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监管者: ScarletRose 

Whether fact or fiction ALL stories are welcome in here. Please come join in the fun!

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29. 四月 2007, 15:25:37
it is ok, no one seems to be adding to the other story anyway. go ahead the more people that get to tell stories the better.

29. 四月 2007, 16:50:39
题目: Re:
granny2billy: my thoughts exactly granny.
On the other story, the 2nd last post was 11 days prior to the last post. I think that proves beyond any doubt that interest was long ago lost on the original story.

Maybe the moderator of this board should pay more attention to this and form a new rule where at least one or 2 posts per day must be made on one story or else it is toast. There doesnt seem to be any strict guidelines as to how the end of a story is indicated.

29. 四月 2007, 17:58:18
Papa Zoom 
题目: Re:
SafariGal:  I do pay attention to this board.  And I know that starting a new story when the other one isn't finished will simply kill the first story.  And likely, the story you just started, will not finish either. 

Generally it's up to the starter to finish a story.  I can easily add that to the above guidelines.  The guidelines are there for a reason.  You chose to ignore them.  Imagine now if someone else decides to start a new story.  Are you ok with that?  and then another story starts too.  And another. 

The rules says ONE story at a time.  The proper thing to do is to PM me rather than make up your own rule.  And the CURRENT story had an entry the DAY BEFORE you posted a new story.  So it was still active.

But go ahead, operate by your own rules here.  I still haven't decided what to do about this.  Try not to worry as my options are open.  I'll let you know as soon as I've made a decision.  Trust me that I will do something.

29. 四月 2007, 18:12:32
Adaptable Ali 
题目: Re: Once upon a time
Tigger: Consider the source thats all i will say

29. 四月 2007, 19:01:38
Papa Zoom 
题目: I need imput from this board
Does this board want to end the current story and allow for the new story to continue. Or do we finish the first story?  If we choose to end the first story, I suggest we work towards the conclusion.  Your feedback is important.  

29. 四月 2007, 19:02:50
题目: Re: I need imput from this board
Tigger: I am happy either way. As I suggested in a PM, if you want to continue the original story, simply delete all these posts after it so that it is uninterupted and sorry for the confusion.

30. 四月 2007, 06:24:53

Heck.. ya might as well get going with another story.. I have been too busy to keep up with just my games.. I am getting married in about 6 weeks.. although, I had fun as the others had writing it.. others just didn't jump in and create characters.. it would have been nice if the readers could have felt they could include theirselves.. we try to encourage that.. it's more fun the more you get involved..

One day maybe we can actually get a story complete.. but to those who were writing.. Thanks.. I had fun hope you all did..

Saf Girl.. sorry you felt the need to start up an entirely new story.. shame you didn't just continue on with the current one.. Oh well..


30. 四月 2007, 06:54:52
题目: Re:
SafariGal修改(30. 四月 2007, 07:01:11)
ScarletRose: It wasnt that I didnt want to continue the current one, just that no one was posting. There was almost a 2 week gap between granny2billy's 2nd last post and GGROBINLOVE's last post (April 16 and April 27 although Tigger didnt seem to realize the gap was so big.

Thanks SR. Why dont we just start a new one after this post and you can do the honours of getting it going.

30. 四月 2007, 07:39:26
Papa Zoom 
题目: Re:
SafariGal: big gaps are not an issue. I've jump started a stalled story before. Once the April 27th post was made, starting a new story was inappropriate. The guidelines above are for everyone to follow, including me. Including you.

It makes sense to me to finish a story before starting a new one. Rather than simply begin a new one, it is more respectful to help with the current one. The ONLY exception is if the authors of the current story want to move to another story and collectively they don't want to finish the current one, that works for me. But since they have invested a lot of time, it's only respectful to allow them to make this decision.

I haven't heard from everyone so until this matter is fully settled, I'd like to wait before starting a new story.

We have heard from two key writers but there were others. Once people have had a chance to state their view THEN it will be decided. Otherwise the guidelines are meaningless.

