computeropponen: I do the same with logging in and logging out. The reason is like followed: Most time of the week I'm in work. My business is the IT and I am doing support too. From time to time I have a quick look to brainking, if I have some messages, or special games are going on. Nearly every day there is a lot of stress at work, but for important games like tournament games, games with high level player, I want a quiet time for doing my move, because I made too many mistakes in such games, while moving in work bacause I thought the moves are obvious, but they were big mistakes because the opponent made a trap. And after work I have still time consuming hobbies and playing corr. games at other sites, so it can take a few days, before I have some real quiet time for my important games and I have to set priorities between the games at different pages depending on the time left for each move. For this reason I play correspondence games more often than live games, because I can stop thinking about a game and continueing the following day, which is not possible at over the board games. I think that most people logging in and logging out have nearly the same reasons for doing this.
rod03801: I can not just play to myself, I have to play with an opponent. The point is all my opponents doing the same thing...login and logout making no move, just browing main page, viewing online players, viewing games etc....this is not the way the game should be played... do you think something is wrong with the time control system? you cannot do anything about it... i know what you will say" if you don't like it go to other place"
computeropponen: Then DON'T watch it. They CHOSE the time limit that THEY wanted for THEIR game. It should not matter to YOU at all what time limit they chose. You play the way you want, and let others play the way they want.
As I said before, why need 7 days per move??....this is waste of time...I have watched a game in progress between two top players, both players just login many times during the game but did not make a move. I tell you what they are doing, they are just browing main page, viewing online players, viewing game etc...then I looked at the time per move, it shows 7 days 8 hours left, later 5 days 15 hours left last they just logout without making any move at all...even it is a must move they did such thing every time until the time is up to move, then they make their f?@$%&* move it is just a f#$%^& game not worth to watch.....
alms: you have played very well as a 1800 player, I think you are underrated. you are playing against charimo1 (red,1947) the game you are winning...what happened about the move no.31.Ci8 ? your opponent offered you his cannon for free, you did not accept to kill him, I think you don't want to win this way, you want to beat him square.
why need 7 days per move? one day is more than enough for a whole game people just login and logout many times but not make a move....I wonder why doing this? for fun? is this a ghost act? play ghost ?
alms: post dated 24 March 2011, 21:21:14 you asked me "Do you play with computer help?" 24 March 2011,21:46:38: "no, I hate the cheater" is my answer 25 March 2011, 02:53:33; I refused to play you at the time you were rated 1310
To day you are rated 1877, and 9 (11) on the rating list, it is incredible..... based on the way you has played against me in the game in progress, you are playing like a different player... what is the secret that you improved so fast in a very short time?
alms: Since you have improved to 18xx from 13xx, no matter you beat the weaker opponents to get points, I would like to play you a chinese chess game. I like the guy who can improve himself. If I beat you then we may have another game, it is a two knights handicap game, did you ask me to play a two knights handicap before? I am going to invite you
Also made some random tourneys of shogi(Japanese Chess), minishogi and Chinsese chess as well as stairs of respective games. You can also join a Chinese Chess team.
Now FromHell 2278(1) red vs svyel 2237(2) black. They are playing for who is the no.1 in chinese chess here. I have played these two guys one game each. I played my A game to beat svyel and my B game to lost to FromHell I have won 2-1 vs svyel on the other site, and I have won 1-0 vs FromHell on this site before.. personally I like FromHell they are very closely match.but I think svyel has slightly better chance to win.
题目: Re: grandmaster, world champion and average player
alms: I play the chess game but I am just a beginner, in fact, I am a much better beginner than most of the beginner, the reason is I have chinese chess back ground that make me easier to pick it up. the other reason may be, the chinese chess is a 9x10 board compared with the chess 8x8 board. and I also found out that the development of chess is much slower than that in chinese chess, I would like to say that the chess is more like a positional game and the chinese chess is an open attacking game..... .the chess board ia packed with 8 pwans( more than the chinese chess w/ 5 pawns) lineed up in front, the rook in chess is not in action until the very late endgame...
may be, just may be my opinion that is reason why the chinese produced grandmaters and 4 woman world chess, and the european have none in chinese chess..
