Please use this board to discuss Tournaments and Team Tournaments, ask questions and hopefully find the answers you are looking for. Personal attacks, arguing or baiting will not be tolerated on this board. If you have, or see a problem or something you are not happy about or think is wrong, please contact one of the above Moderators OR contact a Global Moderator HERE
ClayNashvilleTn: For team tournaments - POINTS is what decides who wins.
If 2 (or more) teams have the same amount of points, then it looks at the score (which is wins & loses) - and the team with the most wins is then the winner.
So there has been in the past a team which had the highest amount of wins & score, but was just short in points - so lost.
Translated: If ***Bry's Backgammon Fellowship*** doesn't lose in 2 matches - doesn't seem very likely now, then BrainKingSupporters have no chance to advance in this team tournament.
Mobius: Next rounds will always start for a pawn - even if it takes them OVER their limit. (They just will not be able to start any new games until they get back under their limit.)
BIG BAD WOLF: Thanks BBW, that seems to be the only answer that makes sense. Just wanted to be sure before I invite them to a tournament with more than one section.
Only about 10 days to sign up for BrainKing's 3rd Birthday Tournaments - How cool would it be if we can get at least 4 players in every game! (Which a game needs at least 4 players to start.)
Also to start a few days after that, is the next "dummies" tournament for players with ratings of 1500 or less. (Everyone higher will be thrown out before it starts)
= = = = = = = = = = = = =
►►►►► Happy 3rd Birthday BrainKing ◄◄◄◄◄ - This is set to start on September 26 - which just happens to be pretty close to BrainKing's 3rd Birthday. All Games. Would be cool if we could get enough players to play in each game type! (That would be at least 4 for each game type)
This tournament is for players rated BELOW 1500, or unrated - so it give a good chance for players to try new games.... without being "killed" by expert players.
I am in a tournament where there is two groups the winner in both has been settled, i take it that they cant play each other untill all the games are completed by the rest of the group, even though no one can catch the leaders up! seems a little unfair to have to wait for meaningless matches
eagle eye / Gemini J: Correct. The next round will not start until all games have been completed, even if both sections have outright winners already. That's the way it has always been.
If you are in the tournament and will not win it, and therefore will not progress to the next round, if you ask Fencer nicely - and copy the link to the tournament, he will sometimes be able to "release" you from it so you can enter another tournament.
The other alternative, is to purchase a "Rook" membership, where everything is unlimited. You will not be disappointed with the facilities a "Rook" membership has to offer - and no more "waiting" for tournaments to finish.... ;)
THE HIT MAN: He just recently got a rating - and the tournament was setup to accept unrated players - he stayed unrated until his fourth game
... so he probable signed up while still unrated and sliped in that way. The only thing to do is have the tournament creator create a tournament that does not allow unrated to join, or have the tournament creator remove anyone over the limit before the tournament starts. But once it starts... it's too late.
BIG BAD WOLF: sorry WOLF he sighed in long before it started.He had that rating when he sighed in .Get off the crap.Whats this certain people can do what they want and others can't.
He got his 4th game complete on September 19th - that was less then 2 days ago. All it took was for him to sign up for the tournament BEFORE 2 days ago and it would allow him to do it.
BIG BAD WOLF: Yeah.. I have never understood why there would be an option to make a tournament where someone has to be over a certain bkr, yetr still allow unrated players in, especially as a default setup?
LOL it dosn"t matter to me.Ican beat most of the players here anyway.But its not fare for the ones with lower ratings.When it is stated at a certain Rating.Its pretty bad when you got to cheat to win a tournament
He didn't cheat. He was unrated right before getting that high rating. He most likely didn't even KNOW how high his rating would end up being when he got one. There is no cheating involved!
Is there any recourse for when one player in a tournament takes FOREVER to finish his/her games?
View my game with the "culprit" and you'll see how maddening it is to have to wait 3-4 days between moves.
John Baker
Nope- as long as they are moving within the time allowed in the tournament. Sometimes if you send a PM to the person asking them nicely to please move, they will do so.
Bry: i will still have to wait even if i did have membership surely!? guests can enter only one tournament at a time, i know that! if u read my orginal question the answer applies to all tournaments, so is not relevant to purchasing membership, which i am considering doing, as i have been very impressed with this site, and enjoy compettive games, which brings me to my next question, i was told by someone on a nother site that BK had the odd cash prize tournaments, i have seen no evidence of this, was someone pulling my leg?
