sorry about your grapes foxy...I can get strong isefective against some bugs..then I hose off the plants does them no harm.but your bugs I dont know.I would suggest ID the bugs & search online for a natural solution
BerniceC: bernice,I saw your email B4 I saw this.answered it with mt snailmail address.I didnt want to post it here.just being cautious,had a stalker-girl once.
Foxy and others. Check out Neem oil. It stinks and most bugs that eat leaves that are sprayed with it will die in time. It cuts off the digestive system or something in bugs. BUT it is completely harmless to birds, animals or humans. I got it last week for my hedge and it seems to be working. The bugs ate every leaf on my hedge last year so was determined to stop them. It is a natural oil that is from the Asia Neem tree. BOY it stinks tho.. Google it to get more info. All plant stores sell it.
The Neem seeds are used in India? for making all sorts of things . The oil is very expensive, but they also make flour, and all sorts of pastes to eat.
I have recently had a very large Neem tree in my yard isnt impervious to all bugs unfortunately:(
If need be I can give pics to show you :)
LOL the soapy water is doing the trick.I took a magnifying glass out to the vine and inspected the leaves. My hubby thinks i'm nuts but i'm so proud of that grape vine.Oh Bernice the grapes are Concord i was told.
Concord? never heard of them, but no doubt being grapes they will be delicious :)
I just love grapes.
I have another whopping big bunch of bananas on my banana palm...this will be even bigger than the last one Im thinking....will get pics if I remember LOL
BerniceC: You should see my poor grapes.They were so little and now poof almost all gone.I hope to get some more before fall.I'm armed now with my soapy water bottle
Foxy Lady: yes they do die...but are very quick to shoot anew :)...I have about 4-5 at the moment with only the one with bananas on it.
My passionfruit is going beserk this year again and they are hanging like bunches of grapes hahahah....i couldnt get rid of them all last year and this year will be the same :)
concord grapes,yes I understand..sweet,delicious..but because of this,the bugs love it
but if you can keep the bugs away,concord makes fantabulous jelly & preserves.
I have at the moment....Grapes, Passion Fruit, Bananas, PawPaws, and in the past have grown every concievable vegie know to the aussie world. People said I couldnt do it in the tropics, but my god Ive had some fab vegies over the years:)
Dont bother too much now as Im too busy with Vern and here and work and etc etc LOLOL
Do have a great herb garden tho :)
harley: Why not let Lenny have the run of the garden? Then you can tell your neighbour how to stop the cat poo that has suddenly appeared in his garden.
Its not the back garden thats the problem, its the front. Right under the window, and they're doing it at night when Lenny is tucked up in his bed! Its the smell that gets me, and the more I pick up, the more appears. I think they're bringing their friends.
I thought of that Eriisa, but its the smell! The patch they're using is right under the living room window. I'll have to clear it all up before I can even open the windows (And its not a very nice smell for anyone coming to the front door either!)
You want me to dry out Lenny's poo?! I guess I was hoping for a more pleasant solution, like the garlic for the bugs... I suppose cats don't mind garlic?!
LMAO leave it to you!!! The moth balls work great for me. My neighbours cat likes to do her duty in my flower beds! Now she goes off to other ppls flower beds and leaves mine alone!
I had a look in Tesco and they didn't have any. Guess I'll have to go further afield - but this is kind of getting off topic!
We're due a heatwave this weekend, does anyone know if pansies burn in the sun? My daughter has a pot of them, I don't know if I should put them in the shade if it gets too sunny?
bumble: Yes moth balls work for dogs so should for the cats.My Granmother puts the moth balls around her flower beds and her trees.Keeps the dogs away.
if you had a moth ball in each hand....what have you got....
a whopping great moth LOL
sorry Foxy.
Be careful with moth balls that kids dont pick them up thinking they are lollies...very dangerous....try naphthalene flakes..safer...I use them in my garden shed to stop cockroaches and works well :)
BerniceC: Thats very true about watching the kiddies.I use moth balls when i pack our winter clothes.Ever see what Moths do to sweaters they look like Swiss Cheese(thats cheese with holes in it.
but if some of you may just not be aware of.. aren't they poisonous?? If you have small children around.. or that can access the area you are trying to maintain.. you may wish to use the smell of citrus to keep the kitties out.. Orange rinds or Lemon peels.. just squeeze the peels onto the dirt the oils will help deter the pesky kitties.. you probably could even bury the peels..
Rose: Hey, RosieRingworm - you got me into trouble and ran away!
I guess moth balls must be a bit iffy with kids around. I must get a gross. I'm sure I read somewhere about a certain plant that keeps cats away. They hate the smell. Sort of the opposite of catnip! I'll have a look around and report back.
I didn't think of the kids, the garden is open, no fence or anything so any kid can pick things up from there. We were going to put bark down anyway, I guess a light covering of bark over them wouldn't stop the smell getting through, but it would hide them from the kids.
harley-littertray: I've just seen a site that has a few suggestions. Sprinkling pepper is one, planting marigolds is another... and Scarlet's citrus peel is another.
Ooh thanks for that, I didn't know pepper kept them off by burning their paws, I'm glad I didn't opt for that one! I would have thought it was the smell they didn't like.
I'll give the moth balls a go first, they should work. If theres any problems I'll try Bernices nephowotsit powder, I like the idea of keeping away cockroaches and mice as well! Not that I've seen any here, but we do get beetles that LOOK like cockroaches on first glance, they're so big!