题目: Re: grandmaster, world champion and average player
Maybe you should prefer to promote Xiangqi in Europe. Doing some translations, comment mastergames in English. It's not easy to get informations about the game if you don't read Chinese...
题目: grandmaster, world champion and average player
Since 21 April 2011 no one has posted here, why? because nobody knows about chinses chess better and has nothing to say abt it.... European play chinese chess they have never produced a grandmaster, not even a world champion. the best european chinses chess player is not better than an average chinese player. the chinese play the european chess, they produced some Gms and 4 women world champions so far.
there are handicap games regarding steps or moves: one move, two moves and 3 moves... the one move handicap game is that the weak player always move first, it can be played online.
for the two moves handicap game, the weak player cannot make two moves consecutively online, the usual way is the stronger player move the king twice(up and down) i.e.1) Ke2 ...... 2) Ke1 ......
I have no idea how to set up the 3 moves handicap game online
3 moves almost = a knight
the step or move or may be a tempo is very important in chinese chess than in chess.
the chinese chess game is played on the more open battle field, not like the chess the battle field is pack, and the development is slower...that is why there is no such game like two knights handicap game to be played in chess....
the basic of the chinese chess game not every one understand, even a 18xx player still make this kind of error. a player with 30 or 40 yrs experience does not mean a good player, he may just repeat the same mistake for 30 or 40 years.
here is a game Pedro Martincz red 1839 vs chessik black 1689
1) Che3 Ng8 2) Ng3 Pg6 3) Rh1 Rh10 4) Cec3
only the first 3 moves are without mistake, the 4th move is a error , red lost a step here......
As I said before on my post dated 9 March 2011, I have no friend and enemy here, especially with the discussion board moderator or webmaster. I don't want to have any relationship with them who oversee the discusssion board and the site, and they has the power to ban me from playing and talking abt chinese chess game.
I have my true story to tell, it happened when I was on the other online site, I became a friend of someone, one day who sent me a private message like that " I tell you a secrete, but don't tell anybody I have another nick" " what is that?" I replied " it is axxx" I was stunned, the axxx was the one who always sent me the message with foul language..I did not know how to react, after awhile, I responded " thank you for telling me that " since then I stopped talking with that guy....
another true story about playing a game against a weak opponent, during the game he sent me a message like that " my grand ma is not happy" I was very surprised " why u telling me abt that?" I asked "she lost the game every time " he said " I have nothing to do with that, what can I do" " you beat her all the time, she play for me"....'' I know what to do" was my final word..and I lost the game...
Playing online you don't know with whom you are playing the game or talking to, every one just a nick, a friend could be an enemy....they are not real thing...some times i feel like playing a game with a disappeared during the game suddenly...
I have an idea how to set up a "Two knights handicap" game online. This kind of game is played between two players, one is stronger than the other, the stronger player play without two knights to make the game competitive..
For this to be possible, you and your opponent have to make the following moves: the stonger player as Black and the other as Red who move first... 1) Cxb1 Cc8 2) Cb3 Cb8 3) Cxh10 Cg8 4) Ch5 Ch8 5) Ch3 ....... Now is the Black's move and the so called "two knights handicaps" game is set up
There is the "Iron center pawn" rule, it provide some protection for the center pawn because of lack of protection from missing two knights.
the center pawn only can be captured with a direct check, for example, Cxe7+ or Rxe7+
It is a idea to train the weak player how to defend with material advantages...especially for the beginner....
Tips of the day no. 21 by TeamBundy Play a game in real time with an online opponent ! For this to be possible you and your opponent have to select the action "Move and stay here" as default and then reload the page with the F5 key.
