Forum for discussing local and world politics and issues. All views are welcomed. Let your opinions be heard on current news and politics.
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Do people really think that putting terrorists into the general population is a good idea?
I dont think that is ever going to happen....
But what is going to happen is a good question? If they are brought into this country, from what I hear, they will suddenly gain all the rights that every citizen has? That means a trial, and from what I have heard again, it seems like we do not have much in the way of actual courtroom type evidence against most of them.... so they end up just being released and exported????
Bernice: Most of us will live in peace (your country for example) because we see great value in it. And many see the value in helping other nations that aren't as fortunate as ours. Bush, love him or hate him, has done more for Africa than any other individual human being, living or dead.
I like the thing Obama has said so far. And for the most part, he's gotten right to work and kept up with his promises during the campaign. I don't doubt that he will continue that trend. But reality has a way of altering our priorities and only time will tell what the next 100 days will reveal. The direction of the Obama administration will be seen more clearly by then.
For example, Obama is closing Gitmo. But so far, he has no plan other than saying he will close it. His administration will "study" the logistics of closing the facility and look at available options and create a plan from there. So if one wanted to be picky, he's made a decision to close Gitmo with no plan in place of how that closing will proceed and no plan on what to do with all the inmates.
I agree with on conservative commentator who said put them all in Florida, right next to some of those hollywood hotshots that kept calling for Gitmos close. I say open a new facility right in their neighborhood. Then they can put on benefit concerts for them.
Do people really think that putting terrorists into the general population is a good idea? How long will it take before a couple of big burly inmates knock off a few of them former Gitmo inmates?
Artful Dodger: agreed on the They want what they want and if they don't get it, they will kill others, and peace in the world??, never has been and probably never will be.
Bernice: Obama has some good ideas on foreign relations but he will soon find out that the Islamic terrorists are a different breed and death to them is the ultimate way to serve their god. They want what they want and if they don't get it, they will kill others. Then when they get what they want, they will settle on their next target. They want world domination ultimately. And killing everyone that stands in their way tops their list of things to do. I hope Obama can deal with them effectively but I suspect that nothing will work in the long run. When in the history of the world has the world ever been at peace?
I personally think Australia should be so thankful (not because of Bush)...even with our "alliance" with the USA there hasn't been an attack and we thought we would be in line for one or more for sure.....we surely are a lucky country :)
Bernice:Yeah, they loved Bush in the beginning too. I suspect this administration will be different. Obama knows how to adapt to the political climate and he already has. When in Chicago, do as is expected. Check out the landscape and play according to the rules.
Bush was very different. He didn't care what the world thought of him personally. His goal was to secure the US from further terrorist attacks. And he did just that. No domestic attacks and for that, the American people can thank him.
I think likely the board moderator would have stepped in before things got too heated. A little heat in a debate is good for the blood. As for personal attacks, hmmmm, I have no idea what is meant by that and I'm not going to try to read minds.
Czuch: I think they maybe just wanted us to KNOW they were peeping toms...I mean watching us...I MEAN moderating us....from a distance * sings that last part to you guys like Bette Midler*
Vikings: WOW!!! Third most read board??? And those losers on gen chat said we would be a dead board... hahahah
Anywho, just dont start to over moderate, and I dont care, i see the point so far, but you know me.. I will protect free speech to thew hilt, but right now i dont see anybody getting victimized to the point where globals need to... but anyway, i think the message has been load and clear..
Czuch: First of all, he didn't upstage me, I had to go and give my support to China at Wallyworld.(there now it is on topic) second, this is the third most read board right now third, all public boards are monitored as close as possible to stop mainly flaming from escalating and crossing over to other boards (remember what it was like before globs?)
Vikings: well, my first inclination.. is yes, but then i remember that i forgot that you are a global now too!!!
So now I wonder why Rod had to upsatge you???
hhahahah just kidding!!!!
Point is, even though this is a public board, there is a very small percentage of people here who actaully read here, much less post, so who is being protected, isnt that the real reason to moderate?
Czuch: which is why this board is watched so closely. ohhh,they watch us!! is that good or bad,lol!! I feel so naughty now,like we have our very own peeping tom's!
Czuch: Actually, I read every single post on every public board, so the answer is yes. And I DO follow this board especially closely.
