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监管者: Foxy Lady 
 Movies, TV and Radio

General talk about movies, TV, radio, and other entertainment discussion.

Discussing favorite movies is a great topic but keep in mind some folks haven't seen the movie yet we may be discussing so don't give the endings away!

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30. 十二月 2003, 02:53:31
That troll thing (A Hobbit I think) was leading the 2 hobbits someplace with the ring?

30. 十二月 2003, 02:56:03
the was Golem.. he was a hobbit long ago.. but he had the ring for hundreds of years an it turned him in to that tiny shrivelly man thing.(because of the rings destructive power). he was telling Frodo and Samwise he would take them to Mordor, the fire pit to help them get rid of the ring so it would no longer cause power lust and greed to man. ( in a nutshell)

30. 十二月 2003, 02:59:06
OK LOL I remember the Firepit in the first one.

30. 十二月 2003, 03:00:41
I did like how the two other hobbits persuaded the trees to attack that castle?

30. 十二月 2003, 03:02:01
yeah the firepit is monumental in the last movie.
Treebeard the big talking tree was so kool! Very wise tree indeed!

30. 十二月 2003, 03:03:09
I don't think I liked the second Harry Potter movie though

30. 十二月 2003, 03:04:20
My wife hated the giant spiders LOL

30. 十二月 2003, 03:06:41
Harry Potter was ok.. 3rd is posta be pretty good
I cant wait to see if Spiderman II is going to live up to its expectations.

30. 十二月 2003, 03:07:28
Oh Spiderman was great!

30. 十二月 2003, 03:07:55
Haven't seen Hulk yet though

30. 十二月 2003, 03:10:19
Hulk was eh, was told to wait till it hit DVD and glad I did, cuz even the rental was too much as far as I was concerned.. Had a great concept but the movie was just well.. flat.

Spiderman one was good.. I was meaning the new one Spiderman 2 coming this summer

30. 十二月 2003, 03:11:26
I know what ya meet, Rose LOL. But I'm excited there's a #2 LOL

30. 十二月 2003, 13:56:49
My favorite old movie(Before 1960) is Wizard of Oz and It's a Wonderful Life. Forget Gone With The Wind

30. 十二月 2003, 14:02:39
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Sorry Magenta to disagree, this is not the debate board I know so I dont really want to argue this, but ALL movies nowadays do not suck & I cannot beleive you manage to see every single movie produced to have such an opinion!
There are some fantastic new films around! What I do agree is that there are also some rubbish films made.....but Im sure thats always been the case! Also at the end of the day it is a matter of opinion/taste :o)

30. 十二月 2003, 14:04:07
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Oh yes Skyking, I love those two films you have mentioned too!

30. 十二月 2003, 14:06:22
in the 60's I loved Chitty Chitty Band Bang, The great Race, Those Daring young Men in their flying Machine (& Jaunty Jalopies LOL) and most of the Disney stuff

30. 十二月 2003, 14:07:25
But now they play Wizard of oz too much

30. 十二月 2003, 14:08:48
Magenta doesn't see how great the Soielburg movies are

30. 十二月 2003, 14:10:29
Spielburg LOL

30. 十二月 2003, 14:26:12
Thanks Linda.. You're right this isnt a debate board. For someone to keep saying todays movies SUCK is only bringing on negativity. The purpose of this board is to discuss movies, give reviews on NEW and OLD. My thoughts are you've already told us TWICE MS that new movies suck now please give positive feed back or just give it a rest.. Thanks!

30. 十二月 2003, 18:37:54
Linda J 
Although I read this board I wasn't going to comment.But since Rose already thanked me by mistake I will.She meant you Lamby.LOL And I agree.
Lamby was right this is not the debate board so sorry Rose.
MS the debate board would be perfect for you when you become a member,you seem strongly opinionated.
Most of your post I read are so negative regardless of the subject.But that fact does not make you right it's just your opinion.Lot's of good movies out there.Lot's of bad movies out there.This is a board to discuss movies.Regardless of whether you like it or not.
Here's your statement MS:
I sense the hostile spirit of someone who does not wish to face this.
That is to be expected.
Where do you see that?
What makes you such an authority on movies and if I see a movie and thinks it's great and you don't like it,does that make it a bad movie because you didn't like it?

30. 十二月 2003, 18:48:18
Oooops credit were credit is due.. Thanks Lamby not Linda for the original post but NOW thanks Linda for adding your points too!
It IS very difficult to try to keep an upbeat board going with such negativity. My opinion is that some poetry sucks. You sure wont see me voice that on the poetry board because I respect that other people enjoy poetry and wouldnt think to tell all on that board their poetry sucks. Hope this now makes it clear what my original message to you MS was about. I dont go to your board and tell you that your board topics suck so please don't do it here..