I don't know what he is talking about " real time" !
this is only the idea of how to play online with both players are not alllowed to logout during the game....
it is a good idea many people all the time log in and log out during the game...but your opponent has to agree to do the same is hard for them because they got used to do such thing " login and logout "....
rod03801: you like to stir things up...we have an argument about my post on the stairs discussion board....over were trying to say that I am insulting all the people at turnbased sites....I know what is in your mind if you can find a reason you would ban me from playing here. you are a very sensitive guy
FromHell: once more , I think you are a humble man now you are the no.1 player on the established BRK list If you consider yourself a layman, actually you are insulting all the others rated below you. my advise is that don't be so humble
FromHell: don't get me wrong i don't consider you are a layman at defeated me in one game...what i wanted is to talk to a good player like you. the subject is already on the discussion board why i have to send you a private message i don't have anything in private to talk to you.
computeropponen: I will have a closer look at your posted game in the next few days. Thank you for it. I am very busy at the moment and still have not that much time. From time to time I log in and just watching if there is something new going on. It is very complex and I'm not that experienced at all to have a deep understanding of this game.
I have to agree to rod03801. They should not be insulated. I just feel like a layman and not like an expert of chinese chess. So I'm one of them...
If you want to talk only to me, it's the best doing this with a private message. Thank you very much.
rod03801: who is the beginner or layman here? I am just talking something in general term, that is an old saying in chinese chess I did not insult anyone only if he himself admitted he is a beginner or layman.
Here is a game played by two chinese grandmasters in 1982, Hu Rong Hua played as Black against another chinese GM.
Mr.Hu was a 10x chinese chess champion, and he is considered as the Bobby Fisher in chinese chess. He commented on his own game...
THe following are the moves; 1) Cbe3 Cbe8 2) Nc3 Nc8 3) Ra2 Rb10 4) Rf2 Rb6 5) Ng3 Ng8 6) Ri2 Ei8 at this point Hu commented. Red Ri2 and reserved the move Rf7 it was flexible. Black Ei8 also had its deep idea. if Pg6 then Red Rf7. now if Red still made that move Rf7, Black responded with Ch6 and black would have advantages......
At first I did not understand what was Mr.Hu talking about..later I spent sometimes to look into the game to figure it out.
I am not a grandmaster as good as Hu. what he was talking I could not understand right away , because I am not stand at the same ground and not in his class.. can you figure it out?
This post is not respond to any one. I don't talk to any one who has no desire to improve himself and I don't play any one rated 1859 / No.9 or below that.. this is my principle now I did send an invitation to a player rated 1859 before when I was unrated but he considered himself too strong for an unknown player like me and refused to play me...
who says unrated player don't play and not interest in discussion of the game??
My last post about why silence of this discussion board,my intention is to talk to FromHell only you have to talk to someone at the same ground with the same knowledge & playing skill of chinese chess and understand each other what is talking about....
Your figures support what FromHell said. Inactive means are no longer playing, possibly have not even logged onto the site for years. Why would an unrated player be interested in discussing a game he don’t play?
Look at the chess board more closely, there is very little general chat. There was a big debate a while back over a technical point on ice age chess but other than that very little general chat.
As currently number 14 on the established grades in Chinese Chess I have no illusions that my standard of play is poor (and before you ask I have no desire to improve) and I would suggest there are no more than 5-6 strong chinese chess players on the site. I currently have either established or provisional rankings in 37 games on the site, do you expect me to engage in discussions on all of them? If not why should I treat Chinese Chess differently?
If an interesting point came up, an interpretation of the rules for example, I would be interested but posts about how your games are getting on are of little interest to anyone but yourself.
If you seriously want a discussion about Chinese Chess I would suggest this is the wrong site, you need to find one that specialises in the game.