Again, this doesn't need to be debated, it really isn't the subject of the board. It can be continued in PM if you so desire. Not EVERYTHING needs to be debated.
Bwild: I agree with you, which is why this board is watched so closely. The "atmosphere" has been totally acceptable up until today. And I'm not saying it has necessarily gone too far over the line, but it is heading that direction, and I want to stop it before it does.
If people want a "no holds barred" conversation, then I guess it needs to be in a fellowship. On the public boards, there WILL be moderation.
But let's go back to what this board is for.
Let's all just keep this in mind, and go back to the usual topics.
rod03801: Rod, I know you dont need to be invited, but I would personally feel better if you were an active member here.... do you really read every single message here?
If yes, then I dont have any problem with you being the strong arm.... my main concern is if you read one small portion and then try to moderate based on that, but if you are a regular reader, I have no problem accepting your judgment!
Czuch: I agree with IS starting to turn personal. I was just telling someone the other day that even tho we get upset and go back and forth a bit that everyone keeps an overall friendly tone and it never gets down to a personal level...feels like that is starting to change.
题目: Re:Democrats supported the war,but only based on what they were fed as facts.
Artful Dodger: This is what people like you fall for. ... Glad you know me sooo intimatly to know what I believe and what I don't believe I have NEVER thought he was making fun of people dying..and if my wording of what I said was leading you to believe that...that was NOT my intention was to say he was joking about not finding the bombs....WHILE people were over the dying,and I feel that is in poor taste.
rod03801: Rod, i totally respect you and I kind of understand where you are coming from.... but to be honest, this is something that will work itself out and will blow over, and even though you are a global, you are not a moderator here, and for that matter, you have posted once or twice at the most before?
Unless someone has contacted you in a pm and requested you to step in here.... I would personally want you to let this play its course.. we are all adults, and like I said, if nobody has requested your intervention, then dont assume we need you...
题目: Re:Democrats supported the war,but only based on what they were fed as facts.
Czuch: sorry hun,trully I am,lol...I had my feathers ruffled,not a good day and then he comes on and starts with calling people stupid and spineless...I guess I just got a bit upset...didn't mean to drag you into it
The atmosphere on this board is heading in the wrong direction. It is starting to turn into personal attacks. "Attack" is a bit strong, but that is the direction it appears to be heading, and it needs to not head that way.
题目: Re:Democrats supported the war,but only based on what they were fed as facts.
anastasia:I didn't say right-wing nuts. I said left-wing. There's a difference.
In the news today is a story about a military photo journalist who took a picture of a US soldier cradling a young Iraqi girl. The girl was severely hurt by a bomb. The soldier was carrying the girl to get medical help. He was clearly comforting her.
Michael Moore, the left-wing's poster boy for spineless, gutless, dumber-than-rocks democrats, ran across the picture and posted it on his website. Moore passed the picture off as just another example of how the US military is killing children. The child in the photo had later died of her wounds.
And all the left-wing, spineless and brainless twits cried out against the US and it's war policies.
But there was a problem. Moore used the photo without the permission of the Journalist for one. For two, Moore used the photo as propaganda. In short, Moore lied. He used the death of this little girl to once again besmirch Bush and the war in Iraq.
But, the Photo Journalist testified that in fact, the US soldier found the girl after an enemy roadside bomb went off. The girl was killed by terrorists.
This is what people like you fall for. You read about some event and jump to the conclusion that it's true. Case in point, your claim that Bush made fun of people dying in Iraq.
Your claim is not only false, it's a deliberate lie. And you fell for it. Just like all the readers of Michael Moore's website, you fell for a lie. A distortion. And clear thinking people, like myself, see right through such things.
题目: Re:Democrats supported the war,but only based on what they were fed as facts.
Artful Dodger: you get a grip..always babbling on and on and on how YOU are right and everyone else,excpet chuckie boy are wrong..always correcting people for what YOU think is a wrong opinion...because it isn't YOUR opinion....everyone IYO is a right winged nut if they don't agree with you...God you are such a judgemental person. you act like your not,but you are.
