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BrainKing.com fellowships - questions, answers, discussion.

Join or start a Fellowship that fits your gaming style, friendships, and interests....

Join Fellowship Teams to participate in Team Tournaments

Also - Fellowship vs. Fellowship Challenges. Check out the Team BKR Ratings

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12. 四月 2022, 03:06:44
题目: Re: Fellowships
Aganju: If you go to your profile page, and choose the Fellowships tab, and scroll down, right below your list of fellowships, is your list of teams

10. 四月 2019, 01:55:15
题目: Re: Fellowship creation
Mélusine: I think Fencer is your only hope. I just deleted the first test fellowship and created a different one, and deleted that one and created another. Just to see if maybe the system didn't like that I created so many, but I successfully created them all. I then created another one with the same name as the first one I created and deleted, and that one created fine too.

10. 四月 2019, 01:41:14
题目: Re: Fellowship creation
rod03801修改(10. 四月 2019, 01:42:15)
Mélusine: One other thing, this may be a silly question, but are you giving the Fellowship a name before you click "Create"?

EDIT : Never mind, I see in your post below that you did name it. It couldn't have been the same name of a current fellowship could it?
I'm grasping at straws here. LOL

10. 四月 2019, 01:39:45
题目: Re: Fellowship creation
Mélusine: Sorry, I don't know then. It definitely is working. If you go to the last page of fellowships, you will see my "Test Fellowship". So it must be specific to your account. I can only suggest you send Fencer a message and ask what it may be.

10. 四月 2019, 01:15:28
题目: Re: Fellowship creation
Mélusine: I just created one and it worked. After you create it and click the button. Then near the top of the fellowship page, click See only my fellowships. You don't see it at the bottom of that page?
I created "test fellowship" and I see it there.

10. 四月 2019, 00:59:29
题目: Re: Fellowship creation
Mélusine: Do you scroll all the way to the bottom, and choose "Create a new fellowship"?
If so, at what point do things go wrong?

8. 九月 2017, 01:45:42
Ok. Last warning. Any further personal bickering will be deleted and the poster possibly banned from posting.

7. 九月 2017, 21:35:13
Please stop the bickering. Please take the parts of this that are "personal" to private message, not on this board.
Play nice!

18. 二月 2015, 15:33:44
题目: Halma 10x10 Team tournament
There is a Halma 10x10 Team tournament scheduled to start in less than 2 days ( Feb 2015 Jump! Jump! Jump! - Halma 10x10 #4 ) However there are only 3 teams signed up, so hopefully there is another fellowship out there who will join in!!!

9. 五月 2014, 03:01:05
题目: ZOO fellowship
rod03801修改(9. 五月 2014, 03:01:34)
Do you love animals? Are you an animal? How about joining ! The Zoo fellowship?

It's a "free range" zoo, of course!

If you are not on a crowded backgammon team for the upcoming Crowded Backgammon Team Tournament, we could use you on our team, as well.

Just go to ! The Zoo and request membership.

It's been a little slow in there recently, but we'd like to get more active again, like the "old days". If there is interest, I will start making more tournaments in there again.

It's just a friendly, no drama fellowship. Kinda silly at times.

1. 六月 2012, 23:13:57
题目: Re:
Carl: Well, you have to be the little boss or big boss to do that.

If you are one of those. You have to have a team set up for the tournament type you want to create. Bring up that team on your fellowship's main page, and you will see a box for creating a tournament just for that fellowship.

If you don't have a team for that game, simply create one. No one has to be on the team.

14. 五月 2012, 02:14:19
题目: Re: Would someone Delete the dead Fellowships!
coan.net: Agreed.. I hate that whole "fellowship deleted" label.

20. 七月 2011, 20:22:43
Subject is OVER now. Thank you. Turning into bickering. Take it Private.

Further posts will be deleted. Bans if necessary.

2. 七月 2011, 20:57:18
Stop it

2. 七月 2011, 16:43:56
题目: Re:
(V): There have been many fellowships over the years with similar names. Think about all the versions of "flame pit" there have been.

1. 七月 2011, 16:48:09
题目: Re: Fellowship Tourneys
fukuhara: And you know for sure that player didn't just recently become a pawn?

Fencer may not read this board regularly. I will ask him about it.

