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Matarilevich: I have and it doesn't let you make the move. To my oppinion, it does the right thing. I think the correct definition for a move is this:
a change in the position of one, or in a special case of castling, two, pieces on the board.
yes, passing is a kind of move but I think that's because WE call it a move. And that's because we do it in our own turn when we cannot make a legal MOVE!
I just noticed that in the final standings of the 2004 Third Quarter open that I finished behind in S-B points, but still ahead in the final placing. I guess I won and lost to the right people? :)
That's the second time that I've done better than the S-B placing would have me. I'm glad it's only used break ties. Even then, I can't say I like it much, but it does seem better than not using it at all. I wonder why the tournament didn't go to another round? Some of my tournaments continue on with the section winners and others just end with it tied. The tie here seems like a good result with so many players, but another round with them two only wouldn't be a bad thing either.
Subjekt: 2004 Third Quarter Open Number 3 Extinction Chess
The tournament is over. Two first place finishes for the championship. Congratulations Matarilevich and Caissus. Yo both took care of me. redsales was tough too. It looks like copying the final standings isn't going to work very well, so I'll supply the link too.
Změněno uživatelem danoschek (15. února 2005, 21:08:54)
mahavrilla: I believe that tempered capablanca chess appears
to have a higher potential than janus ... but the majority of games here
doesn't reflect all the strategic options properly, coffeehouse style mainly. ~*~
My opinion is that opening theory is only destroying chess at the highest level. Admittedly, there are those instances where it somehow tarnishes the games of us non-godlike-beings, however I think they are few and in most instances theory actually helps a person to understand the strategies of an opening- theory in this sense being what it should: an explanation of the goals and strategies inherent in the openings with analysis, not just the analysis. However, even if it were the case that theory kills originality, Fischer Random provides for well over one hundred starting positions, each one with myriads of possible goals and strategies that you would never see in "just chess", making it necessary to develop your own theory in each game! In fact my favorite thing about one of my new favorite games is it enhances your positional evaluation skills, cause you need em!
I am a supporter of the idea that if we do not evolve chess, it's only going to get worse. Opening theory is killing chess. After playing gothic and janus chess here, I am starting to conclude that standard chess is going to have to do more than shuffle the back rank in order to give it life. Anybody else have some thoughts here?
When a person picks up a Fischer Random game from the waiting games board, he is allowed to see the positioning of the pieces before deciding to accept the game. As the person creating the game has no option which position he gets, might it be more fair leave the position a blank before acceptance as to discourage "Window Shopping"? I have no doubts the positions are all equal, otherwise Fischer would have had nothing to do with the game, let alone have created it, but just in the name of fairness, which has a nice name btw. = )
Změněno uživatelem Nothingness (2. února 2005, 17:47:53)
well there are a few things that can be done.. give less rating points for wins with white... or give ZERO points for a whtie win. another possiblity is to start more black pawns forward. Its pointless to play with black and i have zero respect for a person who only plays white. The game is obviously flawed and jsut look at teh win % between white and black. do you see disparity? if so than it needs to be fixed. If we dont than i guess we all need glasses!
Subjekt:ONE YEAR Rook Membership Contest......! Part-II
Well since last time nobody succedded, i will increase the prize..... So here is your chance to win a one year membership here, with a lot of effort of course........
The first one who will post at
Gothic Chess discussion board and only there, the correct answers to the above 4 questions, will win a 1 year Rook membership...........
***If there are no answers or any correct one until 10/02/2005, there will be no winner.......
***If someone posts more than 1 answer, then the accepted one, will be ONLY his last one. That means even if someone posts a correct answer before everyone, but posts another one later, not correct this time, he would not win as the accepted answer will be the last one. Even if anyone else hasn't answered correctly.......
***In the extremely rare case when there will be 2 or more correct answers at the exactly same time, the winner will be the one whose post will appear first at the Gothic Chess discussion board.
***I will post if there is a winner or not at 10/02/2005.
Round 2 has finally started. Winner gets a one year Rook membership. The money is in Fencer's hands waiting to be awarded. :) We have three people that I've played few times, one that knocked me out of the tournament, and two players I've never played. It looks like a good competitive round for all involved. Good luck to all of you and I hope for good games. After the tournament is over, I'll let Fencer know which of you wins the prize. If this rounds somehow ends in a tie, I'm not sure if the tournament will go to a third round or not. If it doesn't, those left in the tie will arrange a playoff of our own. If it does continue, then we'll await the results of such a round if it proves necessary.
