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监管者: MadMonkey 

Please use this board to discuss Tournaments and Team Tournaments, ask questions and hopefully find the answers you are looking for. Personal attacks, arguing or baiting will not be tolerated on this board. If you have, or see a problem or something you are not happy about or think is wrong, please contact one of the above Moderators OR contact a Global Moderator HERE


Team Tournaments

Dec 2024 - Dark Battleboats 7 - Starts 6th Dec

状态: 所有人能发表

<< <   71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80   > >>
1. 五月 2009, 12:04:53
题目: Re: Missing games?
Resher: Have you created Teams for them in the Fellowship ?

1. 五月 2009, 11:19:09
题目: Missing games?
Does anyone know why the latest games (eg Cam, Racing Kings, Dice Chess 10x10) are missing from the list when I try to create a Fellowship Tourny, please? 

1. 五月 2009, 09:16:25
题目: 1 year rook membership to the overall winner

30. 四月 2009, 18:29:02

29. 四月 2009, 13:02:28
WINNERS in 10000 :D

9 - Borowitz
6 - aaru
6 - dein
5 - FrancescoLR
4 - schoffi
4 - Snoopy
3 - Beaupol
3 - vacgo
2 - Hannelore
2 - rabbitoid
2 - SL-Bosse
2 - Varazslo
1 - balvan99
1 - berusik
1 - Bratr
1 - Carl
1 - carlosx1111
1 - cd power
1 - Chaosu
1 - crayzeejim
1 - dalkelly
1 - david upshaw
1 - DeaD man WalkiN
1 - diogenysos
1 - greenj
1 - hopsak
1 - James T. Kirk
1 - John Toomey
1 - kierownik
1 - ladyhawke
1 - mellon
1 - ocinbulva
1 - pauloaguia
1 - sacha
1 - sarok
1 - tenuki
1 - tonyh
1 - ughaibu
1 - Undertaker.
1 - Wallace
1 - Zach
1 - Zurab


TOURNAMENT WINNERS after 500 ;), 5000 :D, 600 ;) & 600 ;) ;), 6000 :D, 700 ;) & 700 ;) ;), 800 ;), 900 ;), 7000 :D, 1000 ;), 1100 ;), 8000 :D, 1200 ;), 9000 :D, 1300 ;), 1400 ;), 1500 ;), 10000 :D, 1600 ;)

138 - aaru,
94 - Borowitz,
75 - dein,
40 - FrancescoLR,
21 - Retep,
17 - Beaupol, saeco, schoffi,
14 - basplund, Snoopy,
12 - Resher, Shredermann, Varazslo, Zurab,
11 - Mad Monkey, Ugo, Zach,
10 - Ronin,
7 - turnberry1,
6 - balvan99, Hannelore, Pioneer54,
5 - crayzeejim, c.marti, fretka, golden boy1955,
4 - afella, Brady, Labbeda, PCfromKNM, sitnalta, Svet-LAN-a, tenuki,
3 - berusik, Carl, FOTBALISTA, Gror, japajka, Marshmud, okjb, vacgo
2 - Anatole, beach, Bratr, Chaosu, DeaD man WalkiN, Gammonator, jim333, jk47, Kardinal, Kellys, mellon, Mousetrap, Pason69, pauloaguia, SL-Bosse, rabbitoid, srnity, tarcellius, under review, Vocilka, WakeUpPeople, Yookie,
1 - ♥♫Babygirlle♫♥, Brf, BsyB, bzial, Codypup, Carlos Queiros, carlosx1111, cd power, Crasto, dalkelly, david upshaw, diogenysos, dobrychemik, fayn, Fitzmertz, Gabriel Almeida, gogul, Gothmag, greenj, hazeleyes05, Helena, Hellion, hopsak, James T. Kirk, janka, John Toomey, kierownik, Kacper, Key McKinnis, kleineme, ladyhawke, lunedith, macour, ocinbulva, Paris Hilton♥, PRIMETIME, pysso, redfrog, Roberto Silva, sacha, sarok, ScarletRose, Smiles4ever, spavacz, spirit_66, tonyh, Tutagil, ughaibu, Undertaker., UzzyLady, Wallace, Walter Montego, wasa, Waterfall, zaze

alphabetical order:

