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awesome: No, not physically in London, but I was of the age, at the time, to be totally striken by his death - by their deaths. As you know, we astral-planed at the drop of a hat, so maybe I WAS in London after all. Didn't make me quite what I was doing at the time, but we were invincible then!
But, their music became oh, so much more important to me. Still is! Hey! Does anyone have that remastered collection of Hendrix' that his family put out?
Thanks for bringing that up, Hunkey. Tears came up behind my eyes when I read that. I've not been awake long, and I hadn't thought about it before. I will burn my candle for him, perhaps we all will. Candles for John
baddessi: Wasn't it? I had a tear or two. I've been crying a lot the last few days, wonder what that's all about? Maybe that I seem to be singing again? Maybe that my voice seems stronger? Maybe that I could sing along with that song, and not miss a grace note? Maybe!
12th October 1997, US singer songwriter John Denver was killed when the light aircraft he was piloting crashed into Monterey Bay, California. Denver was aged 53.
Tuesday: Now, there's an interesting thought. I hadn't considered that. Or, was he too much a California type guy who never wants to leave his native land? It's like they get their feet stuck in a fissure after an earthquake, and can't get away!
Here's an interesting story about his death, Denver's that is. I wonder if the family knew this?
I'm going to leave it, it's there to make a point in the conversation. I believe everyone knows who owns the copyright, but I will look for it and post it later.
Well, you can't mistake those lyrics. I believe I do remember all that, and I was actually surprised he know what high was. He was so clean-cut, and "regular" looking. Hmmmmm, fire in the sky, was he having visions of his own death?
The next one on the list was "Who Were You Thinking Of" with Freddy and none other than Flaco Jimenez, and the guy who brought it all together, Doug Sahm.
At first, when I saw the beginning of the article, I thought Take it off the music board. But, since there was music in the clip, I changed my mind. I couldn't see to click delete, and left it here for the rest of you to see. Mutual trust is a universal topic. Thank you, awesome.
Oh yeah! Did you remember all the lyrics? Hmmmm? I DID! I had this sudden realization.....while he is always right on with the lyrics (no liberties), you never know what the tune will be. The band, waaaaaay more anal than the artist himself carries the tune, but the man takes all kinds of liberties. Can't sing? Sure he can! It's just a different tune every time. He IS consistant with the key, I suppose because he can't argue with the band - and his fingers go to the same strings with no thought from him.
What a nice visit. At one point, I invisioned sitting at a table with my friend the guitar player in LA, and holding up a sheet of paper to him with the name of THAT song on it, and saying, "Our play list." Hahahaha!
Thanks, Nirvana. It's always nice to be reminded who you are.
yep, it was one of the good pop 80's bands... They were very popular here, and we still hear their songs at some clubs... And I never forget them when I play as DJ at 80´s parties...