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监管者: ScarletRose 

Whether fact or fiction ALL stories are welcome in here. Please come join in the fun!

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27. 三月 2007, 03:27:21
GGROBINLOVE修改(27. 三月 2007, 03:29:35)
Robin sat down by the barn door to get some of the fragrarent summer night breeze, she was very depressed tonight, her life was in a "standstill" and she was hoping someone would come in and 'would be the "One" to fill her dreams of love. She was causually looking around when she c aught sight of that darn Sally ushering Minere thru the trucks and into the woods. "what's she up to now?" She started to stand so she could get a better look when her left hand flew back and she heard a 'yipe'. She turned and looked straight into the chest of a very well built man. Her eyes turned upward and she looked onto the handsomest man she every saw. His eye were crystal blue and he had dark curly hair. "Excuse me there pretty lady, but the guy serving the punch said I might get you to point me out to Minere. I am the sherriff from Armstrong Co. and I need to get some information he asked for earlier. Its VERY URGENT. Robin came out of her daze and her adrenalyn started to flow, "why, he just followed Sally Jackson out into the woods, they were walking pretty fast , but here come with me I want to see where shes taking him in such a hurry, I just know she's up to no good."

27. 三月 2007, 16:04:40
From the shadows Efphota the half-breed Arapahoe Horse Wranger watched all of this take place. He notice both of the law man, the cowboys and the want-a-be being in their element. He wondered had did all of these fit together with what was going on in the back part of the ranch that laid next to the rez. Was it just chance that had brought all of these individuals together this evening. Or was there something more evil afoot........

27. 三月 2007, 17:14:35
sally and Dan reached the edge of the wooded area, she glanced back and saw that the man she bumped into earlier was following them. This would work perfectly, she would get two with one blow.

she moved swiftly through the path by the lake that lead to her hiding place. Soon you could see the rustic brick chimney of the smoke stack. Hurry Dan, its just a little ways further she said.

Dan followed mindlessly, all he could think about was cory. When they reached the clearing in the woods, Dan saw a battered shed with a large smoke stack and wondered momentarily why sally lived in such a place. But those thoughts were fleeting. "where is Cory?" he asked breathlessly.

Inside, said sally, you go in first......

27. 三月 2007, 17:52:17
Efphota slipped quietly behind the couple, as he followed, another man fall in behind the two. Now this was interesting. The two he could understand slipping away, but the third. As he ghosted from shadow to shadow, and from tree to tree they came to a battered shed that had a large smoke stack. What was the stranger doing? Following for what reason? He vanished into the shadows to wait and watch.........

27. 三月 2007, 18:07:33
ScarletRose修改(27. 三月 2007, 18:10:42)

Scarlet twisted around to speak at Robin and soon realized she stood alone.. she glanced up seeing her friend on the floor kickin her heels up to the music floating through the barn..

Giddy up, oom poppa, omm poppa, mow mow
Giddy up, oom poppa, omm poppa, mow mow
Heigh-ho silver, away.

Elvira, Elvira
My hear's on fire for Elvira

Tonight I'm gonna meet her to hungry house cafe
And I'm gonna give her all the love I can
She's gonna jump and holler
'Cause I saved up two dollars
She's gonna search and find that preacher man.

Turning herself around and stepping just a few paces towards the snackarea she reached for a glass of punch resting on the counter. She no sooner had the glass to her lips when she felt her arm being tugged by none other than Jimmy Dean.. she let out a disapproving sigh and tried to focus on something else..

"Scar... Scar.. SCAR!!" Jimmy kept repeating while tugging at her elbow.. "Scar.. when are you going to return my calls? I have left several messages on your machine and had hoped you would have at least gotten back with me earlier."

"Jimmy, there is nothing more for me to say.. What is done is done. It's over. Nothing more. Finished.. now let me get on with my life.. and I suggest you do the same". Scarlet gulps the rest of her punch and tries to walk past but instead Jimmy grabs at her waist and tries to escort her to the dance floor. Ronnie Milsap's voice overpowered the air.

