Please use this board to discuss Tournaments and Team Tournaments, ask questions and hopefully find the answers you are looking for. Personal attacks, arguing or baiting will not be tolerated on this board. If you have, or see a problem or something you are not happy about or think is wrong, please contact one of the above Moderators OR contact a Global Moderator HERE
MM sorry to u and every1 on this site. Guess I'm wrong again but what else is knew. It had to do with a tournament so I thought this was the right board to put it on. And know it was not an attack on u. All I was tring to say was it is not a TRUE top 16 tourney. Doris and I have already talked and she thought I was mad at her about this, I told her no. And if I remember right told her sorry too. Now that the tourney has started it's over for me talking about it. TYVM all for letting me say my pease.
mrloupcity: I dont feel like repeating our PM discussion on a public board, so I suggest you...
1. cool down.
2. read tournament description. It says both
a) ratings are considered at the time of the beginning of the tournament
b) if you are invited and want to play, you have to sign immediately or your place is taken by a sub
3. check BKR history for Doris
4. reread your posts (both private and on this board)
5. stop attacking me and consider deleting your post
click on tournament on the left hand side and join which one you want....Be careful because you can only join one because you are a could become a member though and join others :)
Subjekt: Congratulations to the winners of these Tournaments ~
Nooks and Crannies Chale Checkers - Checkers : MyHiHopes
Nooks and Crannies Box of Delights - Loop Chess :
Red Squirrel Smashed Nuts - Five in Line : Dux
Red Squirrel Grouped Nuts - Five in Line: agentura office
eagle eye: The smallest section that will be created is 3. The biggest I think is 8.
So if the max per section is 5, and 15 sign up - 3 sections of 5 will be created. If 16 would sign up, then 4 sections of 4 players would be created.
You can kind-of figure out who will be in your section.
Highest rank player will be in section #1.
2nd highest rank: section #2
3rd highest rank: section #3
4th highest rank: section #3
5th highest rank: section #2
6th highest rank: section #1
7th highest rank: section #1
8th highest rank: section #2
.. and so on. (At least that is how I think it works!)
Is not a true top 16 race without #11 in it. So guess every1 have fun. Cause as Jelly has told me in PM that will not remove any1 signed up for it. But doris with a 1475 rating get to play. I know Jelly that u sent me an invite but it was way before tourney to start and y I did not join then cause wanted to make sure I was still in top 16 before it starts.
if Maximum number of players per section is 5 and total players signed is 15, how players get placed in the groups? Is there any rule?
Is there way to know who will be in your group?
SORRY - I messed up the last tournament, did not set the correct settings, so I had to remove that one and start up this new one. So if you are one of the few that signed up for the previous tournament, PLEASE go and sign up again. Sorry for the trouble.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Starting Feb 2nd (Groundhog Day!), is the popular "All games for dummies" tournament!
All games are here!
All games for players rated UNDER 1500
Unrated also can join (but don't join if you are an expert at the game)
GREAT way to learn a new game
GREAT way to play a game without being "killed" by high ranked experts
NOTE #1: Since ratings do change before the tournament starts, I will remove anyone who is way over the 1500 limit
NOTE #2: Pawns & Knights need 5 free game slots for each game
woo hoo....I haad heard that but couldnt find anything to absolutely confirm it hehehehe...Oh well it is like spitting into the wind you will eventually get your own back....thats 5 times one person has been booted isnt it? surely a site record LOLOL
if you stated at the time that you created the tourney that there was a limit of 2000 bkr then you have the right to remove any players over the limit .
Změněno uživatelem Bernice (31. prosince 2004, 02:02:09)
Im going to ask another question that will upset OldDear again but then who cares
If someone has surpassed the 2000max that I stipulate for a tourney may i remove that person or ask that they remove themselves. I know it isnt their fault that they have won the last 5 games they have played therefore greatly improving their score, but there was a reason for the 2000...can anyone advise me what would be the correct thing to do? I dont want to upset this person unduly :(
Woohooo!!! Thanks B. I made it in! I was too late earlier today! You are a doll for giving up your seat!
If I win how about you send me an Aussie T and I will send you a Canadian one!
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