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this is a board that talks about issues concerning animals...your own pets as well as animal rights,alerts,bills before congress that need our attention.This is a family board but as abuse cases may be posted it may not always be for the sensitive readers.Please be kind to each other,thanks!

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5. července 2006, 00:02:39
Subjekt: Re: Best dog
anastasia: I see a few around here too Chocolate and Black labs are pretty frequent here.

4. července 2006, 13:49:06
Subjekt: Re: Best dog
imsoaddicted: I've never heard that they were rare.What part of the counrty do you live in..maybe that has an effect,cuz I see them up here by me alot.

4. července 2006, 10:06:36
Subjekt: Re: Best dog
anastasia: i have my name down with 2 breeders but being very rare i was told theres a 2 yr waiting list

4. července 2006, 03:51:33
Subjekt: Re: Best dog
imsoaddicted: did you know that you can call your local shelter and tell them the type of dog that you want..if one comes through,they will give you first chance at it.Another place to try is the AKC website,they have a link to breeders that you can find in your area.

4. července 2006, 00:01:47
Subjekt: Re: Best dog
ive always wanted a chocolate lab but they very hard to get hold of not many about

3. července 2006, 17:10:56
Subjekt: Re: Best dog
mako887: I love them all,even when they drool!!

3. července 2006, 17:10:33
Subjekt: Re:
WatfordFC: I don't have cats so I didn't know they like the warmth,lol.

3. července 2006, 16:54:01
Subjekt: Re: Best dog
anastasia: Gotta love the labs, even when they drool.

3. července 2006, 08:45:37
Adaptable Ali 
Subjekt: Re:
anastasia: I know animals especially cats like the warmth, but i just hate seeing them panting when they are asleep. I have already put the ice in the water bowl, and left a few bowls of iced water in different shaded areas of the house.

3. července 2006, 06:56:22

3. července 2006, 03:16:41
Subjekt: Re:
WatfordFC: My dog is VERY hot natured..when we go to bed,I have the cieling fan on high and another fan on high that sits in front of the bed and blows dirsctly onto us ( I am under about 5,000 balnkets because with all this the cetral air is on,lol...Try putting some ice in thewater bowl,that may help them.Can you wipe them with a wet rag? (Not sure how keen cats would be to that)

3. července 2006, 03:14:50
Subjekt: Re: Best dog
mako887: Shepards rule labs drool LMAO!!!! All dogs are the best in the eyes of their owners.

3. července 2006, 01:18:36
Adaptable Ali 
I feel so sorry for my 3 cats at the moment, this heat we are having must be awful for them, does anybody know if there is anything i can do or give them to keep them cool?

3. července 2006, 00:16:45
Adaptable Ali 
Subjekt: Re: Best dog

3. července 2006, 00:08:25
Subjekt: Re: Best dog
WatfordFC: Maybe, but the Lab rules.

3. července 2006, 00:07:24
Adaptable Ali 
Subjekt: Re: Best dog
mako887: A Cocker Spaniel is

3. července 2006, 00:06:02
Subjekt: Best dog
Labrador Retriever. No one else is close.

27. června 2006, 16:07:20
Subjekt: training part 6
 Wow..when did this option pop up to us!!! AWESOME!!!!! ok..now on to my baby angel,lol...I finally got him into the stay position,qued him and he stayed while I walked a complete circle around him!!!! I was SOOO excited,he though Mom was a moron,lol.In class though he learned the wait que..which he actually took too REALLY fast.He is learningt o crawl too.He has 2 more weeks in this session and then straight into obidience for 8 weeks.He is really coming along.I take him to the park (in between the rain drops) and I get many compliments on him.People can't believe that he is only 5 months old and so well behaved.I am so proud of him!

24. června 2006, 14:38:28
Subjekt: training part 5
aliitle late with this update on Damien,sorry!! this week we are just reinforcing all of the ques that he ahs learned and really working with him on the stay que.ALOT of socialization this past week for the little guy at the park.Just learning to sit and watch people as they go by without reacting to them.He also FIANLLY let me brush him this week without trying to eat the brush!!! He is 5 months old and going about 60 pounds now.All the puppy teeth are gone! Also,we are not only going to get him into speed and agility..BUT he has shown a great nack for finding stuff that we plant so we will aso get him formally trainined and run him in the trails for that!!

