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Short description of specific rules of Checkers variants

游戏种类Board sizeNumber of piecesLong moves of promoted piecePawns can jump backwardsQuantity rule (*)Quality rule (**)Preference rule (***)Special rules
捷克跳棋8x812x   x 
角落跳棋8x812x   xPawns promote in corner squares only.
单向跳棋8x812x   xAll pawns move and jump in the same direction.
降落伞跳棋8x812x   xParachutist does not have a jumping preference.
土耳其跳棋8x816x x   
阿拉克尔克5x512 x   Pawns do not promote.
夏威夷棋8x832 x   Pawns do not promote and multiple jumps must be in the same direction.
International Checkers10x1020xxx   
Russian Checkers8x812xx   If pawn jumps to last row, it promotes and continues jumping immediately.
Canadian Checkers12x1230xxx   
Thai Checkers8x88x    Queen must jump to the first square after jumped piece.
Brazilian Checkers8x812xxx   
Portuguese Checkers8x812x xx  
Italian Checkers8x812  xx More complicated quality jumping rules.
Dameo8x818xxx  Pawns can make linear moves and all pieces can jump only orthogonally.
(*) It is mandatory to capture as many pieces (as one multi-jump) as possible.
(**) It is mandatory to capture the maximum possible amount of promoted pieces.
(***) It is mandatory to capture with a promoted piece if possible.

Portuguese Checkers

Portuguese Checkers (also known as Spanish Checkers with rotated board) variant is played on 8x8 board with 12 pieces of each player and the A1 square is white, not black (see the picture).

There are several specific rules, regarding piece moving and capturing:
  • Pawns move one space diagonally forward only and can capture diagonally forward only too. Queens (promoted pieces) move any number of spaces diagonally forward or backward, and can capture any number of spaces diagonally forward or backward as well.
  • Jumped pieces are removed from the board after the full move is performed and every enemy piece can be jumped over only once.
  • It is mandatory to capture as many pieces (as one multi-jump) as possible.
  • If a position allows 2 or more longest captures, it is compulsory to choose the one which captures the maximum amount of queens.


另见: 跳棋, 自杀跳棋, 捷克跳棋, 角落跳棋, 单向跳棋, 降落伞跳棋, 哥特跳棋, 土耳其跳棋, 阿拉克尔克, 夏威夷棋, International Checkers, Russian Checkers, Canadian Checkers, Thai Checkers, Brazilian Checkers, Portuguese Checkers, Italian Checkers, Dameo
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