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bobwhoosta: Hello, thanks for your opinions about FRC. I agree with you in most cases. Yes openings are destroying chess at the highest level but beginers dont feel that. You also claimed that all starting positions are equal. I must correct you - they are not equal at all (use Fritz 10). In some positions white has quite big advantage (unluckily it is also classical chess position). So there is a rule how to make the game absolutely balanced: as a white I make first move and then you decide which colour you want to play. So one has to be very careful in making first move. Eg. 1.e4 is very strong move so most players should take it - but if you make b3, c3 - the game is very fairplay. This should be widely applied in FRC - the perfect game of chess is created... With regards ---Endorfin
Matarilevich: I played three games there after using a translator and your advice posted here.
It's definitely different playing Dark Chess live. I don't like their version of it too much though. Not enough information and you're forced to guess way too much. It doesn't show captured pieces, nor the pieces in front of Pawns. It's still cool and I'm hoping to see the game in other places. BrainKing's or IYT's version would be a very good way to play it live. Thanks again for the link tipau.
King Reza: (1) You must register -> "Registro gratuito" means "Register free" (2) In red required: Nickname, Clave (password), Repetir clave (confirm password), Sexo (sex) (3)You must connect -> "Usuario:" (Nickname:) , "Contraseña:" (Password) and click in "Entrar" (Come in) (4) Click in "Jugar Ajedrez" (Play Chess) (5) Now, a java applet will open in a new window (6) You have basically 2 options: [a] Take a challenge Click onto a challenge in the main window. If you put the mouse over one challenge then you´ll see the conditions: Clasico (classic) -> standard chess Tuerto (one-eyed) -> dark chess Comepiezas (EatPieces) -> similar to antichess (there are checks and checkends) Alocado (rash) -> like FRChess PasaPiezas (PassPieces) -> Loop Chess Atomico (Atomic) -> similar to Atomic but with checks [b] Put a challenge Click onto button "Desafiar" (Challenge) Tiempo de la partida (Time per game) Incremento por jugada (Increase per move) Quien desconecta pierde QDP (If you disconnect then you´ll lose) Permitir observadores (Let observers) Partida con rating (Game for rating) El servidor elige color (The server chooses the colour) Quiero jugar con blancas/negras (I want to play with white/black colour) Sin ordenadores (Without PCs)
And in the first window "Cerrar sesión" means Logout
grenv: is a spanish site which has live dark chess (they call it blind chess), i never really play it so I'm not sure what it does about the en passant rule or what sort of level the players there are. It also has atomic (with slightly different rules) and losers
In the meantime, maybe you and a few more people could e-mail Yahoo!? More voices might get them to add it. Once one site adds it and the game gets popular I sure others will follow suit. And there's other sites I might e-mail. One of them ought to do it. Someday Fencer will have live games here and that will change everything.
Being able to play it at home without the internet against a friend would be a good game. I'm sure there's already games that use more than one monitor for multiplayer games. Why not Dark Chess and other games like Battleboats and Stratego? Yeah, those two don't need electricity to keep track of the game like Dark Chess does, but you could certainly have them added in.
nabla: I like the in passing rule as implemented here just fine*(see note). I believe the original game was made that way to make it easier to program, but I don't really know their thinking on it. I've seen the two versions on the Chess Variants site and they don't allow Pawns to move two squares! That eliminates the dealing with in passing Pawn captures, but it makes the game not as good. Those versions don't show the Pawn's coverage squares in the same manner either. Plus you can't go back and review the game, nor even gain information from one of your pieces before it's captured if it is captured the next move. As for their version that doesn't allow you to move in check or leave your King in check, I haven't played it. In my opinion those two versions are very inferior to BrainKing's and It's Your Turn's versions. The only difference I know of between here and IYT is how Promoted Pawns and Extra pieces are shown. Here nothing is shown, on IYT they show the Pawn taken off the board and the promoted piece if it makes a second Queen or extra piece.
Though I will on occasion have one Pawn on the fifth row from me, it's unusual to have many more than that during a game. Often times I'll have the squares to either side of such a Pawn covered and will know if my opponent has tried to sneak by my advanced Pawn. Or I'll know there is no Pawn in the file to one or both sides in which case I don't concern myself with the possibility of missing a passing Pawn.
You guys do point out a problem about what to do when my opponent could slide a Pawn by unbeknownst to me. I deal with it as Reza suggests, or I overlook it and my opponent has tricked me. Thems the breaks. It doesn't happen very often in a game and I think it is a good part of the game having it work the way it does here. In the few instances when it is a possibility, I take care. It's just a click on the Pawn. If it moves forward, you know there's no in passing on the turn. If it stays in place then you just hover the cursor to one of the squares or the only square if you have one side covered and see what happens. Same thing if you have a possibilty of more than one capture with this same Pawn. If the Pawn is blocked from moving straight ahead by another piece, it's even easier. Just move the cursor to it and a hand will appear if it can make the in passing capture. And if there's an addition possible capture, it's still just a click away. *Writing this has me thinking that you have a point about it automatically showing the possibilty of a passing Pawn capture. It would certainly be consistant with the rest of how the game goes having it shown. I guess either way is OK with me. At least playing on a turn based site where I have the time to check. A live version of Dark Chess would be better to have the passed Pawn shown.
