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题目: Re: Back to media bias..."4 years ago the media were up in arms about Bush spending 40 million on his inauguration"
Czuch: Also, I would say that the "homeless" who fight over the best traffic corners to beg for money are mostly 100% scammers. No, I have no actual proof, but you also dont have any proof that they are not scammers, BUT,I am not the one throwing these accusations around about them being fakes...again...YOU guys ALWAYS hound for facts,examples,blah,lets have them or you have no right to really be debating it on a debates board
AD says...Not everything demand proof. And I didn't say you need to offer proof, but that you had to offer valid reasons for your assertions. ..... untill someone challanges one of YOU then you don't need a valid reason for your assertions.. I love you guys,your really to funny
题目: Re: Back to media bias..."4 years ago the media were up in arms about Bush spending 40 million on his inauguration"
anastasia: There is no way to prove that every single person begging on a hot street corner is a scammer.... but there is also no way to prove that every single star in the sky is really a star..... its called science, you take a representative sample population and you draw conclusions based on that sample.
I am not trying to say that I know the exact percentage of scammers, I do know that at least the people in this news report were all scammers, so I can say for certain that there are some scammers.
Anywho.. tuesday assets that it is likely these people are on the street corners because the local shelters are too full, and the local food bank ran out of food etc.... which I might be able to believe for a few and on a random basis, but when they are the same people out there month after month???
I just think it is a smarter bet to give your money to a local agency than to someone on a street corner. Its like feeding the bird in an open air restaurant.... if nobody does it, they will soon learn to not come around..... everytime you roll down your window and throw cash, you are only creating more of a problem, dumb liberals....
题目: Re: Back to media bias..."4 years ago the media were up in arms about Bush spending 40 million on his inauguration"
Czuch: hopefully one day the shoe wont be on the other foot and you are homeless...and hopefully the people wont say to themselves as they look at you....ehhh,what a scam that guy has shouldn't judge people have NO CLUE what is going on with their lives......maybe some are mentally ill after Nam?? maybe some are suffering from depression?? Drugs,alchol? Maybe some have been abused and turned out onto the streets as kids and dont know any other way TO live.....the system helps only a's total BS to think the local systems help everyone,if that was the case,their would be no homeless.
题目: Re: Back to media bias..."4 years ago the media were up in arms about Bush spending 40 million on his inauguration"
If I am ever homeless and need help I will turn to a local agency for it....
Druggies and alcoholics and mentally ill dont set up shop for months on the perfect highway off ramp and aggressively defend that area from others who come along and try to do the same thing!
These people arent looking for real help, have you ever offered on of them some food??? They get all pissed off, they arent hungry, they want money...
How exactly are you really helping someone anyway, when you give them some cash on the street corner????? Did you really help that mentally ill person???? Did you really help that alcoholic by throwing a couple of bucks his way???? If throwing some cash at these off ramp beggars is really helping them, then why are they still out there a year later???? It cant be doing them much good, all you are doing for them at best is giving them another day withotu any of the help that they really need!!!!
Ted Kennedy was taken out of the Statuary Hall luncheon after suffering an apparent seizure -- a few minutes after Sen. Robert Byrd was removed in his wheelchair under the supervision of medical personnel.
"He was there when the voting rights act passed….so I would be lying to you if I did not say that right now a part of me is with him, I think that’s true for all of us," Obama told dignitaries gathered at his Congressional lunch . "It’s a joyous time but it’s also a sobering time..My prayers are with him and his family."
White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, who attended the lunch, said he had heard Kennedy was "doing better," citing Kennedy's fellow Massachusetts Democrat John Kerry.
House Chaplain Daniel Coughlin, who observed Kennedy's treatment by paramedics, said he appeared to be conscious and "responding" to treatment.
Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX) said Kennedy's hand began shaking and he appeared to have "seizure" or "a stroke" and was almost immediately helped by emergency personnel.
Byrd was conscious and had been having trouble eating, according to a witness.
Kennedy, who underwent brain cancer surgery last year, was taken to the Rayburn room after suffering an apparent convulsion before being rushed to a hospital, House officials told our Patrick O'Connor.
A police radio picked up a call for paramedics to help someone stricken with a seizure, O'Connor said
having watched part of the pomp and ceremony I only have one thing to wish for.
PLEASE can someone tell Michelle how to do her hair and how to dress appropriately.....she looked like she had bought her outfit from Target......such a pity....
Bernice: I bet in a week or so all they will be looking forward to is kicking off thier shoes, putting thier night clothes on, letting thier hair down and locking the door while having a gin or two! Lol!
Bernice: I thought she looked nice...I also like that she choose some very small fashion designer that only puts her stuff in a very small number of boutiques,and she doesn't advertise her stuff because her budget doesn't allow for it...maybe by Michelle wearing her design,she will have opened up a new door for the designer to make a name for herself.
Artful Dodger: oh hell dan who cares how many times it is taken as long as someone gets it right and obama can get on with make americans a better life hell he already put a freeze on the high paid aides so thats a start
Guess I got here too late for this one.... but I heard that the constitution actually stiupulates that the new president is in charge at high noon, and that even though the oath of office was actually taken about 5 minutes after noon, Obama was still in charge before then...
although it is a moot point now, it would be interesting to know the legalities... what if it was 1 minute after noon and before the oath was administered, and the secret service had to go to the president, who would it have been?