30. 四月 2007, 08:19:40
题目: Re:
ScrambledEggs修改(30. 四月 2007, 08:26:41)
if you thought no-one was adding to the on going story why didnt you add to it then?
i was enjoying reading the present one i dont have much time to write parts of it but dosnt mean ppl arnt ENJOYING reading it

30. 四月 2007, 08:45:35
题目: Re:
Tigger: I was waiting for granny to hop in again as she had such a neat plot to this story. i was new to this kind of story writting altho i believe i tried in another fellowship. i think if people don't jump in maybe its because they don't know they should or can. i think a private message to the writters first should be done to an ongoing story. i am sadden that it may stop. but if it does then it does. i will know more what to do next time.

30. 四月 2007, 08:47:11
题目: Re:
"Snoopy": thank you snoopy i agree with you 100%

30. 四月 2007, 17:48:22
题目: conclusion to story 1
Mineare and Bruce hopped into the squad car and raced after the speeding car. Mineare radioed in to headquarters giving the description and plate number to the dispatcher. Several minutes later, he had his answer. Sally Jones, just as he suspected. They quickened their pace.
They could tell that Sally was slowing down, so they slowed in turn, they didnt want to give away their position. Mineare radioed the State police for backup and they continued the pursuit.

30. 四月 2007, 17:50:16
Sally slowed the car and pulled into the grassy roadway. The roadway was very overgrown and barely visible to the road. She pulled up to the house and shut off the car. Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted movement through the living room window. No, she thought, how could he have?

30. 四月 2007, 17:53:02
Dan made his way through the tunnel, soon he came to a dead end, with a ladder leaning against the dirt wall. He gingerly climbed the ladder and pushed on the wooden ceiling of the tunnel. At first it didnt give, but with a little more effort, it began to move. He pushed harder, jumping up into the wood as he did. At last the wood gave and it flipped inward exposing a large dark hole. Dan carefully climbed up into the darkness.

30. 四月 2007, 17:54:52
Mineare saw the car turn into, what seemed to be the forest. he slowed and waited until the taillights were no longer visible. as he approached the spot where Sally turned he saw a barely visible roadway. He turned off his headlights and turned into the path, as he did this Bruce loaded his guns.

30. 四月 2007, 17:56:33
Sally slowly got out of the car, keeping the window in her sights. Maybe it was her imagination? She started around to the trunk, then stopped herself. She decided to check out the house before exposing her treasures in the trunk. She moved toward the front door quietly. She didnt hear anything, nor see any more movement, but she was going to be careful just the same.

30. 四月 2007, 17:58:29
Once up into the hole, Dan could see he was inside a house. The light from the full moon shown through a large front window. He stood up and moved toward the window, suddenly he saw headlights coming toward the house. He quickly ducked back out of the window. He hoped this was Sally, he would surprise her good. He moved quickly to the foyer and into the closet that was behind the front door, and waited.

30. 四月 2007, 18:00:16
Mineare and Bruce could make out the grassy roadway well enough from the light of the full moon. they made their way along and soon a house loomed out in front of them. In front of the house was Sally's car. They stopped just out of site of the house and killed the engine. They both got out of the car with their loaded weapons and began to sneak toward the house.

30. 四月 2007, 18:01:56
Sally, carefully opened the front door. She listened for any movement. After what seemed like hours, she convinced herself it was ok to enter. Her nerves were on the edge, this plan had gone awry and was much more complicated than she planned. She opened the door wide to allow her to drag in the girls. Then flipped on the light in the foyer.

30. 四月 2007, 18:03:09
Mineare and Bruce were only feet away from car when they saw the light go on in the house. They crunched down low and waited. They saw sally coming back out of the house and start down the stairs toward the car.

30. 四月 2007, 18:04:34
Dan saw the light come on and peered out of the crack in the door of the closet. He readied himself to pounce on Sally. Just then she turned and went back out the door. Not wanting to loose his chance, Dan slowly pushed open the door and crept out. He looked around the front door and saw sally going back down the front steps. He could not let her go!

30. 四月 2007, 18:07:25
Mineare and Bruce wanted to wait until sally's back was to them, before they made their move. They didnt know if she was armed and did not want to find out the hard way. On a country sheriff salary, they were not about to take any unnecessary chances. All of a sudden they saw a male figure appear in the doorway, They watched as ran out the door and jumped from the top step onto the back of Sally Jones. NOW! yelled Mineare to Bruce. They both sprang from their positions and ran toward the two people with their guns drawn. GET DOWN ON THE GROUND! they yelled.