I thumbed my way from LA back to Knoxville
I found out those bright lights aint where I belong
From a phone booth in the rain I called to tell her
I've had a change of dreams I'm comin' home
But tears filled my eyes when I found out she was gone

Smokey Mountain rain keeps on fallin'
I keep on callin' her name
Smokey Mountain rain I'll keep on searchin'
I can't go on hurtin' this way
She's somewhere in the Smokey Mountain rain

Scarlet's hesitation was left unnoticed and Jimmy's persistance won out. She found herself in his arms on the dance floor.  Her fighting him only seemed to give him enjoyment and she quickly gave in, at least to a dance. They sashayed over past Robin and Gary. Robin gave an expression of puzzlement to Scarlet while she returned with a discusted look. Only a few mins more and she would find herself along the wall gossiping with Robin... at least.. she HOPED..

27. 三月 2007, 18:38:59
As Dan opened the door to the shack, he was taken aback by the smell that emanated from inside the building. It smelled of rotting meat. He hesitated a second and started to turn around to talk to Sally, when he felt a hard push from behind. Dan stumbled into the building, which was in total darkness. He fell flat on his face on a surprisingly soft surface. He heard the telltale click of a key turning into a lock and realized he was tricked.

27. 三月 2007, 18:41:15
Sally giggled softly. These men are so easy to trick, she thought to herself. She could not linger as she usually did to hear the man inside scuffle about and call her name. she had to concentrate on the one following her......

27. 三月 2007, 18:52:01
Efphota quietly watched from the shadows as the Wasithu known as Sally pushed the first Wasithu into the shed and lock the door. At least there he would be safe for awhile until he could release him later. But what about the second one. What did the she-devil have planned for him. And what was going on back at the party. Efphota was fairly sure that the woman and the first man had nothing to do with what was going on in the back part of the ranch. She and the second man -- maybe. And what were the 2 law man up to. Were they both clean or were they dirty. And what about the pretty Scarlet, would she even dance w/one sulch as he...........

27. 三月 2007, 22:36:18
As sally turned to go back into the woods, she thought she felt someone watching her. At first she thought it might be the cowboy with the black hat, but he was to far behind them to have caught up yet. Besides this feeling was deeper. It was almost like it was in her mind. she looked around the clearing, straining her eyes to see any form of creature that might be hiding in the shadows. She couldnt see anything and finally gave up. She had to attend to other things right now. she moved back toward the woods, but never quite kept her eyes straight ahead of her....

27. 三月 2007, 22:44:12
Mineare moved toward the woods, hoping to catch up to the girl and boy, but he was distracted by someone calling his name. Sheriff bigones! Sheriff Bigones! he turned and saw a large muscular man with dark curly hair standing on the patio of the country club. He was waving to him. he felt drawn to do his duty and follow the couple, but something told him he needed to talk to this man also. His instincts, which made him such a good lawman, made him turn toward the country club. Soon he was standing in front of the man.

Sheriff mineare bigones? I am The sheriff of Armstrong County, This here pretty young thing Robin was just about to lead me out into those woods after you. I we may have some information to share with each other...... Can we sit down and talk?

27. 三月 2007, 22:51:02
Sally moved swiftly from tree to tree, keeping her eyes pealed for the man in the black hat, it would not be good for him to get to the clearing now, she had to intercept him and steer him in the right direction. She had only dealt with two men at the same time, once before. It turned out alright, but it was difficult to manage. She was nearing the woods end near the country club now and could hear someone shouting a name. Sheriff? well now, this puts a very nice twist on things. a Sheriff's wife, that would be rather nice. It would give her the status and respect she longed for. she moved cautiously forward and could finally make out the lights of the country club through the leaves. She saw movement a little ways from the edge of the woods. she strained her eyes to watch what was happening.

Suddenly she heard a snap, it was behind her, it was not loud, probably not audible to the average human ear, but she was not an average human....

