i was thinking that casnt be true ....however i have had the same sort of problem for a few days and wonderd why , now i know ...i did an update lol ;))
Wow this really did start a string.
As for having to do an update, I have not done one for ages. Mine are all done.
(To do this I was forced to buy a real copy of Win XP Professional instead of the pirate version I had. Microsoft are getting sneaky)
Point is, even without doing an update that pesky Links things appears. It is almost enough to drive a person to Netscape LOL.
Just out of curiosity on that, does anyone have a preference of Netscape or IE or even Opera for that matter. I don't know about Netscape but Opera seems to display things very weird sometimes so I don't like that but I have no opinion on Netscape as I don't know enough abaout it to form an opinion.
I thought I would try Netscape seeing as Fencer uses it all the time and I just downloaded it and am using it right now but to be honest, it is loading pages way way slower than IE.
Maybe there is some settings I don't know about that someone can help me with? Or maybe I just have to use it for a while to build up the Cache?
the personal toolbar is dimensions better than the IE favourites.
on machines with little resources I'd recommend switching off
sidebar (which is actually a little website/ticker) and avoiding
the usage of too many tabs - cached pages are quick anyway.
the personal toolbar is dimensions better than the IE favourites.
on machines with little resources I'd recommend switching off
sidebar (which is actually a little website/ticker) and avoiding
the usage of too many tabs - cached pages are quick anyway.
I already like it way better, thanks for your tips.
Also nice of you to reinforce your last statement !! ;)
It is seriously already proving to be heaps faster
... and here is how to do it in the registry - but AGAIN, use these instructions at your own risk - you shouldn't mess with the registry unless you feel you know what you are doing:
Start a registry editor (e.g., regedit.exe).
Navigate to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar registry subkey.
Double-click the LinksFolderName value.
Clear the value data, then click OK.
Start IE and delete the Links folder from the Favorites menu.
people can get into your computer. I have Norton's Firewall and it catches it everytime. I think I may have to reformat. I can't figure out the directions on how to get rid of it. I've checked with Nortons and reformatting will probably be easier. :)
Please do not try to clean your disk with DELTREE as suggested ! This article should be read just for information. I do not want you to lose some data + time ;-)
Anyone, any ideas how to fix the below fault without re-installing Windows etc...
I have serched for TAPI32.DLL on google & found a few things on it, just need to fix it.
Win 98 Second Edition Liquid.
It seems to happen mainly if i lose my connection and try to connect right back, i get that message nearly all the time & Explorer shuts down.
Saying that it did not happen once yesterday :o)
I often run Windows Update, but i will look to see if there is a new service pack out.
Thanks :o)
Mangue, I had a read if that site, very interesting :o)
I tried to follow the instructions on clearing the hidden files, and it kept telling me "too many parameters(/Y)" Any ideas?
If you are not sharing your computer with other person, I would not care about those files.
The DELTREE is quite dangerous actually. It is really important not to make a mistake. If you DELTREE X:\, you can say bye bye to your datas !
Did you try to type the location in Internet Explorer, like
c:\Documents and Settings\yourself\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5, in the address bar?
I would not too much worry about microsuck.com article. If you use InternetExplorer and Windoze, you should just be aware that you are vulnerable. Do not worry ! Your boss doesn't know about those files and won't be able to detect you are playing on brainking.com during work LOL
LOL that doenst worry me, I only use my personal computer at home, and I never visit any sites that I would need to worry about others seeing!
I was more concerned about the space these files are taking up on my hard drive. If theres a lot I'd like to delete them to get the extra space, and know how to do it in the future.
I believe there should be a space between the command (deltree) and the option (/y)
But like someone else said - be carefully when using the deltree option (Delete Tree) - it will wipe out everything in there, and if you do it wrong (like hit enter after the /y, before you type in "temp"), you could easly wipe our your hard drive. :-)
Be careful using the /y switch. Like BBW said, if you make a mistake, you could be in big trouble. Deltree works just as well if you leave off the /y, and you can -read- what tree you're about to delete, giving you a chance to double-check and change if necessary.
If they're +h files, you may have to attrib -h -r -s first (though some of those may not apply, it can't hurt). Not sure how 98's 'dos' works with that.
Mozilla is great, thanks for mentioning it. You would not believe the error messages i was getting with internet explorer and outlook express. But i do have one question Mozilla has a tendency to shimmy and sway when first loading a new page. Is there anything that can be done to stop this?
That's because it loads the page as it reads it. I believe IE renders the whole page before displaying any of it, which is one of the reasons it seems so slow sometimes. (I say, "I believe," because I haven't used IE (or even had it on my machine) in about six or eight years... other than at my brother's house, and that's rarely.)
MICROSOFT has issued a new security update for its Internet Explorer to close loopholes that could allow a hacker to install unwanted programs or deceive computer users with fake internet addresses.
The update was not related to the MyDoom internet worm, analysts said, but posed additional security woes for computer users at a time of the biggest epidemic of its kind to hit cyberspace.
Microsoft called the update "critical", the highest level of alert.
Jimmy Kuo of McAfee Anti-virus and Vulnerability Emergency Response Team said the security patch, which can be downloaded from Microsoft's website, addressed three vulnerabilities.
But the most significant, he said, was the security flaw that could allow a user to be directed to a fake website even when the address line, also known as a URL, appeared legitimate.
"So a user could see the address www.citibank.com, but could actually be somewhere else," Mr Kuo said. "This vulnerability has already been in use since December, and we've been in great anticipation for an update" to fix the flaw.
The flaw could be used in so-called "phishing" scams in which users are sent emails and asked to click on a link to update financial information or verify passwords.
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