I have deleted the recent thread since the global moderators and fencer is aware of the situation. Please post nothing more on it on the public boards as we don't need it to expand further
coan.net: I've found that the lack of noise when it is your turn makes me make sure to take a glance, and the beep (warning) is loud enough that I have turned the sound down so the cards and chips aren't intrusive
Bwild: Fencer is still working on which rules he will implement, I addressed that exact situation to him and at that time his answer is "kicker is always in the blind" but he is thinking about final version and monitoring this board for suggestions.
Just a note to everyone, if you are having troubles with the tables stopping from playing (or freezing up), you can hit refresh on your browser or F5 to reset the table.
Remember that this is still in testing mode and things are still being tweeked