this is a board that talks about issues concerning animals...your own pets as well as animal rights,alerts,bills before congress that need our attention.This is a family board but as abuse cases may be posted it may not always be for the sensitive readers.Please be kind to each other,thanks!
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Gemina: OMG!! 31 pound and the goof ball STILL wants to climb onto my lap for me to HOLD HIM in my arms!!! And of course,you know me..I hol dhim,LMAO!!!! you know..he is only a baby one time! Funny,cuz he IS still a baby and he was bigger then most of the adult dogs at the vet this last time!! I cannot WAIT for you to meet him Gemina!!!
Gemina: and THAT'S why he is going to training,LOL!!! He is coming out of his "fear of everything" stage..I read books and he hit it at the age they said he probably would,so,that's cool.I weighed him today and he is 31 pounds now!!
ScarletRose: well,the ONLY place I could find to fit my schedule was Petsmart...they have alot of different schedules and they had a Saturday morning at 9am that fit well with my shedule.AND...the class is if I'm not happy with the results,I can retake the entire thing for free...I thought that was a good garuntee!!
anastasia: oh.. ?? I wonder if they have classes around here for my little pom.. I take her everywhere.. and try to expose her to people any chance I can.. just so she stops barking so much..
ScarletRose: well,the MAIN reson of putting him into the first class is to socialize him as much as I can.He needs to learn to be around other animals and people..he is going to be about 120 pounds so he needs to be able to let people come up to him..I need to make sure he can do that too...his looks alone will intimaidate poeple,he doesn't have to be unsocial to boot.Then I would like to get him into some agility when he is a bit olderbut in order to do THAT,he needs at least 3 courses of obidience.This is all to better him :)
Well,I should be on a bit more..hubby came through his surgery well,took 8 hours and 2 days in the hospital.Mother in law went home today so things should start getting back to normal!! Damien is up to 25 pounds at last weight in and will be 13 weeks old tomorrow.He starts kindergarden in 2 weeks.He still has round worms He got sick on the medicine one weekend though so I think that break in the meds had something to do with it..not sure.He now knows his name,will come on command,sit,FINNALY learnign to retrieve the ball,and learning to shake..I want him to be more advanced then the other kids in class,LOL!!!!
my Bear today caught his first bird...naughty boy :(
actually it was given to him LOLOL...the nest was resting in a palm tree and had fallen to the ground with 3 babies ready to fledge ...the cat gulped 2 down and Bear brought his inside and hid it in his toy box...I couldnt get it off him so when he hid it I removed it....He is still looking for it. I growled at him but the cat got a belt...they arent allowed to chase the wildlife...naughty boys LOLOL
WatfordFC: Hmmmmmm you know Im not too sure about that....lots of animal tests for drug use on humans is a waste of time as the animals react very differently...I think rats are similar in genetic make up which is why they are so commonly used...but even then it still takes human trials before they know for sure if the drug is safe for humans
anastasia: I always make sure I buy products which say 'NOT TESTED ON ANIMALS' especially things like make up, shampoo, soap etc etc.
I think its disgusting that animals should suffer for humans vanity!
WatfordFC: I'm's just that people think this stuff doesn't happen and it needs to be talked about so that maybe it can someday stop
Změněno uživatelem anastasia (14. dubna 2006, 20:04:21)
Life in a Laboratory
Imagine living locked inside a closet without control over any aspect of your life. You can't choose when and what you eat, how you will spend your time, whether or not you will have a partner and children, and if you do, who that partner will be. You can't even decide when the lights go on and off. Think about spending your entire life like this, even though you have committed no crime.
This is life in a laboratory for animals. It is deprivation, isolation, and misery.
Now consider all the specialized needs of the species imprisoned for experimentation. Chimpanzees, in their natural homes, are never separated from their families and troops. They spend hours together every day, grooming each other and making soft nests for sleeping each night. They are loving and protective parents, and baby chimps will live close to their mothers for many years. But in a laboratory, chimpanzees are caged alone. There are no families, no companions, no grooming, no nests. There are only cold, hard steel bars and loneliness that goes on for so many years that most chimpanzees sink into depression, eventually losing their minds.
Rats and mice are denied a place to dig and hide. Dogs and cats are deprived of exercise, affection, and the homes that they long for with families to care for them. Rabbits have no room to leap. Pigs cannot root in the ground or build their nests. Even when the cages are clean–and this is not always the case–the animals are not allowed to engage in any normal behavior.
On top of the deprivation, there are the experiments. Animals are infected with diseases that they would never normally contract–tiny mice grow tumors as large as their own bodies, kittens are purposely blinded, rats are made to suffer seizures. Experimenters force-feed chemicals to animals, conduct repeated surgeries on them, implant wires in their brains, crush their spines, and much more. Think of what it would be like to endure this and then be dumped back into a cage, usually without any painkillers. Video footage from inside laboratories shows that animals cower in fear every time someone walks by their cages. They don't know if they will be dragged from their prison cells for an injection, blood withdrawal, a painful procedure or surgery, or death. Often animals see other animals killed right in front of them.
While some facilities are better than others at caring for animals–not every lab employee kills mice by cutting off their heads with scissors, a practice that PETA documented at the University of North Carolina–there are no happy animals inside laboratories. Read about the hidden lives of some of the animals used in cruel experiments rats and mice and baboons. To learn more about the laboratories that PETA has exposed,
And with the arrival of spring comes lotes and lots of new baby animals...when you are out,please keep in mind that if you see a baby animal,but no Mother...that does not garantee that the animal is abandoned or orphaned.Alot of people just assume that this is the case.PLEASE leave all baby animals where you find them as the parent(s) are certainly close by.Animals will allow the babies to wonder off a safe distance while the whole time keeping a watchful eye on them...People automatiacally assume the worst and take the baby,either to nurse themselves or take them to a shelter.I have heard stories of after "do-gooders" take the babies,the mother is heard yelling and crying for her baby..PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE DO NOT try to "help" a baby that you may see without it's Mother.
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