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Není vám dovoleno psát zprávy do tohoto klubu. Minimální úroveň členství vyžadovaná pro psaní v tomto klubu je Brain pěšec.
blow a 1.5 breathalyzer...mandatory prison time... no lap dancing.... no alcohol in sex oriented businesses... abortion now legal if mothers life is at risk pregnant moms can now use deadly force if baby's at risk of harm..
nothing to help jobs...economy or the environment....but now a pregnant woman can kill someone to protect her child, but cant do a lap dance to feed it!! lol
Bwild: ?? It's been illegal for a woman to protect herself and the life of her baby in extreme conditions!!
As for helping the economy.. I'm sure those extra souls going into prison will put to work to make goods cheaply.. eg US military gear for GI protection.
Subjekt: Re: I googled for a better way of saying it.
Změněno uživatelem Übergeek 바둑이 (18. srpna 2010, 17:21:08)
There are many things about the Interpretations of the Bible that really bother me. If God created EVERYTHING, did he create Adolf Hitler too, and Osam Bin Laden and Ted Bundy, etc. Then people quote the Devil. Lucifer strayed and became the root of all Evil, but then, who created Lucifer?
Of all things that people interpret from the Bible these are what bothers me the most:
> The Bible tells us that God's ultimate purpose for the universe is to reveal His glory.
God's glory is revealed in nuclear bombs, and gas chambers, and the terrible things that human beings do? After all, if God made people in his own image and we are a reflection of His own glory. I think we are arrogant to think God made us in His image and that His glory is expressed through mankind.
> The Bible tells us that God's ultimate purpose for mankind is to reveal His love.
Every day there are floods, earthquakes, wars, etc. Is that God's love? Then we come to the old "He will reveal His glory and his love on the Day of Judgement". It sounds to me like an excuse. If God loves all of humanity, then why give a child cancer, or let a child be raped in a war? If God loves us, he is sure taking His time showing it.
> In a nutshell, God created mankind for His pleasure. He didn't need to create us, but > He chose to create us for His own pure enjoyment. God is a loving Father and we > were created to be His children.
I doubt that God enjoys war and suffering. So we tell ourselves that God aches for us, that he suffers as much as we do when he sees how bad we are. so we keep making excuses for God neglecting us and we keep telling ourselves that some day, somewhere, somehow, God will come and set things straight.
A long time ago I was a child and I understood as a child, and when I became a man I put away childish things, then I understood that God stopped caring about humanity a long time ago, because we have done nothing but disappoint him all along. He sent us prophets, wise men and even His own Son, and we still turned our backs on God. So God stopped loving humanity. Now we make excuses for ourselves and for why God never shows Himself to us.
Thus I developed a simple theory. God created life, and with life He created evolution so that some day an intelligent being would arise. That was Homo sapiens sapiens, the creature that was supposed to be the pinnacle of evolution on this planet and the true expression of God's creative power. But then something went wrong. Homo sapiens sapiens was defective. It started preying on everything, even itself. It destroyed everything it touched. It polluted every river and every lake. It slowly took over and destroyed every corner of the planet. Homo sapiens sapiens was God's evolutionary mistake. God wanted to erase that mistake, but he did not have the heart to destroy intelligent beings, so he left Homo sapiens sapiens to itself, so that it would slowly destroy itself in its own cruelty and arrogance. And so we are slowly killing ourselves. We try our best to get better, to be better, but our basic design flaw rears its ugly head. We keep preying on each other, exploiting each other, using each other for our own pursuit of wealth and power. Now we have the tools to destroy every living being on this planet, and it is only a matter of time before we do. Our own nuclear bombs will soon enough erase God's mistake. Then God can be perfect again, without that mistake hanging over Him. I think the reason why we never found intelligent life in the universe other than our own is because God did not wat to make the same mistake twice, so he never created another Homo sapiens sapiens. Making that mistake once was enough.
Subjekt: Re: I googled for a better way of saying it.
Übergeek 바둑이: The devil is just a word describing our animal side out of control. As for natural disasters.. we live on a living planet. Yes thousands even millions might get killed in such an event but that is just life. Neither good or evil.. just life.
In a universe filled with billions of galaxies containing billions of stars... in the end.. If the Earth got hit and all life exterminated.... the universe wouldn't even blink. Yet at the same time Jupiter has by it's influence given us time to evolve rather than get hit by asteroids every few thousand years.. that again is life.