30. 四月 2007, 18:09:13
In the trunk of the car, Robin could hear the yelling. She recognized the voice of Sheriff Bigones and began screaming and banging with her free arm on the top of the trunk. Scarlet was moaning and beginning to move on top of her. SCARLET WAKE UP! Screamed Robin. HELP US HELP US she screamed.

30. 四月 2007, 18:10:00
Dan landed on top of Sally with a thud. Just as he did, he heard the yelling. GET DOWN ON THE GROUND! quickly he stood up with his hands in the air. DONT SHOOT, DONT SHOOT!

30. 四月 2007, 18:12:39
Mineare and Bruce had reached them and the man was standing up. Mineare grabbed his wrist and pushed him to the ground, snapping the handcuffs on as he did. Bruce jumped onto sallys lifeless body and handcuffed her also.
Just as they completed this task, they heard the yelling and screaming from the trunk. They raced over to the car and Bruce found the keys still in the ignition. They opened the trunk and was shocked to see what was inside.

30. 四月 2007, 18:15:03
Robin saw the face of the two lawmen, and began to weep with happiness and relief. Scarlet moaned again and opened her eyes a slit. Where am I? Bruce gingerly picked Scarlets slender body up out of the trunk. As he did this scarlet opened her eyes wider. OOOOO she thought, a handsome man. she nuzzled her head into his strong shoulder. Mineare picked Robin up out of the trunk and began to untie her bonds.

30. 四月 2007, 18:16:42
After some time, Everyone had their chance to stell their side of the story. Sally was taken to Jail. Dan asked Robin out and they are now engaged. Bruce and Scarlet got married and moved to Aruba. Mineare was made Mayor and the Spring Hoedowns were cancelled for ever.

Hope you enjoyed the story

30. 四月 2007, 19:26:44
题目: Re:
thank you so much for finishing the story of
i enjoyed it very much

1. 五月 2007, 00:48:34
Papa Zoom 
题目: Re:
granny2billy: You're the best. Thanks for that. I'll post the story on the webpage soon. ;)

1. 五月 2007, 05:49:25
Johnie sat doodling on his notepad glancing
at the clock counting the minutes down to his vacation
His mind wandering back to last year
when he and his family had spend 2 weeks
camping on the North East coast of England
and into his life waked Hazel

1. 五月 2007, 05:52:40
题目: Re:

granny2billy: Thanks Granny for putting so much into it so quickly.. it's a shame that it had to be such a quick wrap up.. we all got so busy with Easter and Spring chores.. I am saddened to see that it had to be wrapped up like it was.. it was getting rather funny.. but, I realize that others don't always have the patience either.. or feel like they can't join in..

if you ever become a paid member we can do this in a fellowship.. I know several others are a bit upset at this outcome.. so I expect the one who HAD to have it her way to make sure it is a grand piece of reading and I will be watching the lag time..

1. 五月 2007, 05:55:03
题目: Re:
"Snoopy": Thanks Snoopy..

1. 五月 2007, 06:11:45
Papa Zoom 
题目: The story has been posted on the website
let me know if there are any errors.  ;)

Murder at the Spring Thing

1. 五月 2007, 08:06:19
GGROBINLOVE修改(1. 五月 2007, 08:07:50)
It was a beautiful day the sky was cloudless, the sea gulls were flying and taking those remarable dives into the ocean and coming up with their beaks full of fat fish! "And me! I sit all day and can't catch a bite!" this young beautiful girl stood up brushed off her shorts , folded her blanket and tucket everything in the large storage box back on the porch of the beach house slightly up the hill overlooking the fishing dock and that beautiful water. Hazel wanted to explore the other camp grounds and see who all was here this summer. She was trying to get her mind set on a new novel she was writting for her contract with Cornwell Publishers a very good publishing company it has paid her very well the past 4 years for her 50 some books all that made the New York Times Best Sellers List mind you! She was climbing over rocks and fallen trees when her foot got stuck inbetween some tree roots and ROPE! what was that doing here!" She started to yank her foot out, when she felt a searing pain go through her ankle it hurt so bad she cried out. She was in so much pain she did not see or hear this very good looking man come running up from the Hanovers Camping Ground. Tears were spilling over on her cheeks, her eyes closed tight with mouth clenched tight suddenly she felt a very soft cloth on her face she opened her eye blinking the tears awayas fast as she could....'oh my gosh ..this man is gorgeous!!! she was thinking, she started to talk and her words were getting all jumbled."Oh Great! Here I go again when will I ever beable to just say "hi" without it feeling and sounding like I have a mouth full of mashed potatoes when I see a good looking man' her brain was going overtime in the 'thinking department. Hazel started to blush, clear her throat and was about to try and talk when..........