FromHell: Why just a few people talk at this discussion board ? According to your estimate there are only 64 chinese chess players on the established list and only abt 20 would like to talk abt anything on this board....
here are the actual numbers of players on the lists at the monent...... for chinese chess Established BKR 61 active players Provisional BKR 104 active players Established 213 Inactive Provisional 642 inactive how many unrated players ?
Beren the 32nd has post on this board , he is NO.139 on the Pro inactive list he also is no.126 on the chess list
what i meant is that every one has chance to talk at this board including those unrated players.
For Chess Established 695 active players Provisional 847 active players Established 2676 inactive Provisional 6507 inactive unrated players ?
I also found the chess discussion board people just chat to each other with no specific subject abt chess
the reason for the "Silence" at this board, I think it is because people are not willing to talk and they have nothing abt chinese chess in mind to talk abt. it depends on how much they know abt the game....
computeropponen: Sorry to hear this. But on this site we basically play correspondence chess, not OTB. So it is perfectly normally to set up the position on your board at home and play through a few ideas before you decide on a move. It is also normal to look at the board and decide you have no idea how to proceed, so wait and see if you feel more inspired the next day. At least for me anyway!
My interest to play here is decreaseing After finishing these last 3 more
during the game people just log in and log out many often . it is like when you are making love your partner wanted to stop there are so many interruptions ..your sex desire is gone..
alms: you have asked me a question " Do you play with computer help? " same as you asked me if I am a cheater. My answer is " no, I am not a cheater"
The French Chess Federation suspends players accused of cheating, they found the evidents that the players were using outside help during the game. They called this is guilty of violation of sporting ethics .
Is computer help considered cheating? on any online game site or online turnbased site, because you don't know what your opponent is doing, it may not be a cheating at all. so many things people are doing here are not allowed in the real chess or chinese chess world. such as using computer program, looking at text book for reference, putting pieses on the board to find the moves by trail & error, move back, touch the piese and not move it etc......
I believe we are all doing it...are we all cheater?
alms 1310 invited me for a chinese chess game that I refused...the reason is I don't want to beat up a very weak opponent I have sent Invitations to 4 guys (tenuki 2186, Kleineme 2121, mirari 2030 and jimbone 2110) they all declined, what is the reasons I don't know.
all the games were finished vs the top 3 players on rating list
the results are: I won against svyel in a unrated game and Kumagai in 3 rated games but I lost to my rating did not change it is still 2442 I think FromHell should be rated higher than svyel ...right now they are both rated the same with 2236 pts.
actually I don't care abt the BRK rating at all
I just refused to play a player with 1300+ sorry about that.
What is OTB game ? it is Live or Real game, two players are facing each other playing the game over the board....It is complete different ways of playing the game from a turnbased game,.
1) players are face to face 2) no computer aid reference text book to look at 3) touch & move 4) no trail & error 5) time controls....1 to 5 minutes per move, the game finished in hours....not days. months or even years.. 6) sportsmanship---shake hands
When my opponent is online and I saw this message..playing game Chines Chess ( ??? vs computeropponen) I would like to sit in front of the monitor watching the game to get a little feeling of playing the OTB game.
the time controls is very important for OTB game, so many games are decided by blunder or can not find the correct answer under the time pressure...
computeropponen: Well, but let's have a look at the number of users at the chinese chess rating list. There are only 64 players at the established rating list at the moment. (That is only about 10% of the number of chess or backgammon players.) And how many of this small amount of users do really read the discussion board? I would guess only 1/3 does. So there are only about 20 users on this board who reads this. And not everyone wants to write something here or has something to say to share with other people about chinese chess or about your posts about chinese chess. That could be one reason for the "silence" at this board.
Beren the 32nd: your first post : " Any particular reason why you are using this discussion board to talk so much about yourself......." Sorry I copy your post, words here but this is a discussion board.... as I said before, I like to talk about chinese chess but most people just wantd to keep quiet Almost a post a day, it gave you such a impression that I am just talking abt myself, actually every thing I have talked about is chinese chess related.....