28. 三月 2007, 15:26:03
With the girl starting to become more on edge Etphota started moving back. A small twig snap under foot. Fool, how could he be so careless. He took 2 quick steps into the denser trees and reached into his pocket. He quickly pulled a small vial of corn pollen from it. He took a pinch of it, if this person was a Frog-heart it would protect him. If not it did not matter. He quickly move back down the path. Besides maybe all she was doing was hunting a husband or 2. Leaving the small opening he hurried back to the cabin. Just to be on the safe side he would leave protection for Dan (Dan had always been good to Efphota, but Efphota could not take the chance and free him. Beside for now let the silly girl think that she was in charge, there were other matters to attend to). As Efphota got to the door of the cabin, he quickly took a small branch of Ghost Weed from his pouch and placed it above the door. A twig of a nearby Cedar to the right and a branch of Sage Brush to the left, he then made a small line of corn pollen in front of the door. If this girl was more than she seemed this would keep her out and Dan safe. Now back to the dance.

29. 三月 2007, 03:00:05
Sally knew that the source of her discomfort was leaving, she decided she would deal with that later also, right now she had to get back to the dance. She circled around the woods line until she came to the front of the county club.
As she entered the hall, she saw Scarlet by the punch bowl, giggling and acting all girly as usual. She made her way over to her, making a mental note on who was at the dance and who they were with.

Sally came up behind scarlet and tapped her on the shoulder. Hi Scarlet...

29. 三月 2007, 03:09:40
Dan stood up slowly, his hands sinking uncomfortably into the soft surface of the floor he was thrown on. His hands disturbed the surface causing a fresh waft of that rotten smell. It was so dark and quiet in this place, It unnerved Dan. After he was standing, he put his arms out in front of him and began to shuffle along, grasping out for any vertical surface. When he reached a wall, he moved along it inch by inch, looking for a door. The surface was smooth and seamless, there were no openings or apparent seams. This thought frightened Dan more than he would ever admit. He turned from the wall and swung his hands through the air looking to touch any thing he might recognize. Suddenly he felt a chair dangling from the ceiling. a light? he pulled hard on the chain and a soft yellow light bulb came on. It took several minutes for Dans eyes to become adjusted to the new light. What he saw made Dan fall to his knees Retching helplessly....

29. 三月 2007, 09:05:20
Robin started to lead the handsome sheriff when they saw movement up ahead and to the left of them. Robin caught a glimtz of Minere , She called out to him. She knew Sally had had a good ten minute start and Robin didn't care if Sally heard them or not. Then she and Sheriff Bruce Bigones, as he had introduced himself as they walked saw that Sheriff Minera had turned back and was going towards the patio of the country club.

29. 三月 2007, 15:40:50
Robin left the two Sheriffs and went on into the dance. Scarlett was talking to ...Sally!!! When Robin got up to them , she broke into their conversation to ask Sally if she could have a private chat with SR .

Robin and SR went over to a less crowded corner. "I just got a call from my home I must leave immediately my dad is having a heart attack, I already called a taxi. Becareful around Sally I just don't think she is as nice as everyone thinks. Bye.....

29. 三月 2007, 16:51:09
Sally waited patiently as Robin lead Scarlet to a corner of the room. Private chat my ass, she thought to herself. Robin had never liked her and was jealous that scarlet at least was pleasant to her. The longer they talked the more vengeful sally became. Suddenly a plan began to hatch in sallys head. she bacame calm and peaceful. Yes that would work. She didnt wait for scarlet to come back, instead she ran out to the parking lot and got into her car. She would wait for robin to come out.

29. 三月 2007, 21:49:38

Scarlet shook her head in disbelief and shock over Robins news and watched as she quickly left the barn.. She glanced around the room looking for Sally, yet was not surprised when she didn't see her.. The music of Tim McGraw flooded the room.. Let It Go.. OOOooOOoo  oh yeah.. I know.. I know.. I know.. I've been forgiven.. gonna let it go.. Oh yeah.. I know.. I know.. I know.. Feet shuffled on the dance floor and Scarlet walked briskly to the front door.. Seeing Cory walk in without Dan Scarlet grew a bit suspicious.. She shifted on over to Cory asking where his brother went off to. "Well Howdy Scarlet I haven't seen Danny at all today.. Saw him last evening after bringing in the horses though. Isn't he here? He mentioned he was planning on coming out tonight."

Scarlet mumbled around a bit and offered Cory what happened earlier with Sally.. Scarlet decided to wait just a bit longer to see if there was a mix up and decided to hunt down some of her other friends.. She twisted a bit on her heel and intended on walking away untill she heard a soothing deep voice call out her name.. Looking back.. she looks into the deep blue eyes of a stranger.. "How did you know my name?" she demanded.