3. 五月 2007, 17:19:30
题目: story cont.
when she heard Johnie calling from the porch. Johnie was a sweet man. He was 25 years her senior and she had married him for security for her daughter Jessie. The marriage had been perfect except for one thing..... and her mind was constantly on it...... Now confronted with this handsome man, her thoughts wandered. She was snapped back into reality when she heard Johnnie's voice calling to her.

6. 六月 2007, 08:23:21
The Col 
题目: Re: story cont.
granny2billy: "Hustle yourself into that kitchen' Johnny sternly commanded "all this fresh air has given me an appitite"
Hazel was deflated,hurt and embaressed all at once.If only Johnnie could cook,if only he could execute as simple a task as frying an egg their marriage would be perfect.Hazel had met Johnnie at one of her many cookbook signings at a local mall.He had sheltered her from the rush of adoring but rabid fans,he offered refuge for both her and Jesse.It was fun at first,cooking brunches,lunches,quick snacks and late munches.but he became far too demanding and sometimes physical.

7. 六月 2007, 02:11:05

Breeanna tugged her pomeranian's leash slightly as she jogged along the beach. The waves seemed to be getting higher and higher. They flooded her path yet her feet felt cool and refreshed. The shimmering water trickled out of the newly deposited shells resting several feet down towards the sea. A bubbly foam rested at the uppermost spot the water had reached. It formed a curvy frame which Trinket was facinated with.. she bit playfully at the foam and when Breeanna sternly hollared for her she looked up showing a white beard with a dallup resting on her nose. The pup focused on the puff and shook her head back and forth. The moment startled Breeanna into a full laugh while the pup pushed her nose into the sand. Breeanna bent down and scooped her little dog up and gave her a hug while rustling her fur. She looked up just in time to see a woman run up into a house while a nice looking man stepped over a cluster of rocks and hop into her path...

Speachless she was as she now looked into the face of this man. "Pardon me" she finally mustered and stepped to the side to get on past.. She set Trinket down and clasped the leash ready to start running again..

11. 七月 2007, 05:14:39
Foxy Lady 
Great stories keep up the good work.

12. 九月 2007, 07:02:11
Papa Zoom 
I will be stepping down as a mod of this board because I'd like to see someone take over that has a high interest in storytelling and I don't have the time to devote to this board like I had wanted.  The main mod should be someone that will help with advancing the story (participate on a regular basis) and should have some level of skill in writing (IMO).  I know there are people out there with good story writing skills becuase they have posted here.  It would be nice to get someone that has regularly participated in  previous storychains.  (to give participants a chance at modding a board where they have a high interest).

If interested, contact Eriisa or one of the other Globals or you can leave me a PM and I'll pass it on to them.

Thanks ;)

1. 十月 2007, 17:09:56
题目: A New Sheriff is in Town
Please welcome ScarletRose as the new Main Mod of the board!

Have fun, girlie!

1. 十月 2007, 17:25:04
题目: Re: A New Sheriff is in Town
Eriisa: Thankyou.. I will try and get a new story going a bit later..

1. 十月 2007, 17:26:07
题目: Oh Catz!!!
Tigger: Love the new scaredew!!! LOL

1. 十月 2007, 17:36:46
Papa Zoom 
题目: Re: Oh Catz!!!
ScarletRose:  am having a bad hair day

16. 十二月 2007, 21:43:49
题目: a christmas storie
i thought had share this with you all . as its Xmas and we all like a wee tipple or two but remember please don't drink and drive
Christmas Shopping!