And I use dial up. You guys with the high speed connections are trying my patience. :)
Has anybody found a place or a program that will allow me to play Dark Chess at home? One computer hooked to two monitors placed back to back would be the easy way. With only one monitor it'd be too much of a hassle to play and it'd be too easy to spoil the game by inadvertantly seeing your opponent's view. More monitors would allow kibitzers to see all three views of the game while it's being played. I'd certainly like such a program and would be willing to pay the going rate for a video game of similar complexity. What's that between, $7 and $20? I asked Yahoo! to add Dark Chess to their live games site, but all I got back was some form letter that didn't make me feel like they even read my e-mail to them. Dark Chess live would be lots of fun. With a clock running it'd really make for panic near the end of a speed chess or blitz game. Longer timed games would be very challenging.
King Reza: I think it makes sense to show the pawn. Why force the players to try each move, it's a waste of time and achieves nothing. By the way just because you call yourself King is no excuse for using the royal "we" :)
nabla:Well, we think differently! I think since it's Dark Chess, it can be part of the strategy to choose whn you want to move your Pawn two squares thus giving your opponent an enpassant Pawn. So if the opponent wants not to miss the oportunity, he has to 'suffer' these extra clickings. But let the site owner decide!
King Reza: Thank you for the fast answer ! But I still think that it is a wrong implementation. It is the only case when you can't see the whole set of your legal moves by looking at your board, and it requires to do a lot of unnecessary clicks in order to gather an information which should be pushed to the player automatically.
nabla:It's allowed and no, the system doesn't show you that you have an enpassant Pawn. It's worth clicking on the specific square every move, just in case you can move to it. Personally, I think it's fine that it doesn't tell you it's available.
Is en passant allowed at Dark Chess ? If not, all is perfectly fine. If yes, one should see the pawn which one can take en passant. Otherwise, there would be no other way to know that an en passant is possible without trying all potentials en passant. And discovering it to be possible would give the same info as seeing the takeable pawn. In both cases, the rules should say a little something about it.
题目: Re: ULTIMA is a very good 40 year old chess variant
lukulus: Yes, it is very confusing, but you can get used to it in the end. Over a year ago I downloaded a trial copy of Zillions, which allowed me to play Ultima and claims to use Abbott's original rules. I had to play and lose several games while learning about tactics, but I did feel I was making some progress. This site does not allow using a machine to help you with your moves, but training against software is surely allowed isn't it? Does anyone think it is possible to get beyond simple tactics in Ultima and move on to strategy?
题目: Re: ULTIMA is a very good 40 year old chess variant
joshi tm: It's the name of a game invented in the early sixties. It's played on a regular Chess board. The King is the same and the object is to checkmate him or stalemate him to win the game. The other pieces are different. In regular Chess the pieces all move differently, but capture the same way, displacement. You know, occupying the square of the captured piece. In Ultima, all the pieces move the same way, but capture in different ways. I always used a regular Chess set to play Ultima, though I have thought of some different styled pieces that would be good to play Ultima with. There's seven different pieces as compared to regular Chess' six, so you need to mark one of the pieces. We did this by putting a bottle cap on one of the Rooks. You can also just turn a Rook upside down or put a rubber band around it.
题目: Re: ULTIMA is a very good 40 year old chess variant
Ray Garrison: Yes, I'd like to see Ultima here. The original rules with unlimited movement is how I like to play it. I learned the game with Abbott's updated rules from the late sixties and those of us that played the game threw out the restricted move version and without realizing it re-invented the first version of Ultima. The first version is the one that got popular. It's a fun game, and you have to watch out for the dread Immobilizer. It'd take me a few games to remember the plans and play as it's been many years since I last played Ultima.
题目: ULTIMA is a very good 40 year old chess variant
Ultima is a very good chess variant that was invented by Abbott in the early 1960s. It is has been one of my favourite variants of the past two decades. I would love to see the game at this site, possibly with a tweak or two in the rules. I have some very good suggestions as to minor rule changes, having played hundreds of games of this variety. Is anyone else interested in seeing ULTIMA at
joshi tm: I like the border as it is. The name of the type of game that you're playing is right next to the border.
Why not have it so each of us can choose the color of the border that we want for each game? Just like how we can choose the size of the pieces or the type of them in some games, such as Shogi?
I know it was asked, I know it came, and I know is was gone due to the ugly (inhuman) color, but please Can there be another border for Extinction Chess? Please, In Ext. Chess I play moves I would never do in regular Chess, and vice-versa.
Cubs93: What does "in a real life game a draw" mean? Surely losing your king is either not allowed (can't move into check) or a loss (e.g. in Dark Chess). But never a draw??
I've never played crazy screen chess, but I assume from the rules is is possible that black starts in check, therefore the code probably has to allow for it, which means having your king captured would be a loss?
Any predictions? I just hope that Kramnik's health stays intact, so that it will be a fair contest. If both players are on top form I think it could be the highest quality match ever. It is a shame there will be only 12 games though.
题目:New tournament of the fellowship "Oriental games"
You are cordially invited to join the new tournament of the fellowship "Oriental games" opened to all. The supported games are: Chess, Chinese Chess, Japanese Chess, Loop chess, Ambiguous Chess, Reversi 8x8, Go, Go 9x9 and Go 13x13. You can be registered to the adress: Oriental Games (15. Septembre 2006, 06:56:47)