30. 三月 2007, 01:35:19
Robin left Scarlet and was waiting out by the main driveway entrance for her taxi cab. The clouds were heavy in the night skies covering the moon from time to time as they shifted eastward, giving an eirrey atmosphere to the warm summer night. she felt the presence of someone watching her. she looked across the driveway to the parking lot but didn't see anyone in the cars even tho the parking lot was very lighted by the newly installed lights. maybe it was how the light lit up the night robin thought to her self. oh its just i am scared for my dad, she thought then memories of the times she had with her dad over the years had her in deep thoughts so she wasn't aware of

30. 三月 2007, 02:02:10
Sally's burning eyes that were fixed on Robin's throat. Even from the long distance across the parking lot, Sally could see the delicate gold chain around Robin's neck and the tiny 1/2 heart that hung from it. The forever friends heart that she and scarlet wore. She wanted that necklace and she wanted scarlet to be her forever friend. She would get rid of the only thing that stood in her way tonight. Things were progressing faster than Sally had originally planned, but she was excited by the challenge. When a taxi cab drew up to the curb in front of the country club door, sallys heart sank. Robin had not driven herself to the dance tonight. That would throw a monkey wrench into her plan. Sally had a brilliant mind and a new idea began to hatch almost immediately. She started the car and sped out of the parking lot and headed for Robin's house.

30. 三月 2007, 02:10:25
After several moments of retching, Dan began to get hold of his senses. He slowly reopened his eyes to take in the scene around him. Cowboy hats, boots and belts with large gaudy belt buckles lay all around the floor. The soft spot he sank into when he fell into the room was a overstuffed mattress covered with rotting globs of food matter. Toward the wall lay a pair of gold candlesticks with 1/2 burned candles still stuck in them. He moved a little closer and picked up one of the candles and poked at the globs of rotted food. Cheesecake, yup, limberger cheesecake. Only Sarah Gerad, Sally''s mother, made such a cake. The smell was overwhelming.

30. 三月 2007, 03:56:21
Efptoha slowly entered into the dance hall thru the side door. Hopefully nobody would notice his coming or going. They never did, all part of being who and what he was, just part of the wood work. Scarlet was talking to Robin in the far corner and Sally, like the mink that she was, was slowly stalking them. What ever Robin was telling Scarlet had both of them trouble and worried. Sally got a wicked look in her eyes and turned and left the building toward the parking lot. Robin then left, telling Scarlet that she had a taxi coming. Cory then came in and Scarlet headed toward him. Would Scarlet even talked to him.......

30. 三月 2007, 06:35:04

"Well Scarlet.. it's me Matt.. we went to highschool together.. don't you recognize me?"

"Matt??" Scarlet repeated a bit under her breath. She looked quizically up at the chiseled faced man. "Honestly Matt, I can't picture who you were. Did we have a class or two together?"

"Actually Scarlet we had several, I was your lab partner in Biology and then in our Junior year I played Captain Bracket in the school musical "South Pacific", you had played Nellie Forbush".

"Oh yeah" she flirted back, "I remember you now".. Scarlet stepped back and took a sweeping glance over his tall muscular frame. I don't remember you looking this good, she thought to herself while she flashed a dancing smile his way.

He lightly took Scarlets elbow and led her towards the refreshments. "May I interest you in a cold glass of punch? He swiftly reached over the table grasping a plastic cup and clasped a napkin with an oatmeal cookie in his other hand.. offering them to her. "Thankyou" she said, admiring his manners.

The night slipped away and soon the laughter from the crowd quieted ... The DJ introduced the judges and the nominated young ladies to which one will be this years Annual Spring Princess... Scarlets attention was stolen by the DJ. She was so hoping that this year her name would be called. She silently crossed her fingers and tried to hide her anxiousness while patiently waiting .. 

30. 三月 2007, 19:22:29
Robin hopped into the taxi and told the driver to go to the Jefferson County Memorial Hospital and let you off at the E.R. Entrance. She sits back in the cabs comfortable seat and closes her eyes, all the while obliblivious of sallys car speeding out of the parking lot while she was sitting back. She just wished tonight was over and that everything would be ok. Her mind went on to remembering the strange actions of sally earlier........just what was she up to with Dan?

