! True to Yourself ! (五子棋 - 显示规则) You hang in there! NO MATTER WHAT comes on your way.. You hang on to life like to a rock in the heaving sea.. Swimming like a salmon upstream.. You stay true to yourself and to friends that come along the road.. and no matter what you'll know that you ARE somebody and deserve to get a hug, a smile, a game.. So, lets play and value one another!! :-) Pawns and Knights make sure you have enough slots!!
This is a tourny apart from the Fellowship ! True to Yourself ! If you want to join.. send me an request.. 返回游戏种类列表 比赛方式: 一般比赛 竞赛类型 (?): 每对玩家一盘 会员级别: 最少玩家数额: 4 最多玩家数额: 无限 每小组玩家最多人數: 6 两人决赛的类型: 3 胜局 比赛 时间控制 (?): 7 日, 普通假日 玩家等级分: 100 <= 脑王等级分 <= 4000 未被评级的玩家: 有 非评级(竞赛不影响BKR): 没有 私人竞赛(您将要传送个人邀请): 没有 为随机开局的游戏就生成棋局: 与所有对手有同一个棋局 按BKR排列玩家: 有 显示: 已完毕