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grenv before you write good grief again I think you should take some time to think, I think there is a way to cheat in Battleboats, I never tried it beause I do not play that way but if you look into a persons games that they have finished you could see the place all their ships were at...... And if they used that thing with their ships are in their places already to start the game they could be in the same places in your game with that person, once the game starts going you would be able to see and know where their ships are........... If this does work the only thing to do is put your ships into place by your self every time you start any battleboats game.
Its not cheating to look at public archived games but if you look at their past games so you can win yours its just not right for that person to loose...... I just wanted to get it out so every one would see that they might not want to reuse patterns
I understood. Don't reuse patterns. I still don't think it's cheating to look at an opponents past games and see if they are using a pattern. Come ot think of it this might be the best opportunity to use skill in the game :) Just throwing that out to see if there are any bites.
I remember getting pounded by a player way back in Brain King 1 and the only way that person could have known where my ships were is by looking at my last reused patterns, I call that cheating.......So I will never reuse a pattern unless there is some way I could stop people from looking at my Battleboat games.
I still don't see that it's cheating to know what patterns a player has used before. In order to win this game, I checked many (all?) of the past games of my opponent. If this makes me a cheater, someone ban me from this site.
Sunfire definitely has a point, with his advice to not often re-use battleboats set ups.. It's a good tip for someone who may not have thought about it.
I do NOT however think it is "cheating".... I think many people learn good tactics in games by looking over completed games of top players in that particular game type..
I know that I have seen hackers who could go into pretty secure (more security conscience than brainking, I think) poker game sites, and be able to see the cards of the other players.... I would bet that kind of cheating is possible in brainking battleboats as well.
I have seen, on secure sites (more security conscience than Brainking, I think) like a poker room, where hackers can see the cards of their opponents.... I would bet that type of cheating is possible in brainking battleboats as well...
As far as looking at past games is concerned... one can "set up" someone they suspect of using their past history to help them win games. You can make it look like an old predictable game, but drive them crazy tring to figure out whats wrong, and by the time they do, you have beaten them :)
But by playing predictably unpredictable, no one will know for sure what you are up to in a particular game until it is too late.
I'm a new member at this site and I still haven't figured out how to play a game here. Can someone please tell me how to start a tournament game or better yet how does it work? Thanks!
1) Visit the Waiting Games area and pick out some games.
2) Go to New Game to put your own game in the waiting room for someone else to pick up.
3) Go to the Tournaments Area - Find a tournament which looks interesting. Inside there, it will list all the game types. (If just one type, it will just list the one game.) You will have to click on THAT game name to open up where you actually "sign up" for a tournament.
Plus other ways to get games is to invite players from their profile, or accept game invites from other players.
Quick question about that tourney listed there Universal. You folks are giving a 6 month prize to EVERY SINGLE winner of every game u have listed? You have 51 game types listed. so you are giving 51, 6 month Knight memberships away? That is $809 Canadian dollars. Did you mean to include every single game in that tourney u have listed?
Změněno uživatelem (31. srpna 2004, 00:19:03)
I'm sure it was a mistake - since by default when you create a new tournament, "All Games" is the choice. (I can't tell you how many of my "Fast Start" tournament I had first made as "all games" by accident)
BUT NOW (As of BK2.0) when you create a new tournament, it does not take you back to what you just created - but takes you back to the main tournament page, so it is easy to not see the mistake until it is too late and people have started to sign up.
And the only way to fix the mistake is to remove the whole tournament, and create a new tournament.
because it was the "last day to sign up" - it is now started.
*shameless plug*
But if anyone else is looking for a prize tournament, check out This BattleBoat Plus Prize tournament - already almost 50 players signed up! It will be good. (And if you don't need a prize, sign up anyway to have more players in the tournament and then give the prize away if you win!) :-)
BBW answered you well, as usual, but it looks to me like you wanted to know how to start a tournament.....
You have to upgrade your membership to do that, as pawns cannot create their own tournaments. Also, you can only play in one tournament of any game type at one time as a pawn too.
In a tournament, we have a maximum number of players per group, say MAXP. We also have a number of games to be played between any two players in the group, say NUMG. Each player in the group will play all the others - the number of opponents is therefore (MAXP - 1). Multiplying this number by NUMG, we get the total number of slots needed at the most for a tournament. Of course, if a group's number of player is less than MAXP, then they will actually need less.
If anyone offers a satisfactory explanation WHY in a 5-per-group 2-game tournament one needs 10 and not 8 slots as proved above, I will have to tear up my mathematics degree, as such explanation is bound to have any number of fatal flaws...
I have a mathematics degree as well :-)
The answer is simple - since some players can be removed from a tournament during creating the sections, it is not possible to determine how many slots you will really need BEFORE the sections are generated. That's why there is the 5/10 slots rule. The second reason is to give pawns another reason why to upgrade to a higher level where this limit is no more applied.
Shortly - you are playing here for free, so you must accept all pros and cons. I see no reason why I should add more advantages to non-paying members.
It can actually work in your favor also. Since it is hard coded to only look for 5 free game slots (10 free game slots for 2-game tournaments), you could end up with as many as 7 games (or 14 games) started and will let you play over your 20 game limit!
<What I cannot understand is WHY restrict to 5/10 when NO MORE THAN 4/8 are needed in a 5-max-per-section tourney! Even if players are removed, surely NO section will exceed 5 players, right? If you tell me that there CAN be sections with >5 players in a 5-max-per-section, then we have a problem understanding what MAXIMUM means :)
.... because it is easier to tell the computer to "Check for 5 free game slots" then to say:
Figure out sections, then see how many games will be created, then check to see if free spaces is availabel, then once players are kicked out figure out new section, then see how many games will be created, then start tournament.
(skrýt) Hrajte hru v reálném čase! Při odesílání tahu si společně se soupeřem nastavte možnost "Táhnout a zůstat zde" a průběžně obnovujte stránku klávesou F5! (TeamBundy) (zobrazit všechny tipy)