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Although the tourney is not over yet, Pedro Martínez has already won it so he gets 50 Brains.
A message has already been sent to Fencer to credit you. Well done
As it says, I wan to get more of you interested in anti reversi so you all want to join Aragon and my ladder tournament too :o) pawns and knights be sure to have space to play.All known frequent last minute movers will be removed before tourny starts Have fun and enjoy :o) Steve
If anyone is interested, I just thought I would list a few notoriously SLOW players that are holding up a lot of people in some of my tournaments.
I will say though, I am not suggesting that they are breaking any rules, however, if people wish to finish their tournies in a timely and fun manner, do not allow these people to play.
Goonerg (Not too bad but slower than most)
PUPPETMASTER (8 moves in 40 days)
Eriisa (11 moves in 40 days)
Princess (4 moves in 40 days) mysticdragon (8 moves in 40 days)
Is it the ones which you offered a prize with the quote of: "would not start until XX people sign up", plus had it for 5 days per turn ----
And then when you switched it all around and made it a non-prize tournament, changed the description, changed the time to 30 days per move, and then started the tournament before many of the people who joined had a chance to see the new "rules" and have a chance to leave the tournament..... which now did not have a prize, had a very long time limit, and was nothing like what they signed up for?
or is it another of your tournaments you are talking about?
Subjekt: Re: Slow Players holding up My tournaments
well u r the 1 that changed the days. So maybe these players r upset over u changing things without tell any1 or letting them have a chance to remove themself from long playing tourneys. So like people tell me " just deal with it now ". Well back to my corner hehehe
Subjekt: Re: Slow Players holding up My tournaments
And that's why I forfeited my games in that tournament.
I would rather not have a time limit, but I've found that a good number of players need it to prod them into moving. When something comes up and you can't make it to the computer, I can understand. But some people have the "wait until the last minute every move" strategy and it's very annoying to play this type of player. It might be within the rules of play, but it's certainly not in the spirit of the game.
Instead of a fixed time limit for each move, I'd like an average time limit per move. That way I could play a lot one day, and then skip a few days and not worry about it. The average could be figured by the time after my opponent enters his move until I enter mine. That'd be my average. His would be based on the time after I enter my move until he moves. Seems like it'd work. A 15 move per month game would be the same as a move per day. There could be a buffer time at the start of the game so a timeout wouldn't happen in the first couple of moves, and then it'd be enforced. It might take a wide spread of averages to get the feel of which times I'd like to play, but after awhile I'd know. Both systems could still be offered, and it might even be possible to combine them for a hybred of the two.
bad luck the saying goes made your bed...lie in it. (in regards to your tourneys)
But I must agree with you the waiting is a pesky thing :)
But may I enquire (without getting into a slanging match) why it has been that your holidays have extended from mid february up until (at the moment) June????
you did say it was because of the kid, but it is way past and nearly out of napkins hahahahaha...why do you have such long holidays LOL :) :) and out of the hell do you do that....have months of extended holidays hehehehe...please explain
Would you mind deleting your last post? I'll delete this one right afterwards. Or perhaps you can just leave the first two sentences with the reference to the bed and the peskiness in it and get rid of the rest? That'll be good for me and I'll delete this post. Why he takes his vacations is his business . It also shows that you're spending time scrutinizing his profile, account, and tournaments. You're not ever going to join one of his, are you? So why care what he does, or ask publicly? The tone of your query doesn't sound like simple curiosity to me and since he has enabled anyone to write to him (or atleast he took me off his enemy list, did he take you off?) you could just write him a personal message and get the facts without me and the rest of us having to watch it get going again.
FYI I do not mind the slowness of play in these tourneys at all. I simply made an observation and let the general public know for future reference. These games are not affecting me at all however I have seen others complaining about slow play lately so I thought I would just bring it to peoples attention.
Subjekt: I don't think it should be allowed to post the names of players with whom
you have a disagreement. Tournament directors set up the time limits. People have limited vacation days to use as they wish. It's none of our business to tell others how often they move.
If you want fast games, join BBW's tournaments. They start fast, the people move fast, and his tourneys attract like-minded people. Plus, BBW is always posting new tourneys. If you join a 30 day move limit tourney, you can't complain about how little people move. On with the games.