Maybe we should adopt the Origen way of thinking that God is an energy. not some bad tempered deity, an energy that is everywhere and in everything.
Subjekt: Re: I googled for a better way of saying it.
Změněno uživatelem Übergeek 바둑이 (18. srpna 2010, 18:10:17)
> Name one problem in the word that wasn't man made.
That's exactly my point. A perfect God makes NO mistakes. If God had made even the slightest mistake, then he would not be perfect. Humanity is imperfect. The only way God can be perfect again is to erase his mistakes, but He is a creator and not a destroyer, so He left us to erase our own mistakes. I might be able to become a better person as an individual, but humanity is iincapable of becoming better as a whole. Eventually, our mistake will be fatal and we will completely destroy ourselves and everything in this planet. Then God's mistake will be erased and God will be perfect again. The only way we could save ourselves would be to get rid of every weapon, stop every war, stop every bit of environmental destruction, stop releasing cancer-causing chemicals, stop being greedy, stop being selfish, eliminate all poverty, etc. etc. But we are unable to, and given our history for the last 10,000 years, we never will. Thus it is a matter of time before some insane moron triggers Armageddon. All it takes is a nuclear bomb and the push of a button. That is the ultimate price of free will. It is in free will that God made his mistake. But we are arrogant, and want to see ourselves as more than we are. We want to be God's preferred children, rather than a mere evolutionary mistake.
Subjekt: Pelosi the moron. Did she miss the part where even Democrats are opposed to the Mosque???
Nancy Pelosi calls for investigation into opponents of Ground Zero Mosque Thomas Lifson The most powerful woman in government "join[s] those who have called for looking into how is this opposition to the mosque being funded." KCBS radio in San Francisco interviewed the Speaker. Listen here.
Pelosi made a fool of herself calling the tea parties "Astroturf," and this remark is, if anything, even stupider. On Planet Pelosi, the only way a political movement happens is with funding and direction from above -- as in the case of the vast network of Soros-funded organizations, and the Axelrod-sponsored Astroturf groups. The concept that ordinary people stand up and protest because of their convictions is alien to her.
So much for her respect for the will of the people. They are but sheep on Planet Peloisi, objects to be manipulated.
What Would a Jihadist Do? Eileen F. Toplansky Would a jihadist: Cosponsor a United Nations resolution in 2009 imposing "shariah blasphemy" laws that utterly conflict with the American First Amendment's protection of free speech After all, free speech is prohibited within the Muslim-controlled world. Appoint a sharia finance specialist to the White House to influence American banking transactions to comply with sharia law. Increase America's debt to ensure that Americans will be interminably indebted to other countries and forced to do business with sharia-compliant banks, thus promoting the quiet takeover of the avowed enemy. Hinder economic movement in America by setting up roadblocks for small businesses, the lifeblood of American enterprise. Turn his back on believers in freedom and choice as they are inimical to jihadism. Hurt Americans ability to stay well. A weakened and distracted America will not worry too much about stealth jihadist movements. Permit sharia financing to infiltrate American banking by controlling those very banks. Associate with the Muslim Brotherhood because the Muslim Brotherhood's mission in America is "to destroy the Western civilization from within." In fact, the Muslim Brotherhood "seeks to establish an Islamic Caliphate spanning the entire Muslim world. It also aspires to make Islamic (Shari'a) law the sole basis of jurisprudence and governance...." Encapsulated in the Brotherhood's militant credo [is the following]
"God is our objective, the Koran is our Constitution, the Prophet is our leader, struggle is our way, and death for the sake of God is the highest of our aspirations"
Thus, "the Brotherhood since its founding has supported the use of armed struggle, or jihad. The Brotherhood supports the waging of jihad against non-Muslim "infidels," and has expressed support for terrorism against Israel, whose legitimacy the Brotherhood does not recognize, and against the West, particularly the United States."
