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 Feature requests

Do you miss something on BrainKing.com and would you like to see it here? Post your request into this board!
If there is a more specific board for the request, (i.e. game rule changes etc) then it should be posted and discussed on that specific board.

For further information about Feature Requests, please visit this link on the Brainking.Info site : http://brainking.info/archives/20-About-feature-requests.html

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21. 八月 2003, 22:07:56
题目: Re: Personal reminder area...
that would work, except I tend to delete messages en masse...so I'd probably delete that one too. lol

21. 八月 2003, 22:04:46
题目: Re: Personal reminder area...
I actually send myself a message!

At the top of the "Message box" page, just enter your own name as the one to send a message to. :-)

21. 八月 2003, 21:48:05
题目: re: IP Addresses
I don't think seeing a persons IP adress would do any good BBW, there are that many utilities that will mask / hide or falsify an IP address these days, which isn't a bad idea when playing on the internet for prolonged periods. Keeps you safe from hackers!!

21. 八月 2003, 21:44:40
题目: Personal reminder area...
Would it be possible, or even practical to have a little section off the main page to put notes to yourself, ie...personal reminders, or notes about a particular opponent other than on a specific game?

21. 八月 2003, 03:17:31
re ip adresses , i dont agree in that only for fencer to see if anybody ..i wouldnt like my ip to be shown too many hackers

21. 八月 2003, 03:14:45
题目: Ratings list
I'd like to see my record against an individual in a particular game on the ratings list for that game next to the players name.

Order Player BKR Counted games Your record
1. PlayerOne 2100 36 1-4
2. PlayerTwo 2050 60 3-2

21. 八月 2003, 03:12:19
题目: Re:
You'de have to do more detective work than that though, since I'm sure some people play from the same machine legitimately, particularly within a family. Also anyone playing moves from the same office network would possible register as the same IP address as well.

21. 八月 2003, 02:57:48
I know some people will not like this idea, but I would love to see in a person profile where a person has signed on from/IP address. (Something like: Last logon from: This would allow other user to do their own "investigation" to see if people are signing in with multiply ID's, trying to cheat tournaments, etc.... Sooner or later I'll probable have a prize tournament, and I would like to be able to see if people are trying to cheat or not.

20. 八月 2003, 23:34:12
Absolutely NO comment whatsoever!!! ROFL!!!! :OP

20. 八月 2003, 23:29:39
Yeah I figured that after I had used the saved formats for a while LOL Not one of my cleverest moments??

20. 八月 2003, 23:26:22
Yeah but even the best layouts can only be used a couple of times at best, because othe rplayers may look back through your old games and spot any that you use more than once.

20. 八月 2003, 23:24:03
I think that is the best Idea BBW, if you want to know ask? Some people may have a really good deployment orientation and might not want you to see where their boats were so they can use it again?

20. 八月 2003, 23:19:19
题目: Battleboats Suggestion
I belive being able to see the other persons ships after the game is over has been suggested before, and I believe it is on fencers "to do" list.

BUT, here is my suggestion (if it is possible): If a battleboat game is timed out, do NOT show the other persons boat for at least 3-4 days. Since this site does have server problems every once and awhile, and does cause some games to time-out and restored again - it would be very unfair fo someone to have a chance to see where the other persons's boats are then have the game reinstated. You would then have to start the game all the way over - again, not fair to the person ahead. So if that is not possible, I would vote to leave it how it is - you can't see the other person's boat.

NOTE: I've wondered about where someone's boat were and I did a pertty simple thing - I asked them and they told me where they were!

20. 八月 2003, 13:19:47
题目: battle boats
when a game is finished and i would like to see where the boat was that evaded me i cant see it (only the board that i could see during the game ) could this be changed to allow us seeing all the boats please

19. 八月 2003, 09:42:59
题目: Re: notes during games ?
thanks fencer , i feel a bit thick now lol ,because it was the same shade as my background didnt realise i could write in it ;~)

19. 八月 2003, 08:59:42
题目: Re: notes during games ?
Nope, the grwy background has been added to make a visual difference between these two text areas [notes and messages]. Several players had requested it some months ago.

19. 八月 2003, 08:51:29
题目: notes during games ?
i used to be able to make notes formyself during games but mine is all shaded grey has this function been turned off (been like this a while now) or is it something i maybe have switched off without knowing

19. 八月 2003, 03:34:16
题目: Re: Multiplayer games? -- Yes!!
I have played chaturanga for four players and think that it would be a good game to add to BrainKing. Team play is a lot of fun.