I hurried into the local department store to grab some last minute Christmas gifts. I looked at all the people and grumbled to myself. I would be in here forever and I just had so much to do!

Christmas was beginning to become such a drag. I wished that I could just sleep through Christmas. But I hurried the best I could through all the people to the toy department. Once again, I mumbled to myself at the prices of all these toys and wondered if the grandkids would even play with them. Soon I found myself in the doll aisle. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a little boy, about 5 or so, holding a lovely doll. He kept touching her hair and he held her so gently. I could not seem to help myself, I just kept looking over at the little boy and wondered who the doll was for. I watched him turn to a woman and call his aunt by name, saying, "Are you sure I don't have enough money?" She replied a bit impatiently, "You know that you don't have enough money for it."

The aunt told the little boy not to go anywhere, that she had to go get some other things and would be back in a few minutes. She then left the aisle while the boy continued to hold the doll. After a bit I asked the boy who the doll was for. He said, "It is the doll my sister wanted so badly for Christmas. She just knew that Santa would bring it."

I told him that maybe Santa would bring it. He said, "No, Santa can't go where my sister is. I have to give the doll to Momma to take to her." I asked him where his sister was. He looked at me with the saddest eyes and said, "She has gone to be with Jesus and Daddy says that Momma is going to have to go be with her." My heart nearly stopped beating! Then the boy looked at me again and said, "I told my Daddy to tell Momma not to go yet. I told him to tell her to wait until I got back from the store." Then the boy asked me if I wanted to see his picture. I told him I would love to.

He pulled out some pictures he'd had taken at the front of the store and said, "I want Momma to take this with her so she won't ever forget me. I love my Momma so very much and I wish she did not have to leave me. But Daddy says she will need to be with my sister."

I saw that the little boy had lowered his head and had grown very quiet. While he was not looking I reached into my purse and pulled out a handful of bills. I asked the little boy, "Shall we count your money one more time?" He grew excited and said, "Yes, I just know it has to be enough!" So I slipped my money in with his and we began to count. And, of course, it was plenty for the doll. He softly said, "Thank you, Jesus, for giving me enough money."

Then the boy said, " I just asked Jesus to give me enough money to buy this doll so Momma can take it with her to give to my sister. And He heard my prayer. I wanted to ask Him for enough to buy Momma a white rose, but I didn't. But he gave me enough to buy the doll and a rose for Momma! She loves white roses so very very much." In a few minutes I saw the aunt coming back so I wheeled my cart away.

I could not keep from thinking about the little boy as I finished my shopping in a totally different spirit than when I had started. And I kept remembering a story I had seen in the newspaper several days earlier about a drunk driver hitting a car and killing a little girl, where the mother was in serious condition. The family was deciding on whether to remove her life support. Surely this little boy did not belong to that story.

Two days later I read in the news paper where the family had disconnected the life support and the young woman had died. I could not forget the little boy and just kept wondering if the two were somehow connected. Later that day, I could not help myself and I went out and bought some white roses and took them to the funeral home where the newspaper indicated the young woman's body was. And there she was holding a lovely white rose, the beautiful doll, and the picture of the little boy in the store! I left there in tears, my life changed forever. The love that little boy had for his little sister and his mother was overwhelming. And in a split second a drunk driver had ripped the life of that little boy to pieces!

This holiday season, and throughout the coming years, PLEASE, don't drink and drive!

2. 二月 2008, 20:58:44
题目: Woman of Time
In a village of Hedgewater sttood a monument about a Woman named Heriot Juston....

2. 二月 2008, 22:12:34
题目: Re: Woman of Time
Skyking: At the base of the the monument was the following text: Born April 2215; died October 1838.

4. 二月 2008, 05:43:48
题目: Re: Woman of Time
ArnieTxx: The stiff crackling petals pulled clumsly to earth. The dank water left salt like rings around the inner vase.

7. 二月 2008, 16:11:33
And the cold wind blew a dark forbodding air that chill the country folk to the bone and to their souls.

7. 二月 2008, 19:41:38
题目: Re: Woman of Time
Heriot Juston earned every right to her monument. For she was the true inventor of Time Travel.

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