Appoint someone who seeks to promote sharia law throughout America. Not object to the enforced segregation of Muslims and non-Muslims in the Islamic world since jihadists regard anyone not a Muslim as a second class citizen, at best. Maintain a double standard concerning freedom and civil rights when it applies to Jews because the Jews are infidels. Bow to the king of Saudi Arabia to show homage Show indifference to people seeking independence from a fanatical tyrant. Ignore the plight of gay people living under Islamic rule; after all sharia law mandates stoning of gays. Try to undermine a democratically held election in a foreign country as democratic choice runs counter to Islamic belief. Offend countries that have democratic beliefs. Disregard the destruction of Christian holy places by jihadists, since Christians are also the infidel. Lie about issues because taqiyya is an accepted method of jihadist policy in order to spread Muslim rule. Accept linguistic euphemisms to hide the true intent of jihadist action. Show disdain for American democratic values and commemorations of American bravery in the fight against totalitarianism, especially since Naziism shares many similarities to jihadist belief. Bully the only democracy in the midst of all those sharia-compliant countries in the Middle East in order to defeat this outpost of freedom. All of the above have been done by our 44th president.
Subjekt: Re: laws that utterly conflict with the American First Amendment's protection of free speech After all, free speech is prohibited within the Muslim-controlled world.
Artful Dodger: George Bush had those who were against him taken away into specially designated zones so their protest would not be seen on TV. His heavies tried to have those who protested imprisoned.
I think that is wishful thinking. I doubt that he would just step away from the presidency. I think the real challenge is on the other side. The Republicans have to mount an aggressive campaign and chose their best possible candiadate. It will be interesting to see who their candidate is. I haven't read any opinion poll results showing who the favorite Republican candidate would be. I imagine that Sarah Palin, maybe even Mike Huckabee.
Something I did hear about is about Joe Biden leaving the vice-presidency. If that were the case maybe Hilary Clinton would become the vice-presidential candidate. An Obama-Clinton ticket would be very difficult to beat.
August 18, 2010 Some deluge Clarice Feldman Arizona's Espresso Pundit makes fun of the Arizona Republic's predictions about the political affect of the state's immigration law:
I especially enjoyed the commentary by Democrats who "worried" that SB 1070 was going to lead to the demise of the Republican Party. This "concern" was coupled with the "fact" that people were flocking to Democratic Party headquarters in order to register to vote. Here's agood example of the coverage.
I love the headline. "SB 1070 Backlash spurs Hispanics to Join Democrats."
Here's the lede.
In the seven weeks since Republican Gov. Jan Brewer signed Arizona's tough new immigration law, there has been a sharp increase in the number of Latinos registering to vote as Democrats, party officials say, jumping from about 100 a week before to 500 now.
Now that we've had some time to tabulate the numbers, how is that registration drive going? Here are the latest statistics.
The number of registered voters in Arizona has increased 1 percent over the last three months. Statewide figures showed Democratic registration decreased by 530 voters. Registration for Independents rose by more than 25,000 voters and increased by more than 10,000 voters for Republicans.
Wow, down 530. That's really embarrassing...and to think, the registration forms are written in Spanish and everything...
I don't know who should be more embarrassed, the Democratic Activists who thought their SB 1070 demagoguery would lead to increased voter participation...or the naive journalists who cheered them on.
The US is preparing to release a statement establishing details for direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians, the BBC has learned.
Both the US government and other international Quartet members have been working towards a formula to persuade both sides to begin negotiations, after several months of indirect talks.
US special envoy George Mitchell has tried to establish enough trust to begin direct talks - with the ultimate aim of two states existing side by side in peace.
If they do.. less power to the recruiters of terrorists.
There will have to be compromises and ground given by both sides if a new round of peace talks is to succeed where many previous attempts have failed.
Just as in Northern Ireland
N' on the news just now.. The last US combat troops are leaving Iraq two weeks earlier than Pres Obama aimed for.
Subjekt: Re: If they do.. less power to the recruiters of terrorists.
Jim Dandy: If they can sort out a peace deal in Northern Ireland with all the various sides involved in that mess then there is a chance. N' Hamas won't be in power forever.
Subjekt: Re: Hamas needs Israel as a recruitmenr tool, peace will make them melt away like the wicked witch of the west
Jim Dandy: They will find other ways to recruit. And peace will never be fully realized. History tells us that. Any peace reached will be short lived. That's because for some Arabs, the only tolerable Israel is when they are pushed into the sea.
Subjekt: Re: If they do.. less power to the recruiters of terrorists.
Jim Dandy: The terrorists full stop need Israel ... The IRA needed the Loyalists and the Loyalists needed the IRA. But in the end the people wanted peace, the cost of that war was just sickening the people.
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