It's back. Women and children are running in fear, men are are shaking in their boots. No one can stop it this time. Reborn from the depths of the earth it has once again risen to to take it's rightfull place. OK now that we have your attention are you ready for some football? Pigskin Palace is back up and running.American football and for our friends outside of the US whatever the game is called in your country. Armchair quaterbacks everywhere join us in the quest for the best football discussion on the net. Besides your just sitting there reading this so it's not like you dont have the time. Join now.
(skrýt) Pokud Vás zajímá průběh turnaje, který právě hrajete, můžete ho se svými spoluhráči komentovat přímo v "Diskusi" u tohoto turnaje. (HelenaTanein) (zobrazit všechny tipy)