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Subjekt: Re:It's because of their liberal bent that many of them have little regard for the safety and status of Israel itself,
Změněno uživatelem Mort (25. srpna 2011, 13:10:08)
Iamon lyme: Is it so? Like with your analysis of socialism. So many types of socialism and you feel safe in such a broad statement?
So many outside Beck's fan club think he is a middle class red neck, or has found the pay (Murdoch says jump Beck says 'how high') better being one. And we are not just talking about ''liberals'' .. but seeing as views vary from country to country on what is a liberal and what is a conservative.. with the overuse (like the boy who cried wolf)... the word 'liberal' as you and the likes of Dan use seems pointless and too vague to have any meaning in the real world.
... I'd still like a definition of what is a conservative in America, as most involved in politics say it's a different kettle of fish to conservatism elsewhere in modern society......except maybe on the African continent.
Subjekt: Re:It's because of their liberal bent that many of them have little regard for the safety and status of Israel itself,
(V): And Jules, we're still waiting for your explanation as to why you posted a three year old video on the KKK. What was the purpose of that? Or were you just bored?
. that women who stay at home to raise their children are repressed by a male-dominated society, but that women who wear hijabs are expressing freedom of religion -
.If you're an "advocate" for the poor who uses "trailer trash" as an insult
•IQ tests should be used to stop the death penalty, but not to determine admission to AP classes.
•The Ten Commandments in schools will hurt the children, but “Heather Has Two Mommies” won’t.
•Spending 4 years - make that 5 years - repeating your professor’s liberal slogans is a solid education, but demanding that colleges present all view-points and actually teach the subject is “anti-intellectualism.”
•McCarthyism was wrong, but black-listing “right-wingers” from ever teaching in college is just plain old common sense. A right-winger is anyone who doesn’t toe the line on all issues.
•AIDS is caused by poverty. So is crime. And membership in the Republican party.
•Global Cooling for 10 years proves that there is global warming.
•You fly on private jets, but feel free to tell others to use only one square of toilet paper to save the environment.
•Career welfare recipients are fat because they can’t afford food.
•You preach to everyone that diversity is our greatest strength, but you paid half a million dollars more for a house in an all-white suburb than you could’ve for the same house in a black neighborhood.
•You see racist code-words in all media except in hip-hop singles such as “Kill The White People”.
•US wants to build a wall on the Mexican and not Canadian border because of racism, not because 20 million Mexicans and almost no Canadians cross into the U.S. illegally.
•There is no correlation between Islamic immigration to Europe and increased anti-Semitic attacks against European Jews.
•You bought your son a doll and your daughter a toy truck just to prove that gender is a social construct.
•You then gave your son a “time-out” for pretending that the doll is an enemy soldier. Such violence will not be accepted.
•When your 2-year-old daughter turned the truck into a “tea party” table, your immediate thought was, “I got to her too late and she was already brainwashed by society to think she’s a little woman”.
•There’s never a reason to hit a woman, unless she’s Ann Coulter or another conservative, in which case, she had it coming for having a mind of her own and disagreeing with you.
•When a Western woman travels to the Middle East, she should respect their traditions and cover up. When Moslems illegally infiltrate Europe, they have the right to expect the Westerners to adjust to them. If the Europeans don’t, Moslems have every right to riot.
•Christianity is a threat. Islam is a religion of peace.
•The Constitution allows desecration of the flag, but makes it strictly illegal to desecrate the Koran.
•You found where the right to an abortion is written in the Constitution, but cannot find where the Constitution provides for a right to bear arms.
•None of the Constitutional Rights you believe in are actually written in the U.S. Constitution.
•The First Amendment’s Freedom of Speech must take a back seat to sensitivity.
•America and Israel are the only problems in the Middle East.
•Four year old babies should be frisked at the airport because focusing on nervous young Arabs would be discriminatory.
•Hezbollah is a legitimate political party, but Republicans are just a bunch of racist haters who should never be exposed to kids or college students.
•It is wrong to kill terror leaders without a trial, but blowing up buses and airplanes is legitimate resistance.
•You aren’t unpatriotic, but you just can’t remember the last time you sided with the United States … on anything… against any country.
•Truth matters less than feelings.
•You tell anyone who’ll listen that our elections are fraudulent and then you fight tooth and nail to prevent states from requiring a photo ID to vote.
•You are more proud of Obama’s race than of John McCain’s refusal to leave his buddies behind in Vietnamese prison.
•Dan Quayle is the dumbest Vice-President ever because he believed a flash card that misspelled “potato,” but Obama is a genius despite the fact that he believes that we have more than 57 states.
•You laugh at Dan Quayle, but you still can’t figure out the difference between “your” and “you’re”.
•All recounts must continue until the Democrat takes the lead, and not a second longer.
•You announce that you will move to Canada every time a Republican wins an election.
•95% of blacks voting for a black guy is normal, but 55% of whites voting for the white candidate is a sign of how flawed our racist voting system is.
