I played a game in which the second move after the SIX was thrown could be done by any available piece ... not just the one which used SIX to move ... it adds more intelligence to the game. What do you think ?
Regards, krybulon.
hey there you guys. i read about the hall of fame and all but i was wondering that you guys are putting all the worst games in there ..i mean with the worst losses and all and greatest passes ...how about the best wins like a win in the least possible moves.... ive finished a game in 45 and 2 games in 46 but i bet that aint a record by a longshot.
Eriisa: I especially like it when I lose 200 points and drop from third on the Ludo list to 50+. Yeah, now I'm afraid to see where I am. I keep falling, and I can't get up!
Pedro Martínez: the link goes to your post, so i guess you are apointed the task to update the Hall of Fame (although Skittles can edit the post as well ;))
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