A: aaru - 138, afella - 4, Anatole - 2,
B: ♥♫Babygirlle♫♥ - 1, balvan99 - 6, basplund - 14, beach - 2, Beaupol - 17, berusik - 3, Borowitz - 94, Brady - 4, Bratr - 2, Brf - 1, BsyB - 1, bzial - 1,
C: Carl - 3, Carlos Queiros - 1, carlosx1111 - 1, cd power - 1, Chaosu - 2, c.marti - 5, Codypup - 1, Crasto - 1, crayzeejim - 5,
D: dalkelly - 1, david upshaw - 1, DeaD man WalkiN - 2, dein - 75, diogenysos - 1, dobrychemik - 1,
F: fayn - 1, Fitzmertz - 1, FOTBALISTA - 3, FrancescoLR - 40, fretka - 5,
G: Gabriel Almeida - 1, Gammonator - 2, gogul - 1, golden boy1955 - 5, Gothmag - 1, greenj - 1, Gror - 3,
H: Hannelore - 6, hazeleyes05 - 1, Helena - 1, Hellion - 1, hopsak - 1,
J: James T. Kirk - 1, janka - 1, japajka - 3, jim333 - 2, jk47 - 2, John Toomey - 1,
K: Kacper - 1, Kardinal - 2, Kellys - 2, Key McKinnis - 1, kierownik - 1, kleineme - 1,
L: Labbeda - 4, ladyhawke - 1, lunedith - 1,
M: macour - 1, Mad Monkey - 11, Marshmud - 3, mellon - 2, Mousetrap - 2,
O: ocinbulva - 1, okjb - 3,
P: Paris Hilton♥ - 1, Pason69 - 2, pauloaguia - 2, PCfromKNM - 4, Pioneer54 - 6, PRIMETIME - 1, pysso - 1,
R: rabbitoid - 2, redfrog - 1, Resher - 12, Retep - 21, Roberto Silva - 1, Ronin - 10,
S: sacha - 1, sarok - 1, saeco - 17, ScarletRose - 1, schoffi - 17, Shredermann - 12, sitnalta - 4, SL-Bosse - 2, Smiles4ever - 1, Snoopy - 14, spavacz - 1, spirit_66 - 1, srnity - 2, Svet-LAN-a - 4,
T: tarcellius - 2, tenuki - 4, tonyh - 1, turnberry1 - 7, Tutagil - 1,
U: ughaibu - 1, Ugo - 11, Undertaker. - 1, under review - 2, UzzyLady - 1,
V: vacgo - 3, Varazslo - 12, Vocilka - 2,
W: WakeUpPeople - 2, Walter Montego - 1, Wallace - 1, wasa - 1, Waterfall - 1,
Y: Yookie - 2,
Z: Zach - 11, zaze - 1, Zurab - 12.

29. 四月 2009, 00:22:10

27. 四月 2009, 06:37:52
Good Luck :)FLR 
Good Luck :)FLR修改(27. 四月 2009, 06:38:36)
EXTRA TOURNEY (8 players )(OPEN BY INVITE)(if you want to play ask me )
Võida must vanker ja pääse igaveste hulka!!

I  have created an  EXTRA TOURNEY (for all pawns that are
stucked in tourneis wich i have searched and thanks to Fencer they all will be released so
can play THIS tourney and for all the new members or pawns created this year  )

25. 四月 2009, 21:20:14

25. 四月 2009, 00:11:42
DeaD man WalkiN 
DeaD man WalkiN修改(25. 四月 2009, 16:12:13)
Anti Backgammon (4 - open))
Froglet (3 - open)
Sphere Froglet (5 - open)

SomE of DeaD MaN's GaMeS

23. 四月 2009, 04:11:06
Good Luck :)FLR 
EXTRA TOURNEY (8 players )(OPEN BY INVITE)(if you want to play ask me )
Võida must vanker ja pääse igaveste hulka!!