题目: Re:Democrats supported the war,but only based on what they were fed as facts.
anastasia:YOu are seriously misguided if you characterize that press dinner and the jokes that were told with Bush seriously laughing at the fact that WMD's were not found (and you DID link that to people dying). You didn't come up with that on your own, you listen to other left wing nuts who convinced you that Bush was laughing while others were dying. (your words).
It's propaganda Anastasia and you need to learn to think for yourself instead of being spoon fed left wing propaganda.
It's a PRESS CORE dinner. They are supposed to make jokes about the headlines. Bush's comments were FUNNY. The press and the electronic media went on and on and on about WMDs. The democrats, after supporting the war, turned their backs on America and started the same chant. Bush was under enormous pressure because WMSs were never found. So then they liberals began claiming that he lied about there being WMDs blah blah blah.....
I'll tell you what's despicable. It's despicable that people would USE those that gave their lives to once again, besmirch a sitting President. What sad isn't that Bush made jokes at a Press Dinner (which is what ALL presidents have done at the Press Dinner) but what's sad is that liberal left wing loons have tried to make a political statement on the blood of American servicemen and women. Get a grip.
题目: Re:Democrats supported the war,but only based on what they were fed as facts.
Artful Dodger: now YOU are the one deliberatly twisting things and you know you,such a good person you are AD...good person indeed. Make ya feel good to call people dumb and spineless? make yourself feel bigger and better??
题目: Re:Democrats supported the war,but only based on what they were fed as facts.
Vikings:You have got to be kidding. Anyone who finds that in bad taste or not funny has either no brain or no sense or humor (or both). And now that I see this "evidence" I can only say that those behind such nonsense (probably democrats and other liberal nuts) are dumber than rocks. (with apologies to rocks).
题目: Re:Democrats supported the war,but only based on what they were fed as facts.
anastasia: You said, "PEOPLE ARE DEAD and he was making JOKES! I don't care WHO YOU ARE you DO NOT joke about THAT! it's sick! and if you think it's ok then YOU ARE SICKER!"
This makes me believe that he was making jokes about people being dead.
the video distorts the mood,by adding things that were not at the roast but the jokes were, personally I have no problem with them and I'll bet most army personal would'nt have a problem with the actual jokes
题目: Re:Democrats supported the war,but only based on what they were fed as facts.
Artful Dodger: and I stand by mine as well! he was being a jackass by joking about it while our men and women are over there GET THAT!!!?? PEOPLE ARE DEAD and he was making JOKES! I don't care WHO YOU ARE you DO NOT joke about THAT! it's sick! and if you think it's ok then YOU ARE SICKER!
Czuch: I personally think you can kiss any return on your investment goodbye.I'm not even sure the Iraqi govt is in your corner as much as has been depicted by the BUSH tenure.If I put myself in the position of someone who to this day supports the whole Iraq experience,I'd be mad as hell at there luke warm support.Didn't they recently state the USA would not get preferential treatment in the oil contracts? for that alone I'd send them back to the stonage
Jim Dandy: Its kinda like these bailout efforts we are paying for right now... its supposed to be loans with interest etc, but I fear some point down the road we will let them off the hook for all that as well!
Jim Dandy: Where's the Iraq oil money that was supposed to help in the operation? Think of all the billions spent in Iraq that would be so valuable now
I have always thought there would be some sort of "war dividend" and maybe we still will, out of everything, it would be the lack of repayment from their oil revenues that would piss me off more than any WMD or anything like that ever could. I always assumed that would be a given, that after we liberate them, at some point when they are back on their feet, they would repay us (at least monetarily) for our efforts? hahah, if they dont want to pay us back for giving them their freedom, then I would be in favor of blowing them back to dictatorship status!!!
Czuch: And may I add,it wasn't just Democrats who wanted to leave Iraq...............I think there were other options available once it was determined to be bad judgement.Other nations might have been agreeable to a different direction,and helped stabalize the just always seemed to me like a gambler who had blown their money,but kept doubling up the bets to recoup what they originally arrived at the casino with.Where's the Iraq oil money that was supposed to help in the operation? Think of all the billions spent in Iraq that would be so valuable now
But once we were already there, and had toppled saddam and his regime, then leaving would have meant way more headaches...
I can see where people would not want to have our troops fight unless there is some imminent danger to our country, but once we have made that decision, and we are voted in there and we topple the existing government, then what, just pull out?