this is a board that talks about issues concerning animals...your own pets as well as animal rights,alerts,bills before congress that need our attention.This is a family board but as abuse cases may be posted it may not always be for the sensitive readers.Please be kind to each other,thanks!
Seznam diskusních klubů
Není vám dovoleno psát zprávy do tohoto klubu. Minimální úroveň členství vyžadovaná pro psaní v tomto klubu je Brain jezdec.
Tuesday: we had foxes in our garden of our last house...I bought Si some new shoes & he left them at the back door & one of the fox cubs stole one! lol
I also saw another fox cub running up the street with someones clothes, must of been off the washing line!! lol
kittens allready developing unique personalities:
bear..long haired definitely,only one in the batch....biggest in litter..ready fot real cat food already. w/ white boots & groucho mustache in white..the explorer.,rough,tumble,bite,scra tch,climb..ned I say more?,runt,quiet,reserved,cuddler.
Dolittle: am soooo happy at your news on Punkin...Binky will be missing his little play mate as you have to keep her quiet? and if so how the hell are you going to do that...after Bear had his hernia op and his sex life ruined LOL we had to keep him quiet, but couldnt, he raced all around the place LOL
Dolittle: Glad that all went well but shame on them for telling you they had no waiting room...where do the patients wait for the Dr when they come for an appt? do they all stand around the receptionists office??
Just called to check on her and they told me she is fine and was sitting up in her kennel. We can pick her up after 4 this afternoon.
I cried when I left her this morning and they assured me she would be ok but I asked if they had a waiting room. Would you believe they told me no...I just can't imagine such a thing!!
Anyway, thanks guys for caring..God Bless You All!
You can rest now sweet boyfriend, your girl is ok. Just has to heal now and many thanks to you, Smooch and Ma for the prayers!!
anastasia:me too,I'm a google lab member,got into it via mensa..long most people know,there are many types of searches..many search engines better for a specific purpose.
I used to keep a list of specialized search engines,still do.
but now I used this list as a customized list of search engines to use via Copernic Agent 6.12,setup with Copernic Tracker 1.1.
some examples of some search engine types & the best ones in its class:
clustered search engines:
image search engines:
Dolittle: OMG...Bear is on his knees praying for his little girlfriend Punkin and Im right there with him. Goodness me I have never heard of that before
People I will tell you that Punkin and Bear are both Shih-Tzu's and Dolittles wee darling is black and my Bear is white...they were both born on the same day...16th August 2002...they are both still only young and I would be devastated if it was Bear
Please know my dear friend that both Bear and Smooch (cat) and their Momma are hopeing all will turn out well...
Dolittle: aww,I'll be thinking of her!! i know when Patch had sergury for his bladder,I was a mess! Punkin will do goo though,so will you..let us know how it goes!!!
Dolittle: I sincerely hope she will be ok and back home with you soon.
Its awful, Oliver and Dexter have been ill for a while now, its heart renching , but they are slowly getting better thank god.
Took my little Punkin (a Shih Tzu) in to be groomed this morning. Also ask them to check her because I have been finding some stange little rock looking things on the floor. She has kidney stones real bad and will have surgery in the morning..the vet says that is the only way to get rid of them since she has so many..he showed me the x-ray. I am very worried about her but am praying she will be ok!
Thanks for listening or should I say reading!!
BUNNY22: Welcome to the board and thanks for the advice on pet urine :) I think it was a "missing his Dad syndrome" you see my partner passed last October and I think it suddenly hit home with him...He has been as good as gold lately...but thanks :) and yes I agree with the others....take your caps lock off as it looks like your yelling at us all HAHAHAHAHA
BUNNY22: Hey Bunny and welcome.. They call it nettiquette with the caps an such. When your use all caps it is referred to as Shouting like asia said! NO offence taken by you I hope but it is also so much harder to read your posts when they are all in caps!
Welcome to the board!
(skrýt) Klikněte na hráčovo jméno a pak na sekci Ukončené hry, dále na název hry a nakonec na konkrétní hru, můžete ukončenou hru prohlížet a analyzovat. (Servant) (zobrazit všechny tipy)