GEMINI J: There has only been ONE cash prize offered up since the site began ( ppl donated 5 bucks to enter that tourney as well) there are however lots of tournies that give 6 month or year memberships.. check out the tourney section to see for your self! there is always one going on.
GEMINI J: Yes, you are correct, the next round will not start any quicker - whatever your membership. I was meaning you would be able to enter other tournaments whilst you wait.
THE HIT MAN: As I just replied to you in the private message you sent me, your current rating is 1635 - which is over the 1500 limit.
If you read the instructions of the tournament, I clearly state that I will remove people who are over the limit before the tournament starts - which is what I was doing.
THE HIT MAN:I will save you the trouble of removing me from others to.Your name suits you well.BUT my house is built of BRICK.And your wind will no longer be bothering me .
Změněno uživatelem (28. září 2005, 20:29:23)
THE HIT MAN: This is what is in the tournament description:
"►► Since it is possible for someones rating to raise about 1500 after signing up, if the rating is WAY over 1500 I may remove that person from the tournament - to keep it fair for everyone. (PLEASE NOTE - I will go through and remove these players about a day or so before the tournament starts... so if you see someone way over 1500, they will be removed before the tournament starts.) "
The tournament is set to start soon, so I went through and made my first cleaning. My normal "rule of thumb" is to remove anyone more then 100 over the limit - so if someone did raise their rating to 1534, they will still be able to play. Anyone over the 1600, well I remove them as per the rules of the tournament.
This is nothing against you - I do this for everyone. Heck, I also removed my sister from the Hasami Shogi tournament since her rating was now over the 1600 point, so I don't know how you can think I'm being mean. I can understand if I did not mention that this would be done ahead of time, but I did - Go read the tournament description - it is all there! It is about a day before it starts, and like the description says - I'm going through and removing the higher rated players. I'm sorry if you can not read this or did not understand this, but I'm not sure how I could make it any more clear.
= = =
The point of the "dummies" tournament is for players with low ratings, or unrated to be able to play either a new game, or a game which they may not be too good at without having "experts" with high ratings ready to kill them in 3 moves. You, and anyone are welcome to play in any game where your rating is under 1500. But if it goes to high before the tournament starts, to be fair to everyone - I will have to remove them. (Again, as writen in the tournament description.)
BIG BAD WOLF: Yes WOLF,But if it states 1500,wouldn,t you agree it should be that.To keep it a fact that when you state 1500 or what ever BKR it is.This would eleminate alot of problems that go on.
THE HIT MAN: As I write in the tournament description, if a rating changes to be WAY over 1500 (which I normally make the cut off mark at 1600), I remove them. Since ratings do go up and down, and normally my tournaments sign up time stay open for about a month - a lot can change.
And if someone is a little over 1500 when it comes time to start, I will normally let them stay. But when it goes way over I will remove them.
I'm sorry that I do not write the fact that "way over" to me equals 1600 and over, but that is the same rule of thumb that I have used on all 11 of my "for dummies" tournaments.
BIG BAD WOLF: I think you handle your Dummy tournaments just fine and what you tell THE HIT MAN is about the same way of thinking I'd have if I set one up like this. You are just being fair with joineys. Trying to make it fair game to everyone involved.
As a trying for accuracy human, i believe that you should state: " if a rating changes to be over 1600 then.....". Way over is undefined......
But as long as the treatement is the same for all participants then i don't see any problem.......
Vikings: It would avoid a lot of unnecessary bickering if everybody over 1500 at the start of a 1500 and under tournament was automatically deleted.
This is a bit like police speeding fines. Do they book you for going 101 in a 100KPH area. Not usually. 102? 103? (In NZ it is almost a well known fact that you can go 110 and not get booked, but if they radar you at 111, then they throw the book at you.)
So if the removals must be done by human intervention, then accept 1599, reject 1602 would be a perfectly acceptable thing to do. You need to have a breakoff point. Hey, what about 1605, 1609, 1612? May as well make it an open tournament if the rules are so flexible!
No, what is hard is when only 4 players are signed up and one of them are in lets say the 1700's.
So on one hand you want to remove the now really high rated person, but on the other hand - if you do, that tournament will not start. Now that is a hard choice.
= = = = =
Luckly I have not encountered a situation where someone is at 1599, and another is a little higher. - so have not had to worry about that. (But if I did, and plenty of other people were in the tournament under the limit - I would probable remove both.) Again, 1600 is the number around where I conser to be "way" over 1500 - so I do have some flexability either way. But again luckly I have not had to worry about a situation like that yet.
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