Nuff said on that

Have a large day!

31. 十二月 2003, 02:20:37
Linda J 
Green Mile was excellent don't know exactly when it came out

31. 十二月 2003, 02:27:08
Linda J 
Why wasn't it?

31. 十二月 2003, 02:29:53
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. MS you have stated you do not think any good movies have been made recently. A lot of other people beg to differ. You obviously feel you are in a different league then the rest of us who are here to discuss movies and to give reviews on them. The purpose of this board is not to figure out if others feel todays movies are crap as you do.

Linda I too enjoyed Green mile. I think it is with in the past 5 years also.

P.S. you wouldn't have been pounced on if you hadn't written two separate messages stating "All movies NOWADAYS suck... "

Thanks for dropping by.....

31. 十二月 2003, 02:30:48
Linda J 
题目: Re: Okay everyone...
I'd love to have you at the debate club.Cough up $10 so I can send you an invite.Lay off your nice pills for a couple of days and you ought to be able to swing it. j/k But I would like for you to be there

31. 十二月 2003, 02:59:38
题目: Re:
Lots of ideas are welcome here.. unfortunately you do not understand that THIS Is not a debate board.

To be met with such a wonderous message as your brings such joy to me MS
for those who do not get her last line it says
The world if full of deaf mutes. Very nice words.. Cant wait for you to put yer 10 bucks worth in the site one of these days and have a true debate with you..

31. 十二月 2003, 02:59:44
Linda J 
Give it a rest MS and since it was your statement all movies suck.Enlighten us all as to why Green Mile sucked as you call it.

31. 十二月 2003, 03:01:33
I thought GreenMile was ok but not great

31. 十二月 2003, 03:02:47
The skinny guy with the rat being executed (Electricuted LOL) was scary

31. 十二月 2003, 03:09:56
Linda J 
I'll play your little silly a** game go for it.

31. 十二月 2003, 03:18:56
Linda J 
Dawg MS game over just when I was having fun.

Maybe the actors & acctresses salaries are getting to large.

31. 十二月 2003, 14:42:47
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Hi Magenta Spiral, Im very interested to know just which films you HAVE been watching?????
I dont make a habit of watching many Hollywood blockbuster or 'fast action/lustmance teen movies' as you have stated we all do on this board (where you got that idea from I dont know either???) There are a hell of alot of films produced, within the last 5 years, by excellent directors, with fascinating plots, intense acting & amazing cinema photography!
Maybe you have just been sitting watching something like Jurassic Park over & over & over??????????????? lol

31. 十二月 2003, 15:53:17
Got your point MS you think I am Deaf, Blind and Mute.. thanks!

31. 十二月 2003, 18:42:26
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My opinion of great films within the last 5 years (not in any particular order) would include:
Young Adam
Moulin Rouge
The Others
High Fidelity
LA Confidential
28 days later
Billy Elliot
O Brother Where Art Thou

.......just off the top of my head :o)

31. 十二月 2003, 18:53:02
Linda J 
Thanks Lamby I'll try one of those for tonight

31. 十二月 2003, 18:56:08
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Youre welcome Linda, let me know what you think of which ever one you watch :o)

31. 十二月 2003, 18:57:50
Linda J 
I will if everyone don't beat me to them

31. 十二月 2003, 18:59:12
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LOL I could make a bigger list for you???

31. 十二月 2003, 19:07:39
Lamby 28 days later wasnt too bad in my opinion. I was expecting a different type of movie but wasnt dissapointed in it!

"oh Brother" was pretty funny!

Liked "Moulin Rouge" so much I bought the DVD. I love the play on all the 70's and 80's tunes!

Tonite we are mixing it up, renting
Brad Pitts (animated) Sinbad
Jackie Chan in "the Medallion"
and if I can stay awake
Ledger Heath in "The Order"

31. 十二月 2003, 19:09:19
Linda J 
LOL Why not...That would be good.We only have a small movie rental place here and the guy who runs it is not the friendliest in the world.:(

31. 十二月 2003, 19:14:12
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Have fun watching those tonight Rose :o) they do sound like a good mix of films....I havent seen any of them so would be interested to know what you thought :o)

All the best for the New Year to everyone aswell!! :o)

31. 十二月 2003, 19:17:41
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What kind of films do you like Linda, or which type would you prefer to watch for tonight?
We need to get the guy at your movie rental place to watch some good comedy films & maybe he may lighten up! lol :oD

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