30. 三月 2007, 21:20:33
Sally reached robin's house, it was dark. good no one was home yet. she parked in the alley directly behind robin's house. she got out of the car and went around to the back of the car and opened the trunk. Inside she had a bag of tools that she kept for emergency repairs on the car. Her father had taught her early in life to be prepared for anything. Including him leaving her and her mother when she was 12. She reached into the bag and took out a crow bar, flashlight, skeleton key ring, can of wax, rope, bottle of ether, rag gag, blind fold and puzzle book.

30. 三月 2007, 21:28:20
Dan quickly dropped the candlestick and backed away from the hideous pile. He looked around the room and confirmed his earlier findings of no windows, doors or seams in the walls. The walls appeared to be cushioned somehow, probably sound proof, he thought. Dan looked at the ceiling and through the faint yellow light he could see a hole, it appeared to be the remenants of a chimney. He remembered seeing a smoke stack on the side of the house when he came here, surely this could not be the same stack. It appeared large enough for him to crawl through, he just needed something to stand on. Frantically Dan looked around the room for anything that he could use. He started pushing things around, and as much as he hated to disturb the disgusting pile, he pulled on the mattress to look behind it. Under the mattress dan saw a crack in the floor. He got on his knees to examine it closer.

31. 三月 2007, 15:22:08
Mineare stared in amazement, Bruce? is that really you? Mineare and Bruce were cousins and had not seen each other since they were children. Yes Bruce said, I have been looking for you for years. I finally tracked you down to this god forsaken hole in the wall town. How the heck are you?

The two cousins hugged each other fiercely. They had been so close as children. After the accident, they were split apart and lost tract of each other.

So Mineare what great case are you working on now? Well Bruce, I have a case that has been going on for a couple of years now. Every year we have a big spring hoedown and we get new cowboys from the Lone star Ranch that attend. Every year two or three of those cowboys disappear mysteriously. The ranch says they just couldnt handle the work and went home. But I think different.

31. 三月 2007, 15:27:29
Sally made her way carefully through the alley way to the back of Robin's house. She knelt in front of the back door and took out the wax from her bag. carefully she filled the keyhole with the wax and after a few minutes she gently pulled it out. Now that she had an impression of the keyhole, she began to compare that to the multitude of keys she had on the ring.

When she finally found one that matched. she put it into the keyhole and turned. CLICK just like clockwork, the door unlocked. The door opened into the kitchen of the house. Sally was careful to keep the flashlight pointed toward the floor so not to alert the neighbors. First she checked the refrigerator to check for snacks, it might be a long wait for Scarlet to turn up to help her friend and she might get the muchies.

31. 三月 2007, 15:33:44
Sally found some cheesecake in the fridge, not Limberger like her mother makes, but it would do. Suddenly Sally felt like she was being watched. She had had that feeling before, when she was in the woods earlier. She knew this feeling, Her mother had told her about THEM long ago. She hoped that they had not discovered her, but now that she had the feeling twice in the same night, she was certain they had come. This would put a monkey wrench in her plan for sure.

5. 四月 2007, 17:18:12
Apaleunicorn修改(5. 四月 2007, 17:20:44)
As Matt reached Scarlet, Efptoha moved back from her. Efptoha had that herd of young horses to bring down to the ranch, and that would take him up the mountain for a couple of days. He thoughts moved to what he would need to take. He had noticed that the big cat had been spending more time near the mouth of the canyon. He left the dance and headed back to the bunkhouse. The feeling of dread came back to him about the bunkhouse, so he decided to spend the night in the barn with his horse. At least the horse would let him know if anybody was trying to sneak up on him........

5. 四月 2007, 23:07:50
The night grew long and still no one had come back to robin's house. Sally decided that she would have to come back later to finish her plan for robin and scarlet. She had more important work to attend to. She had to follow this feeling that plagued her all night. The felling of THEM.
Sally let herself out of the same door she came into. She had the key now, so she could come back any time.
Sally returned her tools to the trunk of her car and decided to check on Dan.

