy, she's out to lunch. Cooler heads prevailed and stripped that bozo idea out of the package. But there are millions more earmarked for other stupid democratic projects. Bunch of losers.
I heard one republican trying to make a law where no ceo of a bailed out company would make more than our president.... Its funny, seems like liberals have turned with their power to republicans and visa versa???
题目: Re: Has the extreme heat gotten to this Aussie???
Czuch: at least we don't have the horrific problems of recession that the USA has. I dont personally like Kevin Rudd as I'm not a labourite, but he is a clever man and has some great policies to see that we do not go under as the USA has done.
His pre decessor saw to it that we had NO budget deficit, so this enables Kevin07 to be able to instigate the policies he is now doing so - monetary wise.
And extreme heat is correct.....record temps in 100+ years.
A newly released Homeland Security report stats that Hezbollah members have immigrated into our country, set up terrorist cells and even charities to help fund their organization. Any person who is not being politically correct will see this report as saying that Muslim immigration is slowly destroying our country. It is time to end it before it is too late.
题目: Re:Also, they spent years telling us how trickle down economics doesnt work, and years complaining about the big bad oil subsidies, and now look at them go!!!!
Czuch: Oh, that group of Bush haters. Interestingly, I posted a comment from the "president" about Iraq and the necessity of putting Saddam out of business. No one questioned the truth of what the president had said. He hadn't lied (that Saddam was a threat, attacked his neighbors, broke UN agreements over and over, and was a threat to regional peace and to the US's interests)...and yet somehow he "fooled" the democrats in congress. Fooled them how?
The good news is that if in two years Obama doesn't turn things around, he's done.
题目: Re:Also, they spent years telling us how trickle down economics doesnt work, and years complaining about the big bad oil subsidies, and now look at them go!!!!
Artful Dodger:
As for the Bush haters, they are still there.
Im talking about the ones on here, like BBW anastasia and the like...
题目: Re:Also, they spent years telling us how trickle down economics doesnt work, and years complaining about the big bad oil subsidies, and now look at them go!!!!
Czuch: Isn't that the truth. I guess trickle down works when we have a democratic pres
Obama is spending a ton of money and betting his presidency on the success of his plan. He's promising 400 million new jobs. It's not going to happen. And when it fails, the conservatives will take back congress and in 4 years the white house.
I hope by then the republicans have learned to stick to their roots and stop acting like liberals. Otherwise we're in for a world of hurt as a country.
Dick Morris suggests that nothing happens this year and that in fact, things will get worse. 09 will be a disaster (some say the economy will improve by the summer) but Morris says no.
In 2010 the depression ends and then hyper inflation takes over. Then an induced recession occurs to decrease the inflation rate. Not good and if this scenario occurs, Obama is finished. So are the dems.
As for the Bush haters, they are still there. Karl Rove has been subpoenaed by congress. He said he won't show. The subpoena is thanks to Rep. John Conyers, chair of the the House Judiciary Committee. He's a Bush hater and Hates Rove even more. Conyers, like many on the left, suffers from BDS and it's likely to continue at least for the immediate furture.
For those that don't know, BDS is short for "Bush Derangement Syndrome." It's a political term coined by the American conservative political columnist, and psychiatrist, Charles Krauthammer. Krauthammer defined Bush Derangement Syndrome as "the acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the presidency — nay — the very existence of George W. Bush".
Whats really funny / strange, is that typically I would expect democrats / liberals to want to hand out money to the poor helpless people personally..... IE give money to people to help them pay their mortgage or their heat or something like that... like you said, people could keep their homes and the banks could get paid back, and home prices would not fall so much due to the huge glut in the market because so many homes were foreclosed on!
Also, they spent years telling us how trickle down economics doesnt work, and years complaining about the big bad oil subsidies, and now look at them go!!!!
Pouring all this money into the big bad banks and hope it trickles down to the little guy.... have they really lost their minds this time??? Or have they been lost forever anyway??? ( I vote for the second one)
Well one good thing has come from this election.... at least we are finally finished listening ad nausea about Bush... I just wish they would stick around longer to get a taste of their own medicine.... but they arent interested in defending their chosen one.... because they just dont know how to do anything but complain!
Czuch: They think that they are doing a good thing by all the "big brother" is taking care of you nonsense. Spend, create huge committes that will dole out the money (and waste most of it) and then they can say what a good job they are doing for the people.
Bush lost sight of the deeper conservative principles when he endorced the bail out packages. The economy doens't need help. It needs the incompetent legislators to keep out of it. Where were those idiots (including Bush) when the banks and investment firms were stealing the people blind? And now the stupid banks are forclosing on people. Duh. Ummmmm how about giving people who can't afford high interest loans lower interest loans so they can actually pay the banks back? Banks still make money and people keep their homes.
Now the damage is done. They want to fix the mess we're in (the US is broke) and so what do they do? They give money to the crooks with little or no accountability (and the crooks are asking for more) but they are still kicking people out of their homes, paying their stock holders, and one financial institution tried to purchase a new private jet for 15 million. Yeah, they got severl billion in bailout money. They cancelled the purchase.
Hopefully the democrats won't be able to ruin the country entirely until we can get some competent republicans into office. The dems are currently taking us further down the road to sure disaster.
And while I'm at it, let's have the new president appoint someone in charge of the economy fix that can't even figure out turbo tax!
The House Democrats' bill includes $335 million for sexually transmitted disease education and prevention programs at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
335 million dollars in an economic stimulus package for STD education??????
I hope there is a logical liberal around to explain this one to me????