Please use this board to discuss Tournaments and Team Tournaments, ask questions and hopefully find the answers you are looking for. Personal attacks, arguing or baiting will not be tolerated on this board. If you have, or see a problem or something you are not happy about or think is wrong, please contact one of the above Moderators OR contact a Global Moderator HERE
The annual Mind Sports Olympiad is being hosted in London, United Kingdom from August 21-31, 2009. Many events that are played on are being played there, including several World Championships. Some of the games played (which are also played here):
Lines of Action Chess Go Backgammon Poker Chinese Chess Draughts
Its a virtually unique tournament and a great experience. The standard of play and variety of games on offer are usually at very high standard. It would be great if at least some BK-ers could make it to London for this event.
good luck to the qualified players of second part of first round of the mega tourney :
QUALIFIED:W0NDER KITTY(wr)-KRECIK(t+/wr)-FIFINA(t+)-NAGY PETER(t+)-BOBO1511(t+)-SMILES4EVER( 2/1 2 win t+/1 loss for t)-NAUARS(t+)-ROBBIN(wr)-PUDIL(1 t+)-LISA A-SVENO-VORISEK(t+)-WASCHIK(t+)-MIA(1 win was t+)-DROMEDARY(t+)-IGUANAL-SL MARK(t+)-SERAVAJAN( 1 win was t+)-CODYPUP( 1 win was t+)-KOLJA( 2/1)-BLACKVIPER55(2/1 2 win t+)-COLONELCROCKETT(1 win was t+)-JAPAJKA(1 win was t+)-CHESSIK-HARRY(t+)-DIOGENYSOS(1 win was t+)-BLACK ANGEL(1 wr)-URYS(2/1 1 win was t+/1 loss for t)-GORDON SHUMWAY(2/1 1 win was t+)-AMTLATHAM-BARTNES( 2-0 also 1 draw)-WOTHAN(t+)
Pedro Martínez: LOL blame Fencer than he must be sending me the same win's :)) if he is the lucky ones will be the Winner's they will get 2 or 3 wins on there tournament wins for one game HEY:))
Whoever is moderating this group, can you please do something about Gerry's multiple pointless postings. More serious material is just getting blown off the list by this waffle. It looks by its being generated by a scripted bot anyway.
Změněno uživatelem Snoopy (1. srpna 2009, 17:02:35)
"GERRY": well if you insist on posting what everyone in the tournament already knows and those not in the tournaments coudnt really care less
why not group the posts into one message its very annoying to see 5 numbers on the tournament page then find they all yours it make life easier for everyone
If you click on "Gerry"'s links, you will see that they are not really all the same message. Each link goes to the specific game of the main tourney, and it lists the winner.
Others have posted congratulations to their tourneys, and it has always been allowed.
Yes, I suppose it would be nicer if they could all be grouped together into one post.
"Hide" does work though, if anyone does not want to read them.
Změněno uživatelem Snoopy (1. srpna 2009, 18:47:47)
rod03801: yes i know hide does work and i use it often but that dosnt stop the red numbers popping up beside the board so unless you click to read it you dont know if theres anything worth reading or not
rod03801: one of the expectations when 0ne posts here is to format them properly. When thats not done, people have a right to complain. Its reasonable to expect anyone posting here to follow some level of etiquette. Posting winners is fine. But all info should be included. The tourney name and link, the winners name, and then a congrats. Otherwise it looks like spam. Yes people have the right to post winners here. But if they dont (or wont) do it properly, they ought to be held accountable. Yes hide works. So does posting it right in the first place. ;)
Tuesday: some of the posts could have contained several tourney results instead of using single posts. Also, none contained the winners name which essentially makes the posts look like multiple posts of the same info.
I do agree that this board is the place to announce tourney winners. Personally I enjoy seeing who the winners are.
Změněno uživatelem Snoopy (2. srpna 2009, 07:08:04)
Artful Dodger: i agree if you want to post results here thats fine the problem i have is when you come to the board and see 5 red numbers and you click on it thinking someone has created a tournament or 2 and then find the same message for 5 posts it becomes a joke
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