Once again good luck to all, and bring extra batteries for your flashlights. :)
I don't see how not seeing your opponents piece setup can be a bad thing. If you know the rules beforehand you can adopt that into your strategy. Plus if you set up your pieces to fight for certain squares, while making sure you have no obvious or identifiable weaknesses, then if your opponent is attacking or fighting for those same squares you have an offensive/defensive scheme already in place, and if they are not you completely dominate those squares without a single move. The give/take is that your opponent gets other squares. Knowing this you c_a_n set up a formation that provides for offense and defence without seeing your opponents setup beforehand.
Yes and in fact it's very easy to mate. Yesterday, it was 3:00 at midnight when i posted that it's a draw so i didn't know what i was talking about obviously, now that i see it again........
A question/clarification: If a King is threatened by a piece, then it can castle or not? As there is no check i assume it can right......?
hi guys!are you furious of allways losing suicide chess games against arimakat (as me ;-) ) ; do you want to enhance your anti chess abilities?
Then, feel free to join the "team game" i gonna set up against arimakat; i wait a little to start it, its gonna begin in about a week
message me if interested!
is only a draw if the single King can be positioned next to the other King ... in the open the queen will round up the King and kill him. Interestingly, if there are opposing blocked pawns they can, in most cases, be used by the K-Q to manuouvre the opposing King into a detonating position.
K vs K-Q-Q can always be made into a win for the dual Queens.
In the example of redsales the queen of b1 is black. The only piece of the white is the king. White king is in a1 and he is surrounded, so the king in atomic can´t capture and he hasn´t any legal move.
Změněno uživatelem Chessmaster1000 (26. ledna 2005, 00:02:24)
>stalemate is possible, though unlikely. Eg white king on b2, Black king on a2, queen on b1, another queen somewhere. White to move, if white moves to a1 and black moves the other queen to b2, white is stalemated. Black would have to be pretty dense to do that though!
I don't understand. Why white "can't physically move..!" ?
For example Qb1-g1. Why not........?????
I read all rules before playing a game and my natural ability of instantly finding logical holes in every statement, says for this case that there is not stalemate in this variation as described in Brainking rules......Am i wrong.....?
With stalemate i don't mean there is no draw of course.
Stalemate definition: Stalemate is a situation that a player has no legal moves and he is not in check, and as in this game there is no check, stalemate is a situation that a player has no legal moves.
hello!im wondering if we may play a team game against arimakat ;i think it would be a great opportunity to improve ourselves, providing arimakt's ranking!
everybody is welcome, but experienced players would be better;cu!we will discuss time controls later if enough people interested
There are games where an acceptable "move" is a pass, where the board doesn't change at all... and it is still called a move.
This case is not so radical: the piece does move. Philleas Fog did "move" around the world, even if it ended up where he started ;)
Pafl: I don't see why pgn-programs would have a difficult time with that (but then again I've never used one and am not quite sure even what is is for). I mean, if they're flexible enough to allow moves over the side of the board why not a move to the same position? :) (que ! was not part of the notation, mind you - just my way of showing surprise). Do these programs do any type of validation on the moves made?
Serious issue. Is a "move" the act of moving itself or rather a process of changing place ? I would think the second option is more correct.
Anyway, the pgn-reading programs will have a difficult time with that problem, I am afraid :-)
Interesting. I think it´s a legal move because the piece does a move around of the board. The definition of move is independent of the initial and final square but i have never tested it here.
In a book about games I found this cylinder chess problem:
White: Ra5, ph6, Kc3
Black: Kb1, pa6, ph7
White to play, mate in 2
The proposed solution is
1.Ra5-a5! Kb1-c1
I haven't tested if this move is possible here at BK yet. My feeling is that it isn't... Truth be told the rules don't exclude the possibility that a Rook (or a Queen for that matter) loops around the board to finish the move in the same position it started in.
Nowhere on the web where I found rules for cylinder chess is this option discarded (nor noted) either.
What do you all think? And if it isn't possible in BK, should it be?
Off topic, but anyone playing a game with 'ustica' watch out. He was about to bring me my first loss in this game. Glad I could end the game in a draw. Have a look:
I just started an Atomic tournament that should decide the best player when it finallly finishes in about 2010.
Instead, if anyone wants to join mine, it should be over very quickly - one day per move, all welcome. I'll wait for quite a few entrants before starting.
(skrýt) Klikněte na hráčovo jméno a pak na sekci Ukončené hry, dále na název hry a nakonec na konkrétní hru, můžete ukončenou hru prohlížet a analyzovat. (Servant) (zobrazit všechny tipy)