Instead of a fixed time limit for each move, I'd like an average time limit per move. That way I could play a lot one day, and then skip a few days and not worry about it. The average could be figured by the time after my opponent enters his move until I enter mine. That'd be my average. His would be based on the time after I enter my move until he moves. Seems like it'd work. A 15 move per month game would be the same as a move per day. There could be a buffer time at the start of the game so a timeout wouldn't happen in the first couple of moves, and then it'd be enforced. It might take a wide spread of averages to get the feel of which times I'd like to play, but after awhile I'd know. Both systems could still be offered, and it might even be possible to combine them for a hybred of the two.
There has been many different ideas of different time limits on games, and what I believe is one of the best is what uses.
Quick overview of how they work:
Each games has a grace period. (Example - 24 hours) So for each move, you have 24 hours before any things starts to happen with the timer.
Each game also has a Total Time (Example: 100 hours). After the grace is over, the total time starts to go down. Once the total time is at 0, you time out and lose.
Some games also have a +TOTAL time. (Example +2 hours). Any time you play your turn while still in the grace time, you get +2 hours added to total time.
There are some other minor details, but that is the basic of that sort of time limit.
In tournament play (chess) we did have a time limit to complete so many moves in so much time. That way, you could spend more time on more difficult positions, less on the easier ones. Either way, the BBW suggestion or Walter's, it does seem to encourage more rapid play. For me, I don't join many tourneys that are over 5 days per move. I like the fast ones. I'd join more if the time setup was like one of these suggestions below. I've no opinion on which is better tho. Have to think on it.
just cause some people don't feel like living on their puter. And taking their turnes as they please some of you want to change the rules. And to go back they may not be taking their time of the tourney would not have been changed right before it was closed. So everyone hang in there cause life is way to short to cry over spilled milk or long playing games. TYVM for ur time. Back to my corner I go.
Subjekt: Big Bad Wolf's DailyGammon time system. mrloupcity's sadness
That's sounds like a good one. Easy to understand and work with too. My average idea would take awhile to get the feel for. The grace period and the total time are easy to adjust and see. I suppose in a side game the players could agree to put more time on the clock, or take it off too. I hadn't given it much thought since the timing system here is like the one IYT uses. I imagine there's probably lots of ways that have been tried or thought up. I'm all for giving the players in side games, or the tournament director in tournaments more options.
As for your sadness mrloupcity, I think it comes from misinterpretted intentions. Some people see the time limits as a restriction and others see them as an opportunity. Other time limit systems can change the balance and make for more or less problems depending on the individuals involved. It'd be nice if there was a speed rating or moves per day average for each player. Then a player or tournament director could also set a range if they desired, simular to the rating range to allow a particular speed of player enter a tournament. Instead of just fast tournaments, one could also set up a slower paced one too.
I disagree. True, the object of a game is to win, but the reason to play a game is to have fun. Games have two main parts. The rules that they're played by and the conditions under which they are played. How the moves or plays in a game are made fall under the first part. When they are made falls under both. The time to make a move falls under the latter in most cases. Talking about changing the time to make a move in no way changes the game you're playing, it just changes the playing conditions. In light of this, I don't see what punches to roll with, nor do I see what rules it is that anybody here has said that they are changing. We were talking about different timing systems and limits, not changing game rules. Obviously making radical changes in the time of a game would make the game play so different that would almost seem like another game. Compare Chess on this site to 5 Minute Chess.
he must like winding people up .
things like that shouldnt be allowed to happen , the creator should have these options removed (a ban on creating tournaments)
mrloupcity - I'm not sure if you took looking at other idea for the clock as being unhappy with the current rules and wanting to change everything, but I believe it is always good to look at new and better things. (If no one ever did this - there would be 1 game site with nothing new - boring!)
Speaking for Princess (who you had in bold type) I happen to know she has her priorities and moves her games in order of IMPORTANCE to her. This is her choice and within the rules. BTW people are lined up to play her so your "warning" is not likely to have any effect.
(skrýt) Nechcete-li, aby ostatní uživatelé věděli, co právě děláte, můžete zapnout maskovací mód v Nastavení (jen pro platící členy). (pauloaguia) (zobrazit všechny tipy)