Driving up the west road toward the shack in the woods, sally drove past the ranch. Most of the cowboys from the ranch were at the post hoedown party at the Bucking Bronco Bar, downtown. Yet she felt the need to stop and look around the bunkhouse. May be one or two of the new hands had stayed behind and she could get a few more tonight.

8. 四月 2007, 07:42:54
Robin called Scarlet the first thing the day after the dance to see how everything turned out before she went home from the hospital. Scarlets phone rang and rang but no answer and her answering machine was turned off as it never clicked on for her to leave a message. So with a sye she started out from the phone booth in the lobby. She almost collided into Scarlet who was running in from the main door. "What........well hi! I was just trying to call you. Then she saw her friends face it was

12. 四月 2007, 08:43:04
sooooooooo happy!!!!! "why Scarlet whats the good news?" "Oh! Robin, I just got off the phone with your mom and found your dad just had a hiatial hernia attach and will be ok! i am so happy for you!" "thanks, yes it is great news well i am just beat i think i will head home. I am going to stay home from work today since it is already 4 in the morning! i will be turning off my cell and phone at home and wanted you to know that since Monday is a holiday I am just going to snuggle in with a good book. I will have two days to myself so don't worry if you don't hear from me ok? They hug goodbye and walk out to each of their cars. Little did Scarlet and Robin know that someone else had a better plan "For Robins Two Day Holiday"

12. 四月 2007, 19:52:46

Scarlet walked accross the parking lot back to her car still smiling over Robins good news of her father. She was so lost in thought that she didn't see Matt approach her from the left..

"Fancy meeting you here, Matt almost sang as he walked along side Scarlet. It's nice to see you up and about after last night, concidering we had such a late evening."

"Yes.. and that party after getting my crown was definately fun. I always did like the way they restored the Bucking Bronco. The woodwork back then was so detailed a shame they don't continue on with that talent."

Matt spun Scarlet to look at him as he gained the courage. "Will you have dinner with me tonight, Scarlet?" 

Scarlet looked up at Matt with a smile "Yes, she said. What time should I be ready to go?"

She wrote her phone number on a napkin she found in her purse.. and wrote out her address as well. They agreed on seven and she bid her goodbye.. She must get on home and find something sassy to wear for the evening. Although, there were still several errands she needed to run before then.

13. 四月 2007, 09:28:24
Robin finally drove in her driveway, turned off her car and just left everything in the car except her keys. she stumbled up the stairs to her front door and let heself in. it was soo good to be home! she almost ran up to her bedroom and quickly undressed stepped into a hot shower. she was drying her hair with a towel, she thought she heard a noise but was too tired to go check it out. she crawled into her bed and under the covers and was 'out like a light in two minutes flat'. in the kitchen her back door knob was slowly turning...

15. 四月 2007, 10:32:32
robin slept so deeply that when the wind took a fast try to help her wake up by sucking the back door and slaming it shut startling sally to the point she fell backwards on her bottom! the ole adrinaline was starting to heat up inside her body she creeped into the next room then she saw the trail of robins clothing leading up to robins room. oh this is going to be a piece of cake sally thought as she watched robin slleping so nice in her bed.
sally hurridley poured the ether on to a folded bandanda and slowly held in under robins nose. this was exciting sally thought............then after waiting for 10 minutes she started to swing robin up in bed and over her shoulder. turning shestarted down the stairs and out the back door carfully keeping close to the house and trees . she put robin in her jeep and slowly drove out heading back to town. she had to drive past scarlets house so she eased of the gas and hoped that scarlet was in the back room for at least another 20 minutes.

16. 四月 2007, 16:46:45
Sally gave Robin an extra dose of ether so she knew she would be out for a long while. she parked two houses away from Scarlets, so not to be detected. when she got to the back door of scarlets house she noticed that the upstairs light was on. This would be a little harder than she expected. She let herself into the back door of scarlets house with ease, scarlet didnt lock her doors, she was a trusting sole. Sally made her way slowly up the stairs and to the room with the light. The door was ajar. Sally peeked in and could see that scarlet was not in the bedroom, but the door to the master bath was closed. Sally pushed the bedroom door open slowly and crept into the room and to the bathroom door. She heard the shower running. She glanced around the room and saw a low cut shimmery red dress laying on the bed, no underwear of course, scarlet didnt get her name for nothing. On the floor was a pair of 4" high Red pointy do me shoes. Sally thought, what a disappointed man there was going to be tonight, scarlet would not make this date.

