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监管者:  Walter Montego 
 Chess variants (10x8)

Sam has closed his piano and gone to bed ... now we can talk about the real stuff of life ... love, liberty and games such as
Janus, Capablanca Random, Embassy Chess & the odd mention of other 10x8 variants is welcome too

For posting:
- invitations to games (you can also use the New Game menu or for particular games: Janus; Capablanca Random; or Embassy)
- information about upcoming tournaments
- disussion of games (please limit this to completed games or discussion on how a game has arrived at a certain position
... speculation on who has an advantage or the benefits of potential moves is not permitted while that particular game is in progress)
- links to interesting related sites (non-promotional)

状态: 所有人能发表

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13. 三月 2007, 09:00:31
题目: Re:
jerom: I think he means log on there at the "o'clock" time ... say 4:00pm, 5:00pm, 6:00pm etc rather than randomly at say 4:23pm, 5:17pm, 6:49pm.

In any case this is the sort of discussion which would best be undertaken by private mesages in future please, particularly as it refers to another website.

WQ :)

14. 十月 2006, 06:48:42
For those on slow Broadband or dialup ... the file is 22M.

25. 九月 2006, 12:39:03
题目: Re: TableBases
ChessCarpenter: As interesting as the games are, links to the the site referenced are consiered inappropriate on this site. In future please refrain from sending patrons from this site to there.

Thanks you.

21. 九月 2006, 23:53:57
题目: Re: TableBases
SMIRF Engine: Now an interesting thought,harking back to a previous post, is that many would consider the consultation of these tablebases (for either 8x8 or 10x8) to be acceptable if they were in a book (some book!) but not if they are in a computer ... this is a dilemma (and argument) which I wonder will ever be resolved.

13. 九月 2006, 23:14:16
题目: Re:
iceninejkw: It is true that there are some players here who use computer programs to make there moves. Some like SMIRF Engine are open about it and use the opponents they find here to fine tune their program, others do it to seek an advantage. This is a point which is often discussed on all chess internet sites at some time or other and there is little that can be done to stop it ... sometimes it is recognisable (by a good discerning player - that is NOT me) and other times it is like you say, someone just "sneeking a peek". I think the majority of the discussion on this site has been on the "Chess" board but it crops up from time to time everywhere.

You will also find that this is not restricted to chess eitehr, apparently there are some pretty good checkers and backgammon ones out ther too but I play neither of those games.


WQ :)

18. 七月 2006, 14:35:44
题目: Ability to Post
Please note that I have changed this board back so that everyone can post and pawns do not need to be approved.

18. 七月 2006, 14:34:22
题目: Re: Grand Chess - Hierarchy
Marfitalu: Try these links ...

I put "piece values" into the search box and this is the best of what was found ... if you read them then you will see that each fits into a general discussion going on at the time which may be of interest too. You will find that this will nearly all relate to Gothic Chess and you should be aware that the person "Grim Reaper" is the inventor of said variant and his RL name is Ed.

Hope this helps


WQ :)

18. 七月 2006, 11:43:46
题目: Re: Grand Chess - Hierarchy
Marfitalu: If you read back through the archives of this board you will also find a great deal of discussion on this matter in relation to "Gothic Chess" a similar variant no longer played on this site.

19. 四月 2006, 11:36:23
题目: Re: Ok guys cool it.
About 2 days ago all were requested to end the speculation on who JinkyOng is ... so far as we are all concerned (and this also applies to the person himself) he is just another cyber entity ... here he is NOT Bobby Fischer, he is NOT Tom Cruise and he is NOT Ed Trice (was going to add another but thought better of it).

If people wish to give out personal information that is their perogative ... and if they wish to categorically state that they are a particular person and prove it then so be it, but continued allusion or speculation with be dealt with with the editor's (and co-editor's) pen(s).

Thank you for now bringing this back to being discussions about 10 x 8 chess variants.


17. 四月 2006, 15:07:38
Sorry guys (and gals) ... further speculation on who JinkyOng is can go elsewhere ... I think a few have asked, some have answers and some are not convinced. Whoever he is, we welcome him here. If he chooses to make insightful observations or useful instruction we should just count our blessings for the wisdom imparted, just the same as if it came for anyone ... we are all capable of brilliance, just some of us achieve it more (or less) often than others.

Cheers WQ :)

5. 四月 2006, 04:22:55
题目: Re: Single janus/archbishop checkmate
andreas: Wonder if it would have been any different if the pawn capture used the i pawn?

2. 四月 2006, 12:44:56
题目: Re: Best Program ?
There seems to be two discussion going on here but only one belongs on BrainKing.

Further discussion on how different computer game engines work, the approaches they adopt and their strenghts and weaknesses is encouraged.

Discussions about a competition which would not be uneertaken at BrainKing are not, along with any allegations as to what one person or another has said, will do or whatever. It would be a moot process to go back and delete all the posts which relate to this so they will stand. Any future discussion about or which reference these will be deleted, irrespective of how much effort has gone into their drafting. If you want to pursue it take it elsewhere.

Thank you all for your co-operation.