... all the giddy liberals today.... just so excited that America is excited.... but just point out that Bush had a 93% popularity rating at one point or that Reagan had 5 million more viewers for his inauguration than Obama did.... all you get is blank stares!!!
Poor excited liberals.... they think they have something never achieved before.. how wrong they could be.... and remember.... it just a down payment!!!
Artful Dodger: He took the oath again strictly to short curcuit the usual suspects who latch onto these types of things,it happens in both parties.He has much more important issues on his plate.This had the potential to create needless white noise.
Charles Martel: He'll have his share,I won't be surprised at all by the inevitable backlash when people learn he's flesh and blood and can't walk on water.
Czuch: and remember.... it just a down payment!!! You keep bringing this up but to be honest,I dont recall OBAMA ever playing the race be fair,I thought this year was probably one of the better years for BOTH guys that were running,they BOTH ran decent campaings.. guys always commenting about us "Bush haters" and "Bush Bashers" how we WANTED him to fail...which for me couldn't be farther from the truth...but now it sounds like you guys WANT Obama to fail...No matter had your Rep. gotten into the whitehouse,NIETHER guy would have had an easy road. WHY would you want ANY President to fail? I wished Bush BEST OF LUCK on BOTH guys don't even seem to be givng Obama a chance
Artful Dodger: Only when they are clearly misguided. No,I REALLY think you just like trying to show off that you think you are sooooo smart..well,goodie for you on that :)
anastasia: Its not about Obama failing... its about all the "well we bitched about Bush inauguration spending money that could be used to feed the homeless, but that was different then, because this is something very special, and its good for the country to spend money on a party, even though we could feed sooo many people with the money, its still a good thing here, its just so historic, and means so much for this country, we have finally reach such a great milestone, and its so historic...."
Millions of people feel like this, and they truly believe we have reached some great milestone, and we can now move forward with some great burden lifted off our backs..... but that is really a very naive sentiment, and it pisses me off when I hear some black leader dampen the whole thing, and people not realizing this, that to the black community this is nothing so historic at all, its just one small DOWN PAYMENT.... Im not trying to rain on your parade (well I am kinda) but all this giddy "we have finally done something great" crap is just that, all a bunch of crap! ... and some people voted for him just because he is black and they think it will change things, and it wont change anything... we have got to stoip feeling so guilty about our past and this is nothing more than affirmative action at work, it will make us all feel so good if we have a black president... well whooptie doo, now we have a black president, and it isnt going to change a damn thing.... Obama might end up a great president or not, but it will have absolutly nothing to do with the color of his skin.. the more we focus on skin color, the further we get from anything that is truly special!
Czuch: I agree! oh dear weird when I type that to you,lol! But all I was saying is that it wasn't OBAMA that is playing the race card here,it is the black leaders in the community. I don't think ANY inaguration should have that much money spent on it.....everyone knows who the President is,lets have a small ceramony and move on with matter WHO was elected. If people voted for him JUST because he is black (and I agree,there were many) then shame on THEM for not going deeper into the issues that each man stood on.
题目: Re:that it wasn't OBAMA that is playing the race card here,
anastasia:and following the railway that was used by Lincoln, the gala at the Lincoln memorial, even the luncheon served in the same room Lincoln used....none of this is slightly racially tinted?
anastasia: Limbaugh's feelings on success,he basically says he only wants Obama to succeed if he rules with a Republican agenda,regardless of the country doing well under Obama's watch.
Rush holds the belief that the country will be worse off if Obama succeeds in implementing the liberal agenda he has laid out. That is the sole reason he hopes Obama fails.
I personally believe that Obamas planned changes will not benefit this country, but I also personally hope he succeeds in implimenting them, and then we can at least see for certain if they are all that some think they will be.... if they are then, well thats good, and I will be proven wrong, or if they lead us in a direction that is ultimately not so good, well then at least we will have tried the experiment, and we can then get back to the real world, with a proven track record of what America is not, and that is socialists!
Jim Dandy: You have forgotten already that liberals hated Bush so much that, even though their elected representatives voted to send us into Iraq, they hoped for our failure there, and fought actively to help make failure there, just to make Bush look bad... so you have very little standing to now complain about conservatives who hope for Obamas failures!
Czuch: Yes,so basically he only hopes he succeeds by implimenting a Republican agenda.It seems he'd be unhappy with a flourishing USA if it is achieved by a liberal agenda
Czuch: I disagree,Bush's support didn't start to REALLY plummet until after the war began.Once the public came to realise how much they'd been misled on so many levels,he tanked.
Democrats supported the war,but only based on what they were fed as facts.
Yes,so basically he only hopes he succeeds by implimenting a Republican agenda.It seems he'd be unhappy with a flourishing USA if it is achieved by a liberal agenda
He would not be unhappy with a flourishing America, its just he doesnt believe that socializing America will make us flourish.... neither do I, but I would like to see it tried, otherwise we will never get the idea out of our system... so i say give it our best shot, and when it produces another mediocre country, then we can always say been there done that....
: I see where your troops will hopefully be out of Iraq within 16 months and into Afghanistan...
I think that was the plan decided upon under Bush as directed by the Iraqi government... we have always mantained that we were at their mercy how long they wanted/needed us, if they said leave tomorrow we would be gone, no matter the president.