16. 四月 2007, 16:57:52
Sally would have to hurry to complete this mission. She wanted to stop by the ranch tonight also, but got sidetracted . Sally took out the bottle of ether and poured a generous helping on the cloth she took from her other pocket. slowly she opened the bathroom door. Sally almost fell backward from the loud screeching noise coming from the shower stall! Scarlet was singing? oh cant be she thought, from the sound of it, she had to have gotten her toe stuck in the drain hole or something. But Alas, no, it was scarlet singing, this would work to her behalf, scarlet would hear nothing or see nothing now, she was so absorbed in her performance. Sally readied herself and ran to the stall, threw open the curtain and pushed the ether cloth into scarlets open singing mouth. Almost immediately scarlet went under, sally struggled to hold the wet slippery naked body of scarlet as she went limp in the shower. Luckily scarlet was a thin petite woman and not to heavy for sally to handle. Sally gripped the slippery Scarlet in her arms and turned to move out of the shower stall. Suddenly scarlets body slipped and she fell on the floor like a limp fish. Darn It, Sally said, sally tried several times to grasp Scarlets arms to pick her back up, but it did not work, Scarlet was all lathered up with soap when sally attacked and was to slippery to pick up off the floor. Sally thought a few minutes on what to do and decided the only thing was to rinse her off first. Sally turned back to the shower and of course Scarlet had a hand held attachment to her Shower head. Sally put the water on full force, COLD, then detached the handle. Aiming directly at scarlet, she opened the valve to the head and ICY COLD water shot out of the shower head directly onto Scarlet's lifeless body on the floor. Sally laughed.......

16. 四月 2007, 17:05:14
Dan pryed at the crack in the floor, he couldnt seem to find a hand hold. He looked around the room for something to use as a pry bar. Suddenly he spied a pair of spurs on one of the cowboy boots and went and got it. He dropped to his knees again and began prying at the crack. Just as he hoped he finally got the spur under the crack and the board lifted. Once the first board was up it was easy to pick up the rest. After several boards, dan could see there was ladder leading down into the darkness. He quickly pulled up the rest of the boards and climbed down the ladder. When he reached the bottom, he saw that he was at the entrance to a dark tunnel. Dan was afraid of dark tight spaces, but he knew he had no other choice. He entered the hole......

16. 四月 2007, 17:07:01
Mineare and Bruce left the party together. Mineare invited Bruce to stay with him during his stay instead of paying for a hotel. They dropped Bruce's suitcases at Mineare's house and headed up to the Ranch to do some investigating.

16. 四月 2007, 17:14:13
When they arrived at the Ranch, they saw a light on in the bunkhouse so they decided that is where they would start. They went up to the door and knocked. After several minutes, no one answered. They decided to check the barn. When they reached the barn, they noticed a barely visible light coming from a stall. Once inside the barn they called out "anyone here?" The door to one of the stalls opened and out stepped Efptoha, the ranch's foreman. Bruce and Mineare walked over to Efptoha and held out their hands to shake. Efptoha shook hands with the Law men and they began to talk. Mineare said "We need some information about the missing cowboys. I know you know something and you need to tell us. We cant let any more men be victimized on our watch" Efptoha looked deeply into both men's eyes. He did not see any of "them" in their souls, so he decided to tell them what he knew.....

16. 四月 2007, 20:54:13
题目: Re:

granny2billy: Scarlet floated on a raft in the middle of the sea.. the fins of the sharks swam around her. The sun beat down on her tender skin and toughened it with harsh salt water. She lifted her eyes slowly not wanting to wake up.. A monster stared down at her.. One with stringy tossled hair, and yellow teeth. The eyes gazed down glowing a dreadful yellow. The monsters tail crashed the waves and sent a torrent of cold water to shock Scarlet back to life.. if only for a brief moment. Although, as others could see.. she lay lifeless in a bubbly heap on the tiled floor..