20. června 2006, 21:38:12
Subjekt: Re: Question!
anastasia:Thanks for that info, I have been checking online and could only find that the tree frogs are poisonous. Those we don't have but do get lots of toads. We have been watching the dogs closely when they are outside. Hope they don't get hold of another one!

20. června 2006, 15:49:28
Adaptable Ali 
They are fine, just have to keep an eye on them, spoke to the vet, he wanted to know how much powder i had put in with the water and i told him one small scoop to 4 litres of water, it was meant to be a large scoop but i only put a small scoop in, he said the 2 cats that licked the petals after i had watered them should be ok, because it was well diluted, but to ring if there is a sudden change in them

20. června 2006, 15:44:28
Subjekt: Re:
WatfordFC: let us know if everything is okay with your animals.. I hope so..

20. června 2006, 14:55:48
Adaptable Ali 
Subjekt: Re:
anastasia: ok thanks, call to the vet is needed then :o(

20. června 2006, 14:45:54
Subjekt: Re:
WatfordFC: I'm sure that it is...all fertilizers that I know of is harmful to people and animals if swallowed.

20. června 2006, 13:48:49
Adaptable Ali 
Does anybody know if Miraclegro is harmful to animals i have looked on the box and it jsut says "Keep Away From Children"

20. června 2006, 03:57:11
Subjekt: Re: Question!
Dolittle: Glad pup is feeling better :)

20. června 2006, 02:35:59
Subjekt: Re: Question!
Dolittle: Trainer just told us today that all frogs are poisonous to dogs..even if they don't eat them.when they bite down on them they will release a poison

20. června 2006, 01:04:40
Subjekt: Re: Question!
Lamby:Thanks for that link, I will sure check it out!

19. června 2006, 22:59:28
Subjekt: Re: Question!
Dolittle: Glad to hear shes ok!! I found this.....hope it is of some use

19. června 2006, 02:26:07
Subjekt: Re: Question!
Lamby: Thanks, she seems ok now but they found another big frog in the yard today. I had to go out and get it out of the yard..don't want to kill them. There is no way to keep them out!

18. června 2006, 22:16:56
Subjekt: Re: Question!
Dolittle: oh dear, Im sorry to hear that.....I really hope your dog is ok!
Is there any way to deter the toads from coming into your garden?

18. června 2006, 03:43:12
Subjekt: Re: Question!
anastasia: it was a toad..we get them in our yard a lot, especially after a rain. my ShihTzu bit into it but didn't eat it..within just a few minutes she was gagging and had froth on her mouth. she vomited several times during the night but seems ok now..I am in Oklahoma!!

17. června 2006, 20:03:14
Subjekt: found this on a website
snakes and frogs (frogs may be very poisonous if eaten by a pet) with not knowing the part of the country you are in...hard to tell what kind of a frog it might have been

17. června 2006, 19:57:17
Subjekt: Re: Question!
Dolittle: My husband is of all things very anal about keeping our dog away from toads and frogs too..he said thay will make him sick if he eats one...Maybe call your vet? are they vomiting?

17. června 2006, 17:35:21
Subjekt: Question!
Had a storm last night and when my dogs went out after rain stopped, they got hold of a frog and wound up very sick. Does anyone know if those toad frogs are poison or what?

14. června 2006, 21:04:23
Subjekt: Re: Training part 4
anastasia: I can't wait to meet him either. I will be there soon :)

14. června 2006, 19:11:35
Subjekt: kitten report
all kittens have been placed in a good home,except I kept one.
kitten sleeps on my chest,makes me up nibbling my ear in a playful mood(mmm..I had a girlfriend that did that).
so how is everyone today?
PS todays animal-the kudo:

14. června 2006, 18:56:52
Subjekt: Re: Training part 4
anastasia: a few years back, my neighbors dog would do the same with their cherry toms.. LOL I remember how Bridgett would get on little cuz.. so funny..