There is a large chess variant for two players called Big Battle (see chessvariants.com) that is played on a 10x10 board that would be a great addition. Not only is it fast-paced (a surprise on the larger board) but well balanced, like Gothic Chess.

It is not a mere variation on the theme of Gothic Chess, though; and on the strength of that and the popularity of chess variants on the site, I think that it would be good to give it consideration.

19. 八月 2003, 02:23:22
I've thought about that too. If you have a move option of picking who to play, its easier to choose from who is online.

19. 八月 2003, 01:29:04
题目: Re:
If i remember rightly is was mentioned before about putting it under the options on the left when playing a move, but to be in the normal place on the main page.

19. 八月 2003, 01:26:07
Ah, i didn't read it carefully enough ;-)

Yes, that is a good idea...but where would this list be put on the game pages?

19. 八月 2003, 01:20:40
题目: Re:
Kevin, i think what GrassHopper means is that they are show when we are playing an actual move, i think this was brought up b4.

19. 八月 2003, 01:15:59
Those are listed on your main page on the right, right beneath the date and time :-)

18. 八月 2003, 23:58:26
Fencer,I love your site.... I would like,,, :) to be able to see my "Friends on-line" list, on the game pages.. That way when I am playing,,,I can see my friends who are on-line... {'_'}

18. 八月 2003, 11:07:04
题目: request

18. 八月 2003, 05:28:11
题目: Re: Multiplayer games? -- Yes!!
I think the idea of games for four players like chaturanga is excellent!! Is the shogi game for four maybe too foreign, though? It would be very complex.

18. 八月 2003, 00:40:50
题目: Placebo Spiral
anything to advance the board topic ?
not ? I thought so ... buh bye ... ~*~

18. 八月 2003, 00:31:12
The Listener 
Oh, danoschek
Come off your high Janus! :·P

17. 八月 2003, 13:48:08
题目: penetrant babblerod's board abuse
it's okay, ear-stuffer ... smartness of games is really not your subject.

and now back off and put your obsessive iyt-bs where it belongs ...
my pygmy pony sounds better from his back than you from the front ...

I refrain from requesting to implement some artificial intelligence as new
feature for our comrade with such an immense natural stupidity because
respecting board topics is an unconquerable obstacle for hollow ramble-
fanatics and their dwarfhood of screwing up to personal attacks ... ~*~

17. 八月 2003, 08:36:35
It is only closed because I don't feel like dealing with your usual nonsense

17. 八月 2003, 04:49:36
题目: after the nonsense is closed ...
I support implementing the doubling cube because unlike other rules and
their supporters it improves the smartness of the game ... good night :) ~*~

17. 八月 2003, 04:48:00
题目: dizzy roddy
you should know at least the rules here ... :P ... ~*~

17. 八月 2003, 04:44:37
I wanted to change rules??? You are confused.

17. 八月 2003, 04:35:25
题目: foolish statements
are as usual coming from you ...

playing to the rules is playing to the rules ...
you wanted to change them - I did not call that cheating either
just (go figure) ignorant ... as to believe bigger words have bigger meanings ~*~

17. 八月 2003, 02:27:12
题目: Re: "if you can use both dice you must"
What a foolish thing to say.
It has NOT been "abandoned" here. I believe we were told that at some point it WOULD be implemented. If you don't care to follow the rules, you certainly don't have to play.
Not playing by the rules is CHEATING. No RESPECTABLE game lover wants to cheat. Period.

16. 八月 2003, 23:50:39
题目: Re: Doubling
Actually In backgammon it is frequent that a position is reached when one player cannot lose, even if (s)he rolls 2-1 and the opponent 6-6 for the rest of the game. Obviously this is only applicable if there are no overlaps and therefore no chance of capturing. In these cases you should resign unless both players are happy to keep chatting. It is really only tournaments that I would apply this to since a lot of other players may be waiting for the outcome before proceeding.