Sally slithered around dowsing Scarlets body, chuckling for a bit under her breath.. finally reaching up for a towel. She laid it over Scarlet and knelt down to get a good grip on Scarlets hand.. just as soon as she was down Sally jumped back up in shock when a little black nose found her thigh from behind and startled her. Iggy barked in fright and growled as though to protect her owner. Just then, Scarlets front door swung open down stairs and a large bouquet of flowers came pouring in. A deep voice asked questioningly.. "Scarlet? Scarlet? Are you in here?"

17. 四月 2007, 00:59:43
Sally knew the ether would keep scarlet under for quite some time, so she closed the bathroom door. She walked through the bedroom, stopping briefly at the mirror to make sure she was presentable, and went out into the hall, closing the bedroom door after her.

Sally made her way down the stairs, the yappy little dog following her all the way. When she came to the bottom their stood a tall handsome cowboy, holding flowers.

Well hello, she said smiling widely. What can I do for you? Matt held out his hand and shook Sally's. Im Matt Jacobs. I have a date with Scarlet tonight, is she here? Oh Matt! I am Carol, Scarlets cousin. I showed up here this afternoon to surprise her with a visit. Scarlet had to run an errand for a sick friend, she said she would meet you at the restaurant. Oh, Matt said with clear disappointment in his voice, I was hoping to surprise her by being early and giving her these flowers. Well, dont you worry about that, I will put them in a nice vase on the table here and when you bring her home later, she will be surprised to see them here. That is a great Idea, Matt said. He handed Sally the flowers and tipped his hat and left. Sally waited a few minutes until she was sure he was gone and then tossed the flowers into the coat closet with glee. She wont be needing these any more.

17. 四月 2007, 01:04:11
Sally ran up the stairs, taking two at a time and burst into the bedroom. The yappy little dog was still at her heals. she had to get rid of it. she opened the bathroom door and clasp scarlets hand that was now dry enough, she dragged scarlets lifeless body into the bedroom and closed the door on the yappy little dog. Sally went over to the bed and took the spread from it and layed it down on the floor. She then went over to Scarlet and, using her foot, rolled her onto the spread. She repeated this process several times until she was wrapped up in the spread. Sally picked up Scarlets body, hoisted it over her shoulder and left the room, making sure to turn out the light as she left.

17. 四月 2007, 01:07:31
After Sally had deposited Scarlet into the trunk with Robin, she drove to the Ranch. As she approached the driveway she noticed a car that she didnt immediately recognize. This was not good, she had to change her plans slightly. Sally pushed her foot on the gas peddle a little to hard and spun the gravel as she left the entrance to the drive and sped up the road toward the other holder place.

17. 四月 2007, 01:09:45
Mineare was listening to the foremans story, when he heard the gravel spin in the drive way. He ran to the barn door and looked out. He barely made out the make and color of the car that sped up the road past the ranch. It was a blue chevy camero, late 80s model. He would have to call that in to his station to run a check on it.

27. 四月 2007, 10:46:02
"oh, the noise and , oh my head! 'Where am I ? what the ...oh my gosh! who is laying on top of me!!!!!!!!! its so dark.., it feels like we are in a car. Robin is trying to stay awake and focuse on what is happening around her. She feels the body, the head...oh its Scarlet! wake up, wake up.HER MIND IS RACING, SHE TRIES TO TALK AND NO THING IS COMING OUT. ..why she asks herself. suddenly the car stops. she lays quietly, she hears the car door then the key in the trunk lock ...the trunk door flys open , Robin is pretending to be asleep but has her eyes open ever so slighlty. "its SALLY! what in the world is she doing with us!!

29. 四月 2007, 03:38:35
Adaptable Ali 
题目: Re: Once upon a time
SafariGal: There is already a story being worked on. Please wait until that story has been completed, before starting another.

29. 四月 2007, 04:23:47
Papa Zoom 
题目: Re: Once upon a time
Oceans Apart:  I tried that in a PM and was ignored.  I'm deciding on what to do next.  Some people like to make their own rules.  

29. 四月 2007, 13:38:15
题目: Re: Once upon a time
Tigger: after skyking continued my thread I thought this was ok.

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