I  have created an  EXTRA TOURNEY (for all pawns that are
stucked in tourneis wich i have searched and thanks to Fencer they all will be released so
can play THIS tourney and for all the new members or pawns created this year  )

23. 四月 2009, 02:30:06
Papa Zoom 
Tournament: Backgammon Race 3 days no days off with autopass (Backgammon Race)

Your tournament is finished.
Winner of the tournament: ScarletRose

23. 四月 2009, 00:42:32

for those with that insatiable urge to play more games ~

Spring Cacoethes

22. 四月 2009, 21:36:40
题目: Re:
Lotus Flower: well the pah tums and backgammon are two seperate tourneys, so you and me are done, but if you beat the other two players in backgammon, then you still have a chance...same with the pah tum tournament. Did I explain that right?

22. 四月 2009, 21:34:07
题目: Re:
Lotus Flower: thanks...that last one was so close..you would have had me if I hadn't gotten doubles... thanks for the games!

22. 四月 2009, 20:15:17
题目: Re:
Lotus Flower: um...but I'm back????

22. 四月 2009, 16:10:34
题目: Re:
Lotus Flower: sorry bout that if it was my dice chess 10/10 tournament you were wanting to join
i set the rating at 1000 but what i forgot to do was to click the box saying unrated players couldnt join

22. 四月 2009, 15:05:39
题目: Fate choses

22. 四月 2009, 15:03:15
题目: Re:
Hrqls修改(22. 四月 2009, 15:03:38)
Lotus Flower: people who are unrated still have a rating .. it just isnt shown ... or the tournament specifically allows unrated to join

22. 四月 2009, 13:36:51
题目: only 3 more ppl needed

19. 四月 2009, 19:09:37
DeaD man WalkiN 
Nackgammon (5 - open)
Anti Backgammon (5 - open)
Backgammon Race (1 - open)
Crowded Backgammon (4 - open)
Battleboats Plus (6 - open)
Dark Battleboats (5 - open)
Froglet (5 - open)
Sphere Froglet (6 - open)
Triple Dice Poker (1 - open)

SomE of DeaD MaN's GaMeS

18. 四月 2009, 20:40:45
题目: Free tournaments

18. 四月 2009, 19:03:36
题目: Open Invite: Top 10% Faster Backgammoners for 2009-04
Open Invite: Top 10% Faster Backgammoners for 2009-04

Hi, to 'The Best and The Fast Backgammon Players',

This is an opportunity, check your weight against to other best players if you inside the top 10% any of Backgammon Games.

Don't be afraid of endless games and tournaments! If you don't like to join to the Gammon Tournaments without end (related with the move time of the opponents), our games finish before the next month tournament generally.

We choosed publicly announce this Traditional but popular Tournaments here, in the tournaments discussion and some fellowship groups to all the best and fast players who are inside the top 10% of any type Backgammon Games.

Inside the top 10% any type Backgammon player (Back, Nack, Crowded, Race, Hyper, Anti, Cloning Backgammon, Grasshopper, Plakoto, Fevga), is eligible to join to all other games in this Tournaments before the begin time. April 23th, 2009).

To check where you are in the ratings click to the related links:

Backgammon, Nackgammon, Anti Backgammon, Backgammon Race, Crowded Backgammon, Hyper Backgammon, Cloning Backgammon, Grasshopper, Plakoto, Fevga

Others, outside of top 10% players, will be deleted before the tournaments begin without excuse...

Match type: 3 points match with doubling cube
Tournament type: one match for each two players
Maximum number of players per section: 20
Final match type for two players section: 5 points match with doubling cube
Time control: Time: 3 days, Bonus: 3 hours, Limit: 9 days, no days off (red signed)

(That means after beginning you have 3 days (72 hours) for your first move. Per your another move, you'll have 3 hours bonus for your other move time. 9 days is limit time for the opponents, after the move of other side.)

Please click to the Tournament addresse and 'feel free to join to any type of Gammon Games'. You are eligible to join, to all Gammon games without restriction, only if you inside of top 10% in any Gammon Games';(for now we have only ten types of Gammon games).

