Parachute Lines of Action 此为行动之线的变体,由David Voorhees创造。开盘时,棋子一半在“炒鸡蛋”位置。首六步骤,玩家先走步再放对手的棋子在棋盘中任何空格。六步之后,游戏以标准行动之线规则为继续。 (阅读规则)
Cheshire Cat Lines of Action This variant of Lines of Action is created by John McCallion who was inspired by Cheshire Cat Chess game because the basic idea is very similar. When a piece is moved, its former square disappears and no piece can move to it (but pieces can be moved over disappeared squares). The second important rule is that if a piece cannot make a normal move, it can be simply removed from the board (which makes a legal move) and its square disappears. (阅读规则)