31. 三月 2006, 16:27:02
题目: Temporary Pawn restriction.
Due to some recent posts the ability of pawns to post immediately to this baord has been curtailed. You may continue to post but they will need to be approved by a moderator before they are viewable by all.

The matter will be reviewed in due course.

18. 三月 2006, 00:47:15
题目: Re: Naming of the sides for discussion or castling
panzerschiff: I like the term "flank", but the castling procedure for each "flank" would be different depending upon whether you are white or black, so actulally it probably doesn't work.

The problem I have with courtside and royalside is remembering which is which ... I know it has been explained and the explanation makes sense, I can jus never remember how it works ... old age I expect :)

16. 三月 2006, 21:11:55
题目: Re:
HalfPawn: Sorry, an extra return slipped into the address when I edited it last ... fixed now.

Again apologies ... WQ :)

15. 三月 2006, 23:13:06
题目: Courtesies being abused
Previously I posted a message here asking for some common courtesies and to pursue the "Ed Trice thing" at the Ed Trice site.

I seems some of you can't do this so four messages have been removed either because they bring matters here from another site, are a slur on a person's character, or don;t make sense becuase another post has been removed.

No names named, but it will be apparent to you if your post is deleted. Continued actions such as these will result in more deletions WITHOUT notice.

14. 三月 2006, 04:23:31
题目: Re: Pawn capture in Embassy Chess game
JinkyOng: I guess, the point being, that each move made is an opportunity for the machine to make a mistake (or an iljudgement) rather a decisive strike (I think that machines tend to be defensive by nature ... the what-ifs are designed not to lose, rather than to win).

Ergo ... I am a machine ... which loses ... LOL

7. 三月 2006, 10:57:16
题目: A few courtesies please ...
I am often accused of being quick with the delete button, and in the past so it has been and about Gothic Chess often ... so ...

Please follow these rules ... stated as guiding lights not strictures:
- comments are not to be personal attacks, either directly or indirectly.
- make it clear if you are stating a fact or an opinion.
- do not take posts from here and deposit them elsewhere (or vice versa bringing stuff here) without consent from those being quoted or paraphrased. The fact that they are taken to a free site and responses can be made there is of no consequence ... what is said here stayshere. While there is no way to police this outside this site it is possible (though undesirable) to curtail offenders while they are here.

With that said it may well time we moved onto a new subject ... if some want to they can pursue the amtter at the other site given in Halfpawn's post below.

20. 二月 2006, 09:26:29
题目: Re:
Pedro Martínez: LOL

9. 一月 2006, 01:43:35
题目: Re: SMIRF left the GC championship
ChessCarpenter and SMIRF Engine: As suggested, this discussion should not continue here. I will allow, however, SMIRF a brief explanation if he so desires and then that will be the end of it. After the reply, if one comes, I will review what has been said and ensure that it does not include personal attacks. I would ask you both to review what you have written (or will write) in this light.

2. 一月 2006, 06:11:17
题目: Re: Obituary
David Pritchard: A link to a short obituary

9. 十一月 2005, 11:09:20
Settle petals :)

7. 十一月 2005, 06:33:15
题目: Re:
Thad (+ White Tower): Thanks ... I checked the link out first to make sure it went somewhere but not again by clicking on it after i made it ... silly me! (BTW I have fixed it too :)

30. 十月 2005, 11:49:04
While we like to hear of and discuss interesting games, including Gothic Chess, it has become apparent that there are a number of messages appearing promoting or discussing websites other than BrianKing. Unless the messages are to reveal something startlingly new about these other sites I would ask you refrain, they will be deleted anyway and persistent contravention will result in the poster being hidden.

Thank you for your co-operation.


18. 十月 2005, 08:37:43
题目: Re: Longest Game!
Nasmichael: LOL Silly me!

17. 十月 2005, 05:49:18
题目: Re: Longest Game!
ChessCarpenter: So why does black resign?

14. 九月 2005, 03:12:21
题目: Re: Moderators......
Pythagoras et al: How's that?

9. 八月 2005, 10:59:30
题目: Re:
Grim Reaper:
36. j2-j3 Axj3#
37. i2xj3 (if not then .. Axh2##) Rxj3#
38. K-i1 B-j2#
39. K-j1 B-i1#
40. Kxi1 Qj2##
38. K-i2 Nh4#
39. K-i1 B-j2#
40. K-j1 and so forth as above.

The only other option might be
37. i2-i3 (or i2-i4) but then Axh2#
38. K-i2 A-g3##

Hindsight is a wonderful thing ... WQ :)

8. 八月 2005, 13:33:32
题目: Re:
Grim Reaper: A predicament indeed

13. 七月 2005, 15:37:36
I believe that exhausts the discussion about vacation days for this board ... if you wish to continue please take it elsewhere ... thanks ... WQ :)

7. 七月 2005, 09:37:32
Interesting debate ... please be objective and not objectionable. Reference to personal styles of play is fine so long as these principles are followed.