•You call yourself ‘progressive’ but oppose all progress because somebody might get fired and replaced by a cheap and more efficient computer program.
•Capitalism is the cause of poverty.
•People aren’t successful, they are privileged.
•People don’t earn. They deserve.
•The Christian Right shouldn’t impose their morality on you, but you want to impose big government on everyone else because otherwise they won’t do the right thing.
•You think that consenting adults can engage freely in every activity except capitalism.
•You think the case for global warming is proven without a shadow of a doubt, but that we need another century or two worth of evidence to figure out if capitalism and free markets work better than socialism.
•It’s obscene that oil companies are allowed to make 8.3 cents per gallon in profit with gas prices this high, but it’s ok for the government to make several times more than that in taxes.
•You are steeped in compassion, but never gave money to charity or donated blood.
•Fox News is biased, but Al Jazeerah isn’t. In fact, Fox News invented media bias.
•Rush Limbaugh and Michael Reagan are mean-spirited racists and promote hate crime, but Maxine Waters, John Conyers and Louis Farrakhan aren’t and don’t.
•Rush Limbaugh’s listeners are mindless “dittoheads,” but you have never doubted anything that you heard from Michael Moore.
•Freedom of speech means the right to scream when a conservative tries to speak in order to prevent anyone from hearing his views.
•Freedom of speech applies to terrorists, not conservative radio talk show hosts.
Změněno uživatelem Papa Zoom (26. srpna 2011, 04:30:25)
It should come as no surprise that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Republican. In that era, almost all black Americans were Republicans. Why? From its founding in 1854 as the anti-slavery party until today, the Republican Party has championed freedom and civil rights for blacks. And as one pundit so succinctly stated, the Democrat Party is as it always has been, the party of the four S's: slavery, secession, segregation and now socialism.
It was the Democrats who fought to keep blacks in slavery and passed the discriminatory Black Codes and Jim Crow laws. The Democrats started the Ku Klux Klan to lynch and terrorize blacks. The Democrats fought to prevent the passage of every civil rights law beginning with the civil rights laws of the 1860s, and continuing with the civil rights laws of the 1950s and 1960s.
....According to a August 1st 2011 poll, 11% of American voters identify themselves as "very conservative", 30% as "conservative", 36% as "moderate", 15% as "liberal", and 6% as "very liberal".[20] These percentages have been fairly constant since 1990.[21]
The meaning of "conservatism" in America has little in common with the way the word is used elsewhere. As Ribuffo (2011) notes, "what Americans now call conservatism much of the world calls liberalism or neoliberalism."[22] Since the 1950s conservatism in the United States has been chiefly associated with the Republican Party. However, during the era of segregation many Southern Democrats were conservatives, and they played a key role in the Conservative Coalition that controlled Congress from 1937 to 1963.....
In defining conservatism, Reagan said: "If you analyze it I believe the very heart and soul of conservatism is libertarianism. I think conservatism is really a misnomer just as liberalism is a misnomer for the liberals—if we were back in the days of the Revolution, so-called conservatives today would be the Liberals and the liberals would be the Tories. The basis of conservatism is a desire for less government interference or less centralized authority or more individual freedom and this is a pretty general description also of what libertarianism is."[136] Reagan's views on government were influenced by Thomas Jefferson, especially his hostility to strong central governments.[137] "We're still Jefferson's children," he declared in 1987. "Freedom is not created by Government, nor is it a gift from those in political power. It is, in fact, secured, more than anything else, by limitations placed on those in Government".[138][139] Likewise he greatly admired and often quoted Abraham Lincoln[140]
"The Republican Party of Angry White Millionaires will Rule America After the November elections along with their Nazi/Tea Party Storm Troopers. The Republicans will Repeal Healthcare Reform. The Republicans will allow Insurance Companies to Decide who Lives and who Dies. The Insurance Companies will decide how much increase Premiums and Profits Every Year. The Republican have a Healthcare Plan for All Americans who are not Rich.The Republican Plan is: Do Not Get Sick. If you get Sick Die Fast or the Health Insurance Companies will Bankrupt you Hard Working Americans and then will let you Die."
Subjekt: Re: "The Republican Party of Angry White Millionaires will Rule America After....blah blah blah blah blah
(V): ""The Republican Party of Angry White Millionaires will Rule America After the November elections along with their Nazi/Tea Party Storm Troopers. The Republicans will Repeal Healthcare Reform. The Republicans will allow Insurance Companies to Decide who Lives and who Dies. The Insurance Companies will decide how much increase Premiums and Profits Every Year. The Republican have a Healthcare Plan for All Americans who are not Rich.The Republican Plan is: Do Not Get Sick. If you get Sick Die Fast or the Health Insurance Companies will Bankrupt you Hard Working Americans and then will let you Die.""
That guy is a moron and he was voted out of office. He's a pathetic intellectual midget. Interesting that you think him worthy of a quote.
........not to mention the modern day African Christians that were converted by Evangelicals... So many innocents being killed, abused and tortured in the name of God.
