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创建者: Czuch
Terri Schiavos fight/right to to die Pond
To support Terri in her right to die.
Terri told her husband she would not want to be kept alive in the event she was in a persistent vegetative state, which she has been in for the past 19 years. She and her husband have been fighting the courts to uphold her right to die for many long years, and they finally seem to have prevailed! Terri will finally be able to leave this existance and meet her maker for eternal life.

This Pond supports her, and others like her, and their right to die.


池塘类型:  绕着池塘奔跑
池塘ID: 310
最少玩家数额: 16
最多玩家数额: 无限
走步时间: 2 日
开局: 30. 三月 2005, 01:00:00
结束: 1. 五月 2005, 01:06:25

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步号: 3
Orlandu:(3. 四月 2005, 03:27:01) R.I.P. Terri...
步号: 2
Czuch:(2. 四月 2005, 14:11:36)
步号: 1
Baked Alaskan:(30. 三月 2005, 13:54:22)
Orlandu:(30. 三月 2005, 04:43:26) Pray to the lord she does not suffer...
violet unicorns:(30. 三月 2005, 01:21:13) good luck

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