29. 六月 2011, 15:33:07
题目: Re: Fellowship Tourneys
fukuhara: Show a specific tourney where this is the case. It has never been necessary to adjust any filter in a Fellowship tournament.

5. 三月 2011, 17:31:52
题目: Re:
pedestrian: Yes, even if you leave the team, you will still be in the next round of any Team Tournament that moves on.

19. 八月 2010, 01:07:51
题目: Re:
Pedro Martínez: He has been asked before, to stop doing it. It is a game some like to play to artificially inflate the visits to their boards. Seems silly.

I have edited his post and replaced the link with a link to the Fellowship itself.

In the future, it will just be deleted.

20. 六月 2010, 14:49:56
题目: Re:
BadBoy7: This board is more meant for advertising your fellowships, not for trying to get people to click on links to a discussion board they can't see if they aren't members, just to "get your numbers up". It would be more effective to put a link to your fellowship and invite people to join.

1. 五月 2009, 23:55:14
题目: Come to The Zoo!
If you are an animal lover, why not come join us in The Zoo fellowship?! ! The Zoo It's a free range zoo!

We also currently have a special prize competition, open for sign ups.

25. 三月 2009, 14:31:27
题目: Re:
Bwild: Ahh. I found it.

Go to the main page of your fellowship.

Click Edit.

You will see an option to "add a language"

Once you add it, I'm sure the option will be there for Czech, when creating a new board.

25. 三月 2009, 14:27:46
题目: Re:
Bwild: Hmm.. weird. On one of my fellowships, it gives me Czech and English. On the other fellowship it only gives me English. I don't know then.

25. 三月 2009, 13:58:54
题目: Re:
rod03801修改(25. 三月 2009, 14:00:18)
Bwild: On the main page of your fellowship, right under the list of discussion boards will be a link to create a new board. Right under that, it has a menu where you can choose the language. This is of course if you haven't already reached your limit of discussion boards in that fellowship.

Where it says "Add a board", you type in the name of the board, then choose the language, then click "create".

2. 五月 2008, 21:32:07
题目: Re: new Team tournaments
coan.net: I would like to see a nice fast fischer clock team tourney once in a while.

11. 一月 2008, 15:45:12
题目: Re: Public challenges
Nirvana: Yes, the tournaments page is set up differently than the Waiting room games.

When I first came to the site, I didn't realize your own games you put there (Waiting room) aren't visible to you, so I thought I wasn't using it correctly.

Basically, the only ones that show up are ones you can accept. And obviously the ones you put in there yourself, you can't accept.

MadMonkey says that the challenges you create CAN be seen by you on your fellowship page, though. (Again, I haven't tried that out yet)

11. 一月 2008, 01:43:03
题目: Re: Public challenges
MadMonkey: The team challenges that you create for any other team to accept (waiting room) show up on your main fellowship page? That's good. (I know the team challenges where you challenge a specific team show up there)
I'll have to play around with it when I get some time.

11. 一月 2008, 01:31:19
题目: Re: Public challenges
Nirvana: Well, it is set up to work the same as the current "Waiting Room". You don't see your own challenges in there, either.

I believe they show up on the bottom of your Main Page though, don't they? I wonder if there is a place your own team challenges show up? The specific fellowship's page, perhaps? If not, that might not be a bad idea.. I would think they must show up somewhere, so that you can delete it, if you want? No? (I haven't tried it yet, honestly.)

2. 一月 2008, 03:05:23
题目: Moderator Needed
Would you like to take on a little extra responsibility at Brainking?

If so, this discussion board needs a new moderator.

If you visit Brainking daily and understand the User Agreeement and want to help out, please PM me or any other Global Moderator (see Brainking Staff page), and let one of us know you might be interested.

23. 八月 2007, 20:05:04
题目: Re: Team Members
coan.net: I have the remove member on all my teams. And it works too. It DOES take me to a white page when I submit it, but if I go back, that person is indeed removed from the team.

19. 八月 2007, 17:36:27
题目: Re:
ellieoop: lol.. that's what we've been talking about. Kili, the big boss, is now a pawn. Until he becomes a rook again, I don't think he has the ability to admit new people to the fellowship. If he isn't going to become a rook again, and doesn't give the fellowship to someone else, we will dependent on getting people currently in the fellowship to join the team, OR we will have to migrate to another team.

19. 八月 2007, 03:25:40
题目: Re: Ludo
Tigger: Thanks, I'll let you know if he responds. If not, you're welcome to join us where ever we migrate to!