"....But many suspect that it was outsiders who inspired this bill in the first place. In March, Bahati met several prominent anti-gay US Christian activists who attended a conference in Uganda where they pledged to "wipe out" homosexuality. The conference featured Scott Lively, president of California's anti-gay Abiding Truth Ministries and co-author of The Pink Swastika, a book claiming that leading Nazis were gay. Also there was Don Schmierer, on the board of Exodus International, which promotes the "ex-gay" movement, believing people can change their sexuality and be redeemed. The third extremist evangelical to attend was Caleb Lee Brundidge, who is linked to Richard Cohen who believes that psychotherapy can "cure" homosexuality....."
1. Cows 2. The Constitution 3. The Ten Commandments
Is it just me, or does anyone else find it amazing that during the mad cow epidemic our government could track a single cow, born in Canada almost three years ago, right to the stall where she slept in the state of Washington? And, they tracked her calves to their stalls. But they are unable to locate 11 million illegal aliens wandering around our country. Maybe we should give each of them a cow.
They keep talking about drafting a Constitution for Iraq Why don’t we just give them ours? It was written by a lot of really smart guys, it has worked for over 200 years, and we’re not using it anymore.
The real reason that we can’t have the Ten Commandments posted in a courthouse is this: You cannot post “Thou Shalt Not Steal,” “Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery,” and “Thou Shall Not Lie” in a building full of lawyers, judges and politicians. It creates a hostile work environment.
Subjekt: Re:It's because of their liberal bent that many of them have little regard for the safety and status of Israel itself,
(V): "So many types of socialism and you feel safe in such a broad statement?"
They were questions, so should I assume you are making a broad statement when you ask your question to answer mine? Okay, if there are many types of socialism, then what do they have in common that they can all be called socialism? What broad statement do you offer to answer this?
Report: Marines Banned from Farting in Afghanistan
Marines in Afghanistan have reportedly been told not to pass gas around Afghans to avoid offending the indigenous population.
That’s right, now any leatherneck who lets one rip on patrol with Afghans nearby could receive a a talk from his superior officer.
The new flatulence restriction was first picked up by the Military Times, and has since become fodder for online discussion ranging from the curious to the ridiculous.
A few military bloggers have taken it seriously and found the ban to be indicative of a trend among military brass of bending over backwards to avoid offending the locals.
Others have pointed out that a culture that has allowed stoning, various forms of execution, and amputations as penalties for criminal offenses should be able to withstand a little passed gas.
The new regulation is not covered in the Uniform Code of Military Justice, and the military has not even confirmed it exists.
For now, the “fart ban” appears to be simply a guideline for good manners while Marines are out on patrol.
We’ll let you know if the Blaze catches wind of any developments
Subjekt: Re:It's because of their liberal bent that many of them have little regard for the safety and status of Israel itself,
(V): ??? you want me to use google to answer a question you presumably know the answer to? In a "perfect" world no one would need to work to get what he needs or wants, he would only need to reach out and take it.. and I'll bet there would be people too lazy to do even that. Like you not even bothering to google it and find out for yourself. lol
Artful Dodger: Mine, and everyone elses apparently.Can you name a successful right wing comic? and if you mention Dennis Miller, his career has tanked in the stand up forum
Subjekt: Re:It's because of their liberal bent that many of them have little regard for the safety and status of Israel itself,
Artful Dodger: Don't they have activists in Afghanistan to stand up for the god given right to fart? The camels would surely protest.. how could they stop them? Oh, right.. corks!
The Col: define success. There are plenty of right-wing comics making a living with comedy. But who cares? There are so many possible factors (like the fact that the John Stewart show has a policy against scheduling conservatives-with only some exceptions to that). Didn't you read that memo from the shows exec? Guess not.
But again, who cares? In the big picture, it's a meaningless thing (except to perhaps say that those in power and control prefer liberal jokesters because they themselves are libs.)
Pretty much like college campuses. Lots of liberal profs, few conservatives. Why? Colleges love diversity of opinion.
Subjekt: Poll Shows Tea Partiers Favor Perry to Bachmann by More Than Double
While Michele Bachmann founded the Tea Party Caucus in the House of Representatives before she even decided to run for president, Texas Governor Rick Perry, her 2012 rival, is reportedly more popular among Tea Partiers, garnering double the support in a recent Gallup poll.
The poll, released Friday, shows Perry with 35 percent of Tea Party supporters while Bachmann trails considerably at 14 percent.
According to Gallup, 38 percent of Republicans most concerned with social issues favor Perry, despite Bachmann’s long track record of social conservatism. Perry also curried favor among voters who think government spending and power is the most important issue facing the country.
Změněno uživatelem The Col (27. srpna 2011, 21:52:54)
Artful Dodger: "There are plenty of right-wing comics making a living with comedy"
name one
The common reason stated, is that conservatives tend to have issue laughing at themselves, liberals don't have the same issues with self depricating humor