Here are the tournament winners of 'Top 10% Faster Backgammoners' from the beginning of 2006 to April 16th, 2009 - (alphabetical orders)
aaru: (18), afella: (2), alanback: (1), aledates: (1), AlliumCepa: (4), Anencephal: (1), bazari: (3), chessik: (6), CryingLoser: (1), dresali: (1), ennukene00: (1), FOTBALISTA: (3), gambler104: (7), gfeisty1: (1), Gammonator: (1), grenv: (3), Hannelore: (40), Harassed: (2), Helena: (1), imsoaddicted: (1), jopie2002: (2), Kardinal: (2), Konrad: (1), LADIESMANINNY32: (1), ljubisa popovic: (2), Marfitalu: (1), Mary Jo: (2), Mirda: (1), masino: (2), MsDelete: (1), mukali: (1), nobody25: (1), Pason69: (2), pedrored: (5), qusar: (6), Resher: (5), Rex Nihilo: (2), rod03801: (1), skipinnz: (3), Snoopy: (1), Somelaughs2: (1), Sveno: (1), swelle: (2), TC: (50), Tutagil: (12), UzzyLady: (1), vic: (3), Vikings: (13), WakeUpPeople: (2), Zach: (1),
Here are the tournament winners of 'Top 10% Faster Backgammoners' from the beginning of 2006 to April 16th, 2009 - (counts of tournaments winner)
50 times TC,
40 times Hannelore,
18 times aaru,
13 times Tutagil, Vikings,
9 times gambler104,
6 times chessik, qusar,
5 times pedrored, Resher,
4 times AlliumCepa,
3 times bazari, FOTBALISTA, grenv, vic,
2 times afella, Harassed, jopie2002, Kardinal, ljubisa popovic, Mary Jo, masino, Pason69, Rex Nihilo, skipinnz, swelle, WakeUpPeople,
1 time alanback, aledates, Anencephal, CryingLoser, dresali, ennukene00, gfeisty1, Gammonator, Helena, imsoaddicted, Konrad, LADIESMANINNY32, Marfitalu, Mirda, MsDelete, mukali, nobody25, rod03801, Snoopy, Somelaughs2, Sveno, UzzyLady, Zach,

2009 April : Top 10% - Faster Backgammoners 2009-04

With your join to this Tournament, hope to play good matches and enjoy!


If you interested who were the best and fast in the previous Gammon Tournaments, please click to following addresse:

2009-03, 2009-02, 2009-01,

2008-12, 2008-11, 2008-10, 2008-09, 2008-08, 2008-07, 2008-06, 2008-05, 2008-04, 2008-03, 2008-02,

2007-12, 2007-11, 2007-10, 2007-09, 2007-08, 2007-07, 2007-06, 2007-05, 2007-04, 2007-03, 2007-02, 2007-01,

2006-12, 2006-11, 2006-10, 2006-09, 2006-07, 2006-06, 2006-05, 2006-04, 2006-03, 2006-02, (Invited)

Thank you!

P/S: Don't forget to click to: 2009 April : Top 10% - Faster Backgammoners 2009-04

18. 四月 2009, 03:38:48


As Old Red alway's said GOD BLESS

17. 四月 2009, 14:11:10
题目: Latest Results.....

17. 四月 2009, 13:08:41
DeaD man WalkiN 
Care to play in games I like.
SomE of DeaD MaN's GaMeS

15. 四月 2009, 17:33:11
题目: Brains

14. 四月 2009, 11:40:35
Random line CUP

One more player needed! Any one for random line games?

We all already joined, will salute you!


13. 四月 2009, 19:43:38
题目: Re:
Lotus Flower: Thank's alot:))

13. 四月 2009, 17:53:14
Papa Zoom 
"GERRY": It would be a lot easier for people if you'd learn how to put up a link to the tourney. It's easy to do.

13. 四月 2009, 15:39:33


           OLD RED"S first 5all games # 2

           Enjoy & have Fun

           As Old Red always said GOD BLESS

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