19. 八月 2007, 00:58:17
题目: Re: Ludo
Tigger: That has been pointed out to me. I have sent the BB a PM to see if he plans on renewing soon. If not, I guess I will have to try to get 3 more who are currently in the fellowship, or we will have to migrate to another team...

18. 八月 2007, 23:00:06
题目: Ludo
Are you on a Ludo team that doesn't look like it is going to have enough people to enter the upcoming Team Tournament? Or, are you on a Ludo team that has more than the 8 players needed, and you aren't going to be used?

I am the captain of the Ludo team at GuineaPig´s Club and we need 3 more players, as of right now. If you can help us out, please request membership at the link, and join our team! Even if you just join the team temporarily and go back to your originial team after we sign up.

1. 三月 2007, 07:18:41
题目: Re: pixels
emmett: The image type must be jpg, gif or png and its size cannot exceed 100 kilobytes. If the image size is different to the required one (120x75), it will be automatically resized.

1. 三月 2006, 02:11:48
Thanks, Fencer! :-)

28. 二月 2006, 02:06:50
题目: Taking somoene off a team
How does a captain take someone off a team??? Clicking "edit" by their name only let's you choose Player or Captain. When you click that "edit" link, it says captains can "throw people off the team" ... but I don't see anyway of doing it. It appears to me, the only way for it to happen is to either remove the person from the fellowship (which if the captain isnt the big boss, they can't do) or if they remove themselves.
If there isn't any other way, why does it say that captains have this abilitiy. Or am I just being blind?

23. 二月 2006, 07:44:20
题目: Halma
Any teams out there wanna take on the Brave Eagles Halma team at 8x8 or 10x10 or both???

31. 一月 2006, 13:26:38
No, it's turning into the usual hair-pulling between you 2. We all know where this is going.

31. 一月 2006, 13:23:11
I say we take a vote on who wants to read this junk here!

27. 十二月 2005, 10:08:19
Fencer could probably fix it for you, also.

19. 十月 2005, 03:05:20
But what about cases where the person becomes a knight, and does nothing about it?? In the NON game orientated fellowships this wouldn't affect anything major (well I guess you couldn't invite new people.. which is sort of major, I guess), and I'm thinking they probably still remain as moderator of the discussion boards in that fellowship. So even though they "can't" be big boss, in many ways, they still are..

Maybe this isn't a big deal. It just looks bad, (in my opinion) to still see the Knight listed as big boss..

Just a thought... Maybe when someone doesn't re-up as a rook, they should be given a certain amount of time to appoint a new big boss, or the fellowship will be deleted automatically..

2. 十月 2005, 04:48:42
题目: Question
What happens when a big boss renews as a knight instead of as a rook??????

It's obvious that when they don't renew at all, they can't do anything in the fellowship at all anyways. But what about when they renew as a knight? Do they get to act as big boss of their fellowship? Shouldn't be that way, if so!

8. 九月 2005, 22:06:35
Nice job BBW!!

*waits for the criticisms about how time is spent.... lol

6. 九月 2005, 02:17:26
题目: Brave Eagles Halma
rod03801修改(6. 九月 2005, 03:17:09)
Do you LOVE Halma!!??

Come play with other people who do too. Click here to request membership to Brave Eagles Halma. Dedicated completely to Halma.

There is a new tournament waiting for signups, and we would love to have you on our team. (And we are looking for a captain.)\

*Modified because we just took the 8x8 off our name, and now include 10x10 also. With a new team and a new tournament to sign up for.

17. 七月 2005, 21:26:20
You say, "belittling of people not present to defend themselves" is not allowed, then you say exceptions may be made? Sounds a bit hypocritical to me..

No thanks.

9. 七月 2005, 18:23:09
LOL, buy WebTV, Clay. We could use more posts in Club WebTV

7. 七月 2005, 02:02:18
Kata Liana, if you are a webtv user, you are welcome to join Club WebTV. We have monthly tournaments of all the backgammom variations. We also participate in all the backgammon team tournaments that Fencer makes.

5. 七月 2005, 15:21:31
You can only see event history of the boards you moderate.

14. 五月 2005, 03:00:29
rod03801修改(14. 五月 2005, 03:04:08)
Who's leaking stuff from Club WebTV!!???

I'll catch you!!


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