16. 八月 2003, 23:22:28
题目: if you CAN use both dice, you MUST
was added by people who don't like to cope with the entire smartness
of the game and, should be abandoned anyway ... as we do here ... ~*~

16. 八月 2003, 22:26:03
题目: Re: Doubling
Peacepickle; I took the liberty of looking at your profile and see that you play only Backgammon. This is a game where you can have remarkable turn-rounds, even when everything looks hopeless. And you have a super rating, which means that you lose rarely!
A game like chess, though, can be totally won; getting the win quickly can take ages!
When I play games for chat and fun and I was in a lost position, I would suggest that I resign and start another with the same opponent.
But a game like chess

16. 八月 2003, 21:59:34
题目: doubling cube
I think it should be handled like it is at IYT... they have a version with it, and a version without it. The version with it, is a 5 point game. Maybe here we could decide for ourselves when creating the game how many points it would be..(which of course we already do with multi point matches)
I definitely wish the doubling cube was here.. and I'm sure at some point, it will be.
But as discussed a while back on the backgammon discussion board, I would rather backgammon be fixed to follow the "if you CAN use both dice, you MUST" rule, first.

16. 八月 2003, 21:00:44
题目: Re: Doubling
tonyh: If there is a chance to win resigning should not be "forced" with doubling. I agree that sometimes the games drag on pointlessly when other side has no chance whatsoever. But determining when a game is decided is not that easy on many games. If doubling was there many endgame turnarounds wouldn't happen. For example in a game of reversi 10x10 my situation looked really hopeless after move 36 (and even before that). I was thinking about resigning and surely my opponent would have doubled at that point if the option would have been there. Then resigning would have been the only sensible option for me to do. However i continued to play and managed to clinch victory with a few points margin! It was a great match and it would never have happened if doubling was there. Many such games where other side has definite advantage would end prematurely if we could double. Here's link to the game.

But gammons are a different thing. The doubling cube belongs there and should be implemented as soon as possible.

16. 八月 2003, 18:09:17
lilac fairy 
题目: Re:
I like to see my matches to the end too, occasionally I resign, but not often, I don't like to feel I'm quitting because I am losing

16. 八月 2003, 18:01:04
题目: Re: Doubling
tonyh Since this is a game server that encourages community along with the games, there is no harm in opponents playing out their games or even having friendly chats in the face of definite defeat.

Since BK offers no doubling cube for backgammon, it's really hard to take the game too seriously here. Backgammon with a doubling cube and backgammon without a doubling cube are two entirely different games. Add betting and money to the mix, and you've changed the games even more.

If I find myself in a hopeless position in a game, I usually congratulate my opponent and tell him/her that I'm going to resign on my next move. This avoids a lot of misunderstandings and keeps the tone friendly. If I have mathematically won a game, I never ask an opponent to resign. To me it's really rude to ask that of someone. They may want to have some fun by learning from you.

Being a member of a gamesite such as BK is more than BKN ratings and amassing numbers in one's win column; it's social games and community.

If you're obsessed with wins and ratings, a BG site such as FIBS is probably better suited for you than BK.

Enjoy your games everyone.

16. 八月 2003, 17:38:57

16. 八月 2003, 17:37:23
题目: Re: Doubling
Sharon - why do you like seeing games thru to the end? If you are hopelessly lost, what are you hoping for? That the opponent will time out? give up in disgust? die?

16. 八月 2003, 17:31:46
personally .. i like to see my matches to the end... :)

16. 八月 2003, 17:07:58
题目: Re: Doubling
If you were going to implement the doubling cube, you would also need to award two wins for a gammon and 3 for a backgammon. Personally I think if you're going to implement that, let's just have 5 point matches.

I started the thread by suggesting that once the game is mathematically over then the game server should award the game instead of forcing the game to continue pointlessly. Of course resignations would help (I always resign if the game is mathematically beyond reach, why prolong the agony).

16. 八月 2003, 16:49:40
题目: Re: Doubling
Lovely Sharon - I agree that resignation isn't the only reason but it's a good one!
Kitti - please describe a 'little chance to win'? What would your guy be waiting for? A blunder?

16. 八月 2003, 16:08:33
题目: Re: Doubling
resignation isn't the only reason to double... i see no reason for a doubling cube unless you're going to have multiple point matches... that is all part of the game of backgammon... you have so many variations of other games.. its too bad we don't have the element to play this one properly...

16. 八月 2003, 14:27:03
题目: Re: Doubling
No doubling for other than gammon games please. Doubling when in a clear lead position will "force" the opponent to resign even if he has a little chance to win the game. Who would risk losing "two" games if there was only a small chance to win.

16. 八月 2003, 13:06:04
题目: Doubling
I posted a message on the Gammon Discussion Board, asking for doubling to hasten resignations!!

It occurs to me that a double feature could work for any number of games, where guys in totally lost positions just go on and on. Halma and Reversi are good examples.

by all means let them play on - but the possibility that they could lose 'two' games (with the consequent effect on their ratings) could make a resignation decision very easy!

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