WQ :)

8. 六月 2005, 18:20:47
题目: Re: Unit systems
Chessmaster1000: In the end, it not just the theoretical logic which makes a measurement system useful, it is the the way the base units reflect aspects of life ... and this is both a learned phenonenum (sp?) and a function of our environment. Something which is measured in inches can usually be (physically) grasped in the hand, items measured in centimeters and millimeters are generally too small.

But with that, nuff sed ... further comments on this will be deleted, please continue this conversation at General Chat.

WQ :)

5. 六月 2005, 02:00:52
题目: Tidying Up
A number of posts have been deleted which did not contribute useful discussion to this board.

The link Walter refered to is: http://www.janusschach.de/

4. 六月 2005, 03:38:02
题目: Re: Caissus v Grim Reaper current game
whatdidyousay / Grim Reaper: Yes, it is an interesting game, but as it is still in progress, please do not discuss future moves or who may have an advantage, the discussion should be limited to how the game has reasched this position (all non-complying posts will be deleted without notice).

Cheers WQ :)

6. 五月 2005, 11:28:59
题目: Re:
EdTrice: I deleted a lot of Ughaibu's repeated notices about his tournament when the boards were amalgamated ... but if there were others I know not whence they have gone.

23. 十一月 2004, 03:11:31
题目: Re: Janus chess.
Googled "Janus" and came up with some interesting results.

I expect the Janus of Chess variety is reference back to the Roman god of gates ... more can be read here

18. 十一月 2004, 10:37:43
题目: Re: Discussion on this board
tedbarber ... there has at times been discussion hereon Janus Chess, but soon after Janus Chess was introduced on this site Fencer also implimented Gothic Chess which seems to have been played more. There has certainly been more discussion on the Gothic Chess boards than here.

You are quite welcome to raise any issues or discuss any games or strategies you would like to.



17. 七月 2004, 09:34:38
It worked, although I epect I would not have been able to get the result you did. Your queen mopped up a lot of pawns after the sac which supported your win but I think could have been better protected. I liked the manufactured queen cover for your h7 pawn.

22. 四月 2004, 13:30:42
题目: Re: Computers
Interesting debate ... I would hope that if I play others using computers that they would tell me before we started.

That is one reason I play atomic chess a lot (although one person has fessed up about using a program near the end of our game, fortunately I beat him :) ... I also play tank battles and tablut for the same reason although I wonder if Ughaibu is not a human computer anyway.

The other reason I play atomic chess is it gives me a chance to be competative at a reasonable level without chess being my life's work or only passion. No offence meant Ed + Caissus + others ... you guys are a long way ahead of where I will ever be. I am but a simple man at heart :)

6. 三月 2004, 15:11:53
Skill and determination :)
[It was K+2N+1R+7pawns v K+1A+9pawns which is probably about even in points anyway]

6. 三月 2004, 14:48:22
I don't need a mutual zugswang to go from a win to a loss ... I can do it all on my lonesome LOL W:)

5. 三月 2004, 06:36:33
题目: RE: Deciphering the database stats...
Okay muggins is now better educated, thanks, but let me clarify that the second Max_W is the number of moves for white after black has moved first and I guess, Mzugs (mutual zugzwangs - sorry, never heard the term before) are postions from which both agree that to pursue the matter is a venture into hopelessness (for one side anyway).

Thanks GI

5. 三月 2004, 05:55:39
题目: RE: Gothic Chess 5 Piece Endings Solved
I am a mug so you will need to elaborate a little on the Max_W etc codes, what they mean I mean :)

6. 二月 2004, 14:52:10
题目: Re: In the Gothic_250$_Prize tournement
Point taken, I will escalate my play in this game as far as possible ... and thanks rabbit ... you obviously know my true abilities, something you have exploited already a few times LOL :)

28. 十二月 2003, 19:01:15
题目: Re: The FirstHandbook of Gothic Chess
thanks ... I saw the CxB move but it didn't register ... must be too late ot be thinking about GC now :)

28. 十二月 2003, 12:20:30
题目: Re: The FirstHandbook of Gothic Chess
Just had a look at the game where D resigned after 8 moves ... if he moved Kf7 what your next move had been?

17. 十二月 2003, 22:38:31
题目: Re: Gothic Deck
So long as grillyx gets his act into gear and gets a few more points so that he can be a queen and I could be a dirty rotten knave LOL W:)

14. 十二月 2003, 00:58:13
题目: Re: Why Gothic Inventor rates the Archbishop so low?
I think the Archbishop derives a lot of its early power from its knight's move ability to jump over pieces ... this is the same as a knight in conventional chess. On a really crowded board the value of a knight increases, towards the end game the bishop becomes more pwerful as it ususally develops a longer range as there are less pieces to interfer. The Chancellor, I find, als o grows in power through the game, but i am not sure why. In the early game I actually prefer the Archbishop but will always swap for a Chancellor because I know as pieces disappear the Chancellor rises.

17. 十一月 2003, 19:34:00
And what of the addition of new pieces or the moves they make. I think the queen originally could only move one square in all direction, just like a King except, of course, it was not as important as it could be lost without losing the game.

17. 十一月 2003, 19:28:22
Welcome to the "where the hell has my post gone" club :)

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