14. června 2006, 15:06:26
Subjekt: Re: Training part 4
Gemina: LMAO!!!! OMG! I haven't thought about that in a long time!! My old dalmatian Patch would go into our garden and pick his own cherry tomatoes and eat them.Actually,Damien has never has one taste of table food.I hope that he never does either...Gemina...everything you remember about Patch...go to the COMPLETE oppisite side of the spectrum for Damien,lol.Patch HATED being sprayed with the hose,Damien will sit BY the hose till you spray him.Patch LOVED being brushed...don't bother Damien with such pettiness,LOL!!!! I cannot wait for you to meet him!!! Come soon!!!

13. června 2006, 21:46:54
Subjekt: Re: Training part 4
anastasia: But does he eat cherry tomatoes? lol A little thing Patch did I found adorable. :)

13. června 2006, 16:15:47
Subjekt: Training part 4
Today was learning the formal command for "come" and also starting to work with him on the que for stay.He has al the others down perfectly...he gets very bored now with the basic sit,down command.He also now has "drop it" down perfectly..as soon as he brings the ball to me I don't even have to say anything,he'll just drop it at my feet and look up at me..AWESOME!!! Before he would run all around me with the ball and it would take 5 minutes to get the darned thing away from him,lol.He is starting to sit more readinly as soon as I stop walking.
After training we took hjim to the park for his walk and socialization for the day.We already have him enrolled in the next class that will start immidiatly after this one is done.

10. června 2006, 17:25:47
Subjekt: Damien's training part 3
Sorry I'm late with my puppy update,LOL!! been so busy,it's crazy!! He is still going strong! this week was ALOT of focus on the socialization part..he is constantly being exposed to people,animals,even a doe and her fawn at the park where I walk him at during the week!! He is learning this week to "leave it" when I drop something on the floor,if he goes for it I cover it with my foot (just while learning the comand) and say leave it in a VERY stern voice...this command may very well save his life one day so he needs to know that even though training is fun...this command I mean seriously!! He is doing very well at it and can go about 95% of the time of just leaving it even if I don't have the item covered with my foot.He he working eveyday on the sit/down/watch me combo....and can come back to sit from the down position.I am so proud of him!!!

6. června 2006, 20:49:04
Subjekt: Re: Observation
Rose: That is to funny :)

6. června 2006, 18:40:26
Subjekt: Re: Observation

6. června 2006, 16:40:49
Subjekt: Observation
Změněno uživatelem Rose (6. června 2006, 16:41:24)
Observation for the day:
What is it with cats? I just sat watching two of mine who are siblings, lay in the same bed, all wrapped around each other and wash each other. There were no qualms about sticking a tongue in the others ear to clean the ear goop out, or lick the eye goo off of even lick the other ones butt.
BUT, try to feed them a new food an they stick their noses up as if to say, 'I aint eating that!'
What is up with that?

6. června 2006, 14:06:59
Subjekt: Re:
anastasia: thats so cruel ='(

6. června 2006, 02:13:09
Subjekt: Re:
anastasia: that is so sad. :(

5. června 2006, 19:56:23
Subjekt: Re:
xladymelx: it goes on all the time.People need to speak up and let these companies know that it is wrong and that we will not stand for it anymore!!

5. června 2006, 14:02:37
Subjekt: Re:
anastasia: I cant beleive somebody would do that.

3. června 2006, 14:20:35
The Department of Transportation (DOT) is about as compassionate as a hit and run driver when it comes to animals. The DOT has sanctioned hideously cruel skin-corrosivity experiments to test hazardous chemicals on rabbits despite the fact these tests are completely unnecessary since there is a federally approved, non-animal test called Corrositexª available.

Animal tests are a one way street to pain and suffering. In order to test corrosive chemicals such as Savage Acid and Goodbye Graffiti, rabbits backs are shaved and corrosive chemicals are applied onto their raw skin and left for up to two weeks. The chemicals burn the skin, and the rabbits are given no pain relief. It's a dead end street for the rabbits who are killed after the test period.

Corrositexª, on the other hand, uses synthetic skin to accurately predict the effects of potentially corrosive substances on human skin, without hurting animals. The DOT is taking us all for a ride by using taxpayers' money to fund barbaric experiments on animals when a humane alternative exists.

Demand that the DOT yield to PETA's request that only non-animal tests, such as Corrositexª be used. Write:

The Honorable Norman Y. Mineta
The Secretary of Transportation
U.S. Department of Transportation
400 Seventh St. S.W.
Washington, DC 20590
E-